The ABC Homeopathy Forum
small red rashes under the breast
i have develop this problem since last month red rashes and lot of itching ..... applied candilla powder aloe vera gel, neem oil coconut oil but nothing works ....... somebody told to apply Keto B lotion .. it worked but red rashes started appearing again.... after itching it becomes dark in colour age is 47 years .....what is the suggestionsjwalavarun on 2016-01-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ homeo_helper 9 years ago
yesterday i went to see one homeopath in our area and he has given me the medicine which is attached ...... i can't make out the names properly....... some are for my warts on face problem
jwalavarun 9 years ago
he has written
muskami 1m
suph 30
calindulla powder
thuja 30
file is not getting attached because of size
muskami 1m
suph 30
calindulla powder
thuja 30
file is not getting attached because of size
jwalavarun 9 years ago
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