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10 month baby girl...less appetite...poor digestion

I have baby girl of age 10 months. She only drinks milk and one biscuit daily. The problem is that she has very less appetite. In the whole day she drinks only about 400ml of cow's milk and one biscuit (dissolved in milk).

She is too naughty and fast, desires for sweet food items, her weight is 7.5Kgs, No teeth grown till now, She doesn't sleep at right time in night also and plays till 2 'o clock at night.

Currently we are giving her BC21 2 tabs 3 times a day for dentition..

Is there any medicine or BC for less appetite and poor digestion.

Dr. Nawaz, Dr.Kadwa, Joe D Livera, Telescope, Dr.Rishimbha or any other Drs. please help...!!
  ankit111 on 2016-02-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl give
1. gentiana-Q 5 drops twice a day in 2 teaspoon water twice a day
pl give feedback after 10 days

homeo helper
homeo_helper 9 years ago

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