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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

sever tension due to acne

I'm 33 single female. I got acne with pus since I was 16. I went to homeopath he gave sulphur 1000 and arnica and I got rid of big, hard acnes but always got small ones. I got fine in middle. I've also facial hairs since I was 20. I again got severe acne on jawline and chin with oily skin. And I took acutane 20mg for 5 weeks. My acne are better but got very small on jawline and 1 or 2 big hard. Currently I'm going to a dermatologist. And using antibiotic topical creams for acne scars, spots. I'm also using pulsatila 1000 before my periods once a month and had used sepia 1000 once last month. This time my periods were painless after sepia. I'm very tensed and always thinks about my face and side effects of creams I'm using. I've tried oleum jecoris 30 for facial hairs but not much useful for a little time. I've oily skin, dark spots of acne, pigmentation, and acne on chin, jawline and under jaw. My periods get on time when I take pulsatila 1000 before them.
  Sadaf1 on 2016-05-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what's the potency? is it calc phos 1000? or cm?
Sadaf1 8 years ago

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