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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Anemic, Joint pain, Hair Loss, Breast feeding Female

Dear Doc, I am severely anemic with 7g% but cant tolerate allopathic iron. breast feeding a baby of 5 months and having very severe joint pain especially in the ankles and heels. waking up in the mornings is the time when i have worst pain. i have a disc bulge at d4-5 and now eversince delivery by c-section, its become worse. cant hardly move around.
need help.

  sumbul76 on 2006-01-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Fer Phos 3x twice a day for a week .

At the end of that week wait a futher week and take a single doseof Pulsatilla 1m .
walkin last decade

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