The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Very strange trigeminal neuralgia.
Hello,I am male 24 yrs old suffering from very strange condtion of neuralgia since last 8 months. Doctor said that I have trigeminal neuralgia but I never get attacks of trigeminal..
My neuralgia is very strange and even homeopathy doctors unable to understand it.
My neuralgia problem is only around eyes on right side of face feels like numbness. It feels like heavy eyelid but only on corners..
Plzzzz go through below link of image for better understanding..
Plzz alao take a look at below image.. Neuralgia is more effected in that area.
On yellow mark I feel more heaviness. It feels like drooping the eyelid only on corners of eyelid.Also feel something is pulling down that part of eyelid. Sometime I feel like hair stuck in that part but only for few seconds. Mucous gets accumulated mostly on that corner of eyelid.
Red mark gets affected mostly in night. When it get affected that area gets start burning. It feels like numness on that area.
I am also noticing that my neuralgia is very sensitive to light..I wear glasses to protect it. When I remove glassess my neuralgia part gets start burning. I feel droopy eyelid only on right eye on removing glassess.I also notice that when I get constipation, neuralgia gets worse..
It feels like heaviness or nubmness (it is very difficult to describe) on area around eyes temple and ear and sometime on cheek and upper teeth.
I am alao getting pain in right feels heavy but only few times.
I can say that my whole problem is on right side of body..
Plzzz reply as soon as possible. I am tired of these problem as it effecting my studies..
ansarishoaib on 2016-04-13
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