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Sepia okay for men,for vertigo?

Hello friends,
I am a 47 year old male.I've had issues with imbalance & unsteadiness as well as a few attacks of vertigo in the past couple of years.A homeopath prescribed Rhus Tox 200 which helped to a certain degree.However I am now takins Sepia 6 which seems to work a lot better than Rhus tox .I read that Sepia is popularly used a lot for women for hormonal issues & was wondering if it would be safe for me to take Sepia being a male.I only take 1 pellet twice a day.Your response would be appreciated.
  JCcares on 2016-02-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sepia is not contraindicated for men. Sepia may be taken by a man if it is indicated.
kadwa 9 years ago
Just an update on my health situation.I had been taking just 1 pill of Sepia 6 in the morning & 1 before bedtime.More than than 1 gives me a headache.However it helps in improving my sleep.Before I started Sepia I was on Rhus tox 200 3 pills 3 times a day.After taking it for almost 2 years I tapered it down because it did give some relief while taking but did not seem to cure the imbalance issues. During that time the doctors also diagnosed me with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.I thought this could be the reason behind the palpitations I was experiencing.After I had almost quit on RT I did not experience too much of palpitations & felt almost free of it while taking Sepia.However of late I found myself feeling good while sitting without the swaying imbalance feeling but when I stood my legs felt very odd & balance while studying was very difficult.I thought of staying away from Sepia too just to see if it was causing the funny imbalance while standing.I did not take it for 2 days but tried some Rhus Tox 200 which I had been taking occasionally to help with the neck pain & tightness.However I feel the palpitations coming back.Does RT cause heart palpitations? I came across a post on this forum that really makes me believe it could. http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/392328/
Anybody else having these symptoms with RT ?
My hearing tests came out normal recently although there are some discrepancies in frequency that I can make out between both the ears when compared.Tinitus is still present.My homeopath swears that the imbalance has nothing to do with the ears & it is due to the stiffness in my neck although I have had a history of ear infection,distortions,tints etc.My eustachian tubes seemed blocked often 7 I had to clear the passage by blowing holding my nose.Nose too feels stuffy but I don't have any significant cold or sinus running.Doctors are still not able to clearly tell the cause of my imbalance.Rt does help stabilize the imbalance to an extent & so does Sepia.If not for the drowsy feeling I would prefer Sepia hoping that it is not increasing my imbalance.please share your opinions.Thanks.
JCcares 8 years ago

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