The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Child with tooth decay. Requesting a consultation. Thanks!
I have a soon to be 2 year old daughter (she is 23 months today). She has had tooth decay on many of her teeth since about 14 months old. As a family we eat a whole foods, organic diet with very little sugars. We even limit fruit intake due to the sugar content. We follow a protocol that includes lots of bone broth, diet restrictions and fat solvable vitamins (k,d, and e) along with trying our best to brush with clay based toothpaste even though brushing her teeth is a struggle. Our diet does not include gluten and also very few grains based on what we've read. She is Brest fed and her mother is supplementing with zinc per a nutritionist's request. So we've been trying hard! She also has a lip tie which may be related to an MTHFR gene mutation which I her father has. My knowledge of homeopathy is decent through my own study but I am looking for outside help before prescribing. Would someone be willing to help? Thanks![message edited by Ad1234 on Mon, 14 Mar 2016 20:11:35 UTC]
[message edited by Ad1234 on Tue, 15 Mar 2016 04:41:00 UTC]
[message edited by Ad1234 on Tue, 15 Mar 2016 04:43:01 UTC]
Ad1234 on 2016-03-14
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