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Plz save my life,..neck pain ,stiffness..head heaviness

Respected sir, my age is 33 im suffering frm neck mild pain but more stiffness.since 2011.it jerks to right side.muscle spasm inside sub occipital,pain on moving sideways,head heaviness has ruined my career cud not study ,concentrte, reduced cognitive thinking..MRI shows only very mild c6 c7 disc problem. Neurosurgn told its normal.X ray is normal .no spurs.. Gud curvature, no disc prolapse etc..im taking homeopathy,acid phos 200c, dulcamara 200. Rux tox 200 ,no relief..once i tuk cal phos 6x it cured me for one week..in 2012.. Taken every kind of muscle relaxtant, painkillei,gabapentin helped muscle spasm..neurogold injection,steroid dexamethosone,nothing worked,took phy.tpy for months.. i think
Rus tox has decreased stiffness .also taking cal fluro 6x ,crackling sound has gone..
[message edited by ravindra kumar on Sun, 01 May 2016 13:51:25 UTC]
  ravindra kumar on 2016-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Im taking hom med frm doc..i hv chnged mny doc afer 2 or 1 month of treatmnt..
ravindra kumar 8 years ago
Please try Lacnanthis-30 five drops per dose three times a day and report after one week.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman 8 years ago
ok sir ..
ravindra kumar 8 years ago
Respected sir, i took this med lanch 30c for 10 days..There is reduction in stiffness to 30 40% but i still feel intense stiffness after just small work like reading ..head heaviness is less now ,fatigue is min..jerking reduces after on rht side after streching..i left all other med..plz guide further..Hope for reply
ravindra kumar 8 years ago

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