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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Prostate calcification

[message deleted by Subas Nayak on Thu, 07 Jan 2016 11:10:25 UTC]
  Subas Nayak on 2016-01-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Sir/ Madam,

my age-47 . Last year i got complain of urine burning sensation last year . After all check on ultrasound found there is a calcification in middle of prostate Gland . Now since 15 days getting same urine burning sensation . please advise suitable medicine .
With regard

[message edited by Subas Nayak on Thu, 07 Jan 2016 11:11:23 UTC]
Subas Nayak 9 years ago
I see that no one has taken your case and it is possible that they did not do so because you stated:
"After all check on ultrasound found there is a calcification in middle of prostate Gland “

I would like to have the complete diagnosis which was made by your Urologist which is usually typed on the US Scan report
Joe De Livera 9 years ago

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