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Need help in choosing next step

Calc carb stopped working

Starting in January I began having sudden panic attacks that accompanied a severe sinus infection. I thought once the infection cleared up the anxiety would go away; it didn't.

I tried several remedies my homeopath suggested; none worked. A few weeks ago I researched and decided calc carb 30c may work. It immediately cleared one side of my sinus and halved my anxiety; repeating for 2 more days the left side also cleared up and my sinus infection was finally gone.

The anxiety and panic attacks (along with insomnia and claustrophobia) remained. We tried going up to 200c; made my anxiety worse. Went back to 30c which stopped working a few days ago and new symptoms appeared (night sleep (hypnic) jerks, which I had not been bothered with in 10 years) I also got my period for the first time in 4 months (I've ways been irregular with PCoS) so my homeopath thought right remedy, wrong dose. We went down to 12c but anxiety got worse.

My question is what is the next step. Remedy finder suggests a bunch but none seem right. Can anyone help?
  sghinnyc on 2016-06-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take a dose of lycopodium 30 for 3 days skip a day then sulphur 30 for 3 days skip a day now Calcarea Carb should start working again
mnaari 8 years ago
impatience is big factor with maintaining control of a case---before every new remedy to be taken (1st remedy being chosen as according to homoeopathic guidelines and being single remedy most homoeopathic to case) case MUST be re-accessed--and acertain what is happening with particular case..symptomology at hand....
this also applies to changing potency of chosen remedy---it must be clear --that great deal of thought must go into remedy selection---as dose ,,as potency---to prescribe without looking deeper--''just playing hit and miss"" as well as complicates the case--especially with unnecessary dosing......

my suggestion is to retake ur case as symptoms exist currently--with background knowledge of prior health scene
John Stanton 8 years ago

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