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Tuberculosis exposure

My personal homeopathic path is moving along well!

However, my husband (through his mandatory TB test where he is employed ) has tested positive for EXPOSURE ONLY to Tuberculosis. He is mandatorily taking Isoniazid (INH) 300mg, a hard core antifungal for the TB exposure, and B6 50mg for liver function as the INH affects the function of the liver. He will have to be on both of these for 6 months.

We have investigated vitamin B12, as per our pharmacist, and plan to start him on that sublingually for best absorption.

Are there any homeopathics that he can take to assist in alleviating his symptoms while undergoing this therapy?

He is experiencing the following symptoms that typically come along with the INH – but not to the point of needing to report to a health care provider:

Slight numbness in arms and shoulders
Minor stomach irritation

He had other symptoms when he began taking the medication, but we found that those were due to his taking an acidophilus supplement. With discontinuing acidophilus those symptoms are now gone.

He is not supposed to consume:
Alcohol – extremely bad (concentrated yeast and hops)
Ripe fruits
Live cultures (yogurt, cheeses, even acidophilus supplements)

He has had one dose of Cupurum metallicum 200C 7 days ago. This was suggested to be taken periodically as good measure as his father had epilepsy and schitzo effective disorder – and sense these diseases can be inherited and appear and progress with ageing the remedy was suggested.

I look forward to your replies
  Frances on 2004-07-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
were allopathic medicines you mentioned only administered due to possibility of TB?

what symptoms he exhibit before allopathic medicines?

this reaction of tb test --is typical of some individuals --though in actuality not carriers of the dis-ease--this is miasmatioc indication --and shoould be noted for proper treatment--but this allo treatment you mention -onlty cause violence unto his being..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
were allopathic medicines you mentioned only administered due to possibility of TB?

what symptoms he exhibit before allopathic medicines for TB exposure?

Not really symptoms – but more like lifestyle ..hummm what can I think of here…
He previously weighed 430# now 330#.
High blood pressure and cholesterol both controlled by allopathic meds
Acid reflux that was being controlled by acidophilus until taking TB med and over the counter med in specific irritation cases
He hates to exercise in any way.
Likes carbs.
Wont drink water unless he is doing physical exercise
loves caffeine loaded diet sodas and tea
Has had sciatica which is relieves almost 100% by our physical therapist.
Twisted his ankle a year a go while doing his walking exercise. It is almost back to normal with PT work on it too.
*He does not like to be interrupted while working, on the computer, hobby or watching TV.
*Must be in the “right” frame of mind to be “challenged” about the way he does things
Is physically lazy and does not like to be asked to do physical tasks
*Somewhat narrow-minded and somewhat argumentative
*People, not just me have to present a solid argument for even the slightest things sometimes.
Will not go outside without shoes on even to put the garbage out right outside the back door.

his view of philosophy, spirituality, humanity, etc is quite universalistic...that is our greatest magnetism and joy to each other.

The Cupurum metallicum 200C has seemed to help with the * marked “symptoms”
I know it is not the “proper” approach, but I just had to…the Cupurum metallicum 200C was given without him knowing. Please…no one chew me out about doing this.

No other symptoms that I can think of – for his size and lack of physical exercise he is incredibly (physiologically) healthy!!!

this reaction of tb test --is typical of some individuals --though in actuality not carriers of the dis-ease--this is miasmatioc indication --and shoould be noted for proper treatment--but this allo treatment you mention -onlty cause violence unto his being..

Please define miasmatioc - I will also look for definition myself later in the evening.

We are not happy that we must go the route of massive allopathic meds…but…we understand.

Should we just wait another week and just see…then start him on B12..and wait and see again?

OH he also can not have caffeine on this med

he is now 43years old was raised on a lot of pasta, white bread, white rice, canned veggies (sodium) and little meat. ate only the same and a lot of fast food especially fried in his adult life (until we met).

Frances 2 decades ago
remove all allopathic medicines that are not life supportive ("have -to" have to live)---

what medicines MUST he take?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what medicines MUST he take?

He must take his blood pressure med or risk stroke, reflux med to keep the acid from his stomach from coming back up his esophagus, the TB exposure med, and the B6 because the TB med will destroy the liver. There is no way he will give up the cholesterol med.

He has never been one to take unnecessary meds, even ibuprofen - even more-so now that he knows through observing my changing lifestyle that he can questions the allopaths!
Frances 2 decades ago

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