The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Weak erection & Shrink Penis
Hi,I am 41 year old and have been suffering with weak erection, shrink penis and low libido.
An year & half ago, I had problem with urine flow and visited allopathic doctor. He diagnosed it is due to the nature of the prostate, though the size of prostate was not really large and was within the limits. He prescribed Flotral tablet, which I took for almost 6 months. Urine flow was improved by 30-40% and after that I stopped Flotral and came to this forum for homeopathy treatment. The practitioners here recommended me several medicines like DIGITALIS PURPUREA 30c, SABAL SERRULATA 30c, Conium Mac 200 & pulsatilla 30c. Out of these SABAL SERRULATA 30c was most prescribed and I took that most of the time. As a result of that suddenly I observed weak erection, reduction in penis size and low libido. I don't get aroused unless I watch any porn video. Current my urine flow is around 60% improved but not 100%.
I am not sure why homeopathy medicine like SABAL SERRULATA 30c caused this severe side effect.
I would request an expert practitioner like Dr. Deoshlok Sharma to help me in this regard asap.
[message edited by hkdua on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 09:48:35 UTC]
hkdua on 2016-01-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can someone please help me on this?
[message edited by hkdua on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 13:10:44 UTC]
[message edited by hkdua on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 13:10:44 UTC]
hkdua 9 years ago
Please take Lycopodium-1m five drops single dose in a week and take three doses in three weeks. No intercouse during this period.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Mahfooz,
Thanks for your suggestion.
Could you please tell how to take this medicine? Shall I mix 5 drops with 1 teaspoon water or more water and take it?
Please suggest.
Thanks for your suggestion.
Could you please tell how to take this medicine? Shall I mix 5 drops with 1 teaspoon water or more water and take it?
Please suggest.
hkdua 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Mahfooz,
I took Lycopodium-1m as prescribed by you and have noticed around 20-25% of improvement but still majority of the symptoms exists. Please suggest further course of action asap.
Thanks for your help.
[message edited by hkdua on Sun, 01 May 2016 06:02:28 UTC]
I took Lycopodium-1m as prescribed by you and have noticed around 20-25% of improvement but still majority of the symptoms exists. Please suggest further course of action asap.
Thanks for your help.
[message edited by hkdua on Sun, 01 May 2016 06:02:28 UTC]
hkdua 8 years ago
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