The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Almost regular nightfalls from past 2.5 years
Sir i am suffering from regular nightfalls from the last 2.5 Years.Was on a ayurvedic and hakim treatment but to no benefit.Having no of.the side effects.1. Pain in the knees
2.Heart palpitations while doing slight movements.
5.Frequent urination with burning sensation
6.Shivering Body
7.Pain in testicles.
Please help ...because only homeopathy is the last hope for me...Hope somebody helps :-(
Shaibaz on 2015-10-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take caladium 200, 3 doses 12 hours apart i.e. if you took first dose on evening, 2nd dose should in the next morning and 3rd dose in the evening again. Then stop the remedy. No more doses.
If remedy in liquid form, 2 drops in two teasepoon of water makes a dose.
If in pills, 3 pills makes a dose.
Avoid coffee.
Report back in 1 week.
If remedy in liquid form, 2 drops in two teasepoon of water makes a dose.
If in pills, 3 pills makes a dose.
Avoid coffee.
Report back in 1 week.
mani_jee 9 years ago
You need to read the instructions carefully. I said in my first post to take just 3 doses and then stop taking the remedy.
mani_jee 9 years ago
Ohhhh Kkk Thanks.....Now i will get back to you after taking medicines course...Hope it benefit me :-)
Shaibaz 9 years ago
Shaibaz 9 years ago
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