The ABC Homeopathy Forum
White head rash :( please help
Hello, I have been having a white head rash that comes and goes throughout the month on my face (cheeks mostly, forehead, and under the chin) neck, and behind the ears for many years now. My mother does NAET and it started after a treatment to gluten back in 2008. I'm writing this in January 2016. It will go on for period of time and then disappear completely. It can also come back with vengeance. As far as I have seen, no diet changes this. I am studying energy work and my teachers believes that this is a result of a disturbance in my ethereal body-- or as homeopathy refers to diseases as stemming from miasms. I am working on my mental body to release this, but I wanted to see if anyone would have suggestions for a homeopathic treatment that could ease the effects of the rash or help expedite the process. Thank you so much. Much love to everyone in this forum.wisehand on 2016-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ drjitesh 9 years ago
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