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Itching after using our bathroom

Hi, for the past few weeks anytime I use our bathroom I feel itching all Over my body specially on my face and head, I have a room mate and I think she has brought this whatever it is because when I hospital clean the bathroom and use it nothing happens! As soon as she comes home and use the bathroom when I use it I feel the itch right after!!! It's very annoying!! I asked her to move out!! So she is moving out at the end of the month! This has happened to me like 5-6 times and each time I use black walgree hul and wormwood tea for few days to get rid of it! Please let me know if you know what this is!!! And if there is a remedy for it! Thank you so much
  maryam on 2016-02-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Black walnut and wormwood tea
maryam 9 years ago
Probably some chemical your room mate is using.
telescope 9 years ago
I don't think so because she uses all natural stuff, we both do, I think it's a fungus or parasite! But I don't know what it is!
maryam 9 years ago

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