The ABC Homeopathy Forum
flat warts on face
Hi,I would really appreciate help as i am feeling so helpless and dont know what to do!
I am a 31 yr old female born in the uk but past year moved to dubai with my husband. I have what i feel are flat warts on my face which i have had for around 4 yrs now and they have spread.
I have been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid which symptoms include dryness on lips, confusion in mind, low energy, hair falling out etc. I get very depressed especially regarding my appearance. I have low sex drive for most of my 6year marriage. Have no children. I was on the pill for 7 months but mainly for my acne but came off it within 7 months because i was concenrned about the health aspect of it. Around this time i believe is when my thyroid became imbalanced. I am currently taking thyroid medicine-thyroxine for this but i would like to find a natural alternative. I also take maca powder 10g once a day to help balance hormones, vitamin c tablets, probiotics and a multi vitamin.
My immune system is very low and i have suffered from extreme stress in the past few years due to work, which has lessened since my move to dubai.
I have taken thuja for the warts last around 2 months ago but with no progress.
I have a itchy scalp and sometimes my face itches to where the warts are. The warts are skin coloured and almost like raised bumps. Sometimes they appear worse than other times. I have had candida which thankfully has now gone as infollwed a strict diet and took homeopathy tablets, which i can not remember the name of. I do still suffer from a white tongue but not as much as before.
When i eat a lot of sugary things i get mouth ulcers.
I have lost most of my hair which used to be thick and long. I look young for my age (look around 21)and used to feel young but now i feel like i am someone in my late 40's.
I crave chocolate at times, often when hungry or before my period.
I can send a picture if that will help.
I would really appreciate help as this has affected my marriage, work and life! i am feeling so helpless and dont know what to do!
[message edited by xes123 on Sat, 20 Feb 2016 07:40:48 UTC]
[message edited by xes123 on Sat, 20 Feb 2016 07:45:16 UTC]
xes123 on 2016-02-20
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xes123 9 years ago
[message edited by xes123 on Sun, 21 Feb 2016 14:48:58 UTC]
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xes123 9 years ago
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