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Severe Side Effects due to Prolong Masterbation 12


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Severe Side Effects due to Prolong Masterbation

I started masterbation at age of 14 yrs. due to bad company and till today , 28 yr. Of age , I have controlled myself a lot for the last 2 years, from per day masterbation to once in 6 months.

But still due to it ::

1. My nervous system power has been damaged severly, My health is going down, decreasing of common senses, increment in unnecessary desire of sex ,etc.

Apart from these following are also the symptoms::

2. Muscle cramp easily and hands shivering.

3. **When do workout, some( one to two) drops of sperm without colour leaks

4. When get excited about sex ,drops of without colour sperm leak

5. Excess wet dream approximately every day (nightfall)

6. Weakk memory and head ache.

7. At night penis get erected without feelings but erection is low during sex...

8. Immune system is very poor

9. Back pain

10. Shyness and low confidence.

11. Muscles become very loose

12. Black circles around eyes

13. My face muscles are loose

14. Premature ejaculation.

15. Loose belly

16. Sperm is colourless like water

Constipation and low digestive system.

18.Feel weakness,lazy and tired sso much...not feel strengths for workout or excercise.

19.Weak Stamina.

20.premature Gray hairs of my beard and head.

21.Face looks dull,old,no glow and pigmentation...

I have cough problems and morning time block nose

My most concern is my nervous system(LOSS OF MEMORY AND LACK OF LEARNING POWER) and my physical weekness.
Things which were very easy previously are becoming hard, getting easily depressed .Despite of these I still managed to get a teaching job.

I tried ayurvedic medicines but no response....

I do not want to limit myself to a corner.
Please help me and tell me exact medicine for above problems.
I request to all good doctors to please guide me through proper medicine.


Doctors ,please help me!!!! :(
[message edited by SinghNK on Tue, 01 Mar 2016 03:47:57 UTC]
[message edited by SinghNK on Tue, 01 Mar 2016 03:56:29 UTC]
[message edited by SinghNK on Tue, 01 Mar 2016 04:10:26 UTC]
  SinghNK on 2016-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nat Mur 30c twice daily. 2 drops in half a glass of water.

Staphsagaria 200c one dose only for a week. 2 drops in half a glass of water.

Report back in 7 days.
nervousguy1 9 years ago
Thanks sir 4 ur reply nd prescription...
One dose if I buy in pills then ????
nd sir pls.introduce about yourself..
SinghNK 9 years ago
Nat Mur 30c twice daily. 2 drops in half a glass of water.
Continues daily 7 days???

Staphsagaria 200c one dose only for a week. 2 drops in half a glass of water.
One dose means only take one day..

Report back in 7 days.
SinghNK 9 years ago
nervousguy1 9 years ago
Helo Nervousguy
Last day of take medicine...
From last 7 days no nightfall..
Less body shivering.
Less feel back pain.
Feel confident nd strong.
No headache.
Digestive system improve...no constipation

But semen/watery discharge
same....no improvement....
Nightfall doubtful...
Erection nd premature ejaculation....
Pls.send me further action.
SinghNK 8 years ago
Start Suplhur 30c in the morning on empty stomach. One dose daily for seven days.

In the evening start Alumina 30c daily for seven days.

Kindly report back in 7 days.
nervousguy1 8 years ago
If available in pills then??
If available in liquid then?? Drops
SinghNK 8 years ago
If liquid, take two drops in half a glass of water.

If pills, take 4 pills. Put them under your tongue and let them dissolve.
nervousguy1 8 years ago
If u nt mind...pls tell me this medicine for which purpose...
SinghNK 8 years ago
Helo Nervousguy
Continues Semen leakage or watery discharge.... Daily...little excitement,talk or chat with gf...also back pain...hands shivering, constipation,feel weak or lazy..

Only result is from last 15 days no nightfall...

Pls.give me next instructions
SinghNK 8 years ago
Am waiting...pls.reply
SinghNK 8 years ago
Please take phosphorus 30c daily for seven days and report back.


nervousguy1 8 years ago
Before ur prescriped medicines... Am already take phosphorus 200....
phosphorus 30c different...or helpful...
SinghNK 8 years ago
Leave phosphoroua for now. Let me know of other medicines as well that you have taken ?
nervousguy1 8 years ago
Nux vomica 200,sulfer 200 in Piles problem.
Nux vomica 30 in constipation..
but all these medicines only used before ur prescription.... Nd only 3 dose....anything wrong
SinghNK 8 years ago
Reply pls.
SinghNK 8 years ago
SinghNK 8 years ago
Kindly pls.response nervousguy...
SinghNK 8 years ago
No reply :(
SinghNK 8 years ago
Take a single dose of Caladium CM
mnaari 8 years ago
Thanks mnaari for ur reply...nd pls tell me dosage nd single dose means...
SinghNK 8 years ago
Take only one dose do not repeat
5 drops in 1/4 cup of water empty stomach in morning. Do not eat after for half an hour.
mnaari 8 years ago
Okay...nd report after how many days??
If no improvement then further remedy or instructions???
SinghNK 8 years ago
Report after a week
Other remedy should be agnus castus 200
mnaari 8 years ago
Other remedy take same way??
one dose
SinghNK 8 years ago

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