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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

weak eye sight

Dear Sir I have diagnosed with weak eye from last week. My eye sight is -0.75 for far. my symptoms is blurred vision.
My age is 35 years old male
I work in office and stay pass all the time on computer.
Please advise me homeopathy remedies for this problem.

zafar Iqbal
  zaffar_consfela on 2016-02-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1. Eye Bright eye drops (Euphretia) 2 drops 2 twice a day in both eyes
2. Ruta-200 6 pills at bed time

Pl take this treatment for one month and then give feedback
homeo helper
homeo_helper 9 years ago
Sir Thank you very much.
zaffar_consfela 9 years ago
Dear Doctor
I have taken the above mentioned medicines but i have not seen benefits except headache. please advise me another remedies which can cure this problem. I am writing my symptoms that can help you finding right remedies.
I feel pressure on above my eyes, headache, sometimes on right side of head and sometimes on the left side. My color is fair and I am little bit fatty. mostly i work on computer perhaps 13 hours in a day. Please advise the best option.
Zafar Iqbal
zaffar_consfela 8 years ago

Another thing I feel better in cold and open air and my symptoms aggravate from hot and humid weather.
zaffar_consfela 8 years ago
Dear sir still waiting your reply. which remedies I should try?

Zafar Iqbal
zaffar_consfela 8 years ago
Dear sir awaiting your reply.
zaffar_consfela 8 years ago
waiting your reply please advise.
zaffar_consfela 8 years ago

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