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Health recovery after childbirth

Hi Dr.Kadwa, Dr.Joe D Livera, Dr.Mehfooz, Dr.Simone

A lady has given birth to a baby girl recently 4 days ago.
The delivery was normal without any cesarean. She got 3 stitches after delivery.

Now, what homeopathic remedy should we give for speedy health recovery. I have surf internet it is showing multiple medicines for health like BC28, FivePhos,AlfaAlfa Q, AlfaAlfa tonic etc.....

I am confused what should she given for health recovery and stiches recovery.

Detail: Female, Age:24, Slim, Fair, Height:5.5", Country:India, Likes sweet items in food. Have some gastric complaint permanently since past 5 years.
[message edited by ankit111 on Sat, 09 Jan 2016 10:01:40 UTC]
  ankit111 on 2016-01-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dr.Kadwa Please reply.
ankit111 9 years ago
"Have some gastric complaint permanently since past 5 years."

Can you describe it?

Also what is her weight?
Joe De Livera 9 years ago
She has gastric problem as she eats some heavy food immediately gastric starts inside stomach, Then she have to take Eno/Digestive Tablets to remove gas.

However i have given her NatrumPhos6x according to "Joepathy"... and it succeeded as "Joepathy" never fails. But left the treatment in between due to pregnancy.

Her weight is about 65Kg now.
ankit111 9 years ago

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