The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Itching allover the body.
Dear Dr. Maheeru,How are you Doctor? It's very kind of you that your advise has given relief and cure all the times whenever i got a problem in the past. Thank you very much Doctor.
I am 35 a years old, Male, Vegetarian, Non Smoker, Non alcoholic.
I have been facing Itching allover the body for the past 30 days. Whenever the itch appears on various parts of the body from scalp to toe, there are reddish rashes appear on the skin.
I didnt have this problem previously. This is the first time in my life i am facing. I dont have any food allergies. I dont eat egg.
I tried sulphur 200, psorinum, syphilinum, mezerium but no relief found.
Meanwhile for the temporary relief I have been using CITRIZENE - 1 tablet for every 24-30 hours.
I request you to go through the details and advise the remedy. Thanking you Doctor... on 2015-11-29
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