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Urinary Retention (Unable to empty bladder)

Dear Sir
i am 28.5 year old,
Gender Male
no smoking
no alcohol
height 5'10
weight 80 kg
i went to the doctor and he takes a ultra sound, he does't suggest me any tablets because he said that currently your post void residual value is very low. however you press your kidney or tummy level to get rid of this.
i have this problem since September 2014 that whenever i urine, i am unable to complete my bladder fully empty, and after 5-10 minutes again small quantity come, and its takes time maybe the cycle around 4-7 times until i get tired and go to sleep.

Please consult me remedy on my below ultra sound result.
Urinary bladder is well-distended and shows normal contours. No evidence of any wall hypertrophy is seen. No evidence of calculus seen. Postvoid residual urine measures approximately 76 cm3.
  fawadwasim on 2016-02-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I maybe able to help. Please check out my profile by clicking my username.
fitness 9 years ago

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