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Completely exhausted after 2-3 days of exercise

I was in habit of chronic masturbation. But 1 year has elapsed since i have stopped it. I had to take various homeopathic medicine to get rid of that problem. As it caused me anxiety and fear too.
Now i am healthy. But when i exercise for 3-4 days regularly. I feel exhausted. As all the energy has been drained from my body. But the fat on my body continues to add on. In winters instead of 3-4 days it is like 8-9 days. After this much of exercise firstly my face becomes dull and looks black. And hair becomes thinner and i completely feel exhausted. Maybe its something related to sweating that i feel drained. If i stop exercise for 7-8 days i wud go back to normal. But i have to exercise as my body fat is increasing. Do i need to get any blood tests done ?
Please sir help me as i cant find a way out.
  Ayush1 on 2016-06-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nux Vom 200
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. dont repeat.

Lycopodium 200,5 pills ones in three days.From day 2.

Calc Phos 6x, 5 tabs three times a day from day 2.

Do Pranayam regularly.Watch Aastha Channel for learning it.

Feed back every four days.

I am not receiving response mails in my in box through this site so you can e mail me directly also.
Click on my profile for my mail id.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
I have taken all these medicines before. And lycopodium caused anxiety to me which i am suffering till now. I have low wbc count. Does it relates anyhow ?
Ayush1 8 years ago
have you taken calcphos.If not then start having it,less the other medicines.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
I have taken calc phos also sir
Ayush1 8 years ago
Take in addition to cp,ferrum phos 6x and give a feed back.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
please exlain--''fat growing on body"...this a actually observable thing? if weigh urself--is this noticed in numbers (measurable)?

back year ago--during masturbation habit---what was ur ''fat '' status? please explain --in comparison--back then and now...
John Stanton 8 years ago
Yes as i do not exercise now and has to sit home majorly fir studies. Earlier i had done some gym also before i was in chronic habit of masturbation.
Since 1 year my weight has increased from 62 to 70 kg. which is normal as i do not exercise and has done gyming in past.
Ayush1 8 years ago
John sir
Please reply
Ayush1 8 years ago
how were u able to quit 'masturbation' year ago?
John Stanton 8 years ago
Mainly lycopodium.
But it gave anxiety. Gradually i had to take various other medicines after 4-5 months of quitting. Like argentum nitricum etc. I had take all medicines for bringing health back such as sulphur, phosphorus, 4 salts etc etc
Ayush1 8 years ago
what meds u using currently?
allopathic? other? vitamins/minerals?
John Stanton 8 years ago
No sir.
Nothing now.
And 1 more thing to add
That still i fear going through all that again.
Still i feel anxiety when i talk to any non familiar person. Such as everyone's taking my interview.
That memories, fear haunt me still.
Ayush1 8 years ago
why you say---maybe "sweat causes" ?
John Stanton 8 years ago
are you user of coffee?tea?colas?

you smoke tobacco ?
cannabis use?
John Stanton 8 years ago
''..memories''' what are u referring to exactly?
John Stanton 8 years ago
Yeah sir. It is sweat cause as i lost too much fluids. But Day before yesterday i took china 30 bcoz i read somewhere it is for fluid loss and i am feeling better.
No sir no tabacco
And sir with memories i mean that memories of trying not to masturbate but had to masturbate due to urge. I fear that masturbation will come to me again. Memories that everyone used to say me how weak i look.
And it is also one of reason why i developed social anxiety. Whenever i am talking to any person now i get conscious. This prevents me from going out.
Ayush1 8 years ago
No cannabis
No coffee tea colas
Ayush1 8 years ago
ok I see u have taken care of the issue--self prescribing --
I leave it to ur mind
John Stanton 8 years ago
I took medicine before u replied on this forum.
Ayush1 8 years ago
And now i was waiting for ur advice
Ayush1 8 years ago
allow china time--dose you took
no meds at all til reaccess case --

keep note of occurance of new symptoms (never had before in health history), AND RECURANCE OF OLD (HAD occurred SOMETIME IN LIFE'S HEALTH HISTORY) SYMPTOMS....

no alcohol..no coffee ,teas,colas
no strong acids

email me after following above 2-3 weeks..

if need then email me as will
John Stanton 8 years ago
For dr kadwa.
Sir can this be a reason of low iron levels ?
But i have get done cbc test. My hb and rbc are perfectly all right.
Also when i exercise and sweat. 2-3 days after my confidence becomes weak and general fear grows. Also i have dreams like people beating my friend and me out of nowhere
Ayush1 8 years ago
I am left with only this problem. Once bt doing excercise i am feeling good again. Then all my problems will be gone i know because i will get the confidence back.
You are my hope now sir. I look forward to you.
Ayush1 8 years ago
It feels as if nutrients i drain by excercising is helping me to fight depression.
Ayush1 8 years ago
pointers are towards lycopodium

what potency(s) and dosing method u use? past
John Stanton 8 years ago

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