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Constipation in elederly

Respected doctors, Kindly suggest your advice of medicines for my grandfather. I will be very thankful to you.

1. Age/Sex/Country/Climate:
86/Male/South India

2. Current complain - from how long:
Constipation: Been suffering from it for 15 years. Of late (last one month) it has become acute and other laxatives (Triphala, Senna and dulcolax) have failed.

3. Current medicine you are taking:

Homeopathic : was given Silicea 6x four times a day for three days and found rectum seemed to gain strength but not work normally. therefore we tried Silicea 30x 4 tabs, four times for last 1 week and it has made good improvement causing few small pieces of stool to evacuate in multiple sessions but with great difficulty and exhaustion. Person feels incomplete evacuation even after.

Other Allopathic Meds: Atenelol for BP, Deplatt A (blood thinner) and Atorvastatin

4. Sign & Symptom of disease:
Lately the constipation looks like the stool stops at the rectal region and there is insufficient strength to expel it. The stool is dark green and initially very hard and of normal consistency afterwards (if stool is passed). always there is urge but extremely difficulty to pass stools. Lower stomach feels hard to touch and there is expulsion of gas through the intestines and no acidity in stomach or burping and food intake is very less although with good appetite. Silicea 30X seem to give some strength to rectum sometimes but its effect is not consistent and not producing complete evacuation.

5. Breif medical history:
BP under control with allopathic mediciations.
Non diabetic and underwent CABG 7 years ago and otherwise healthy for now.
last month colonoscopy was performed and results were normal. Was advised to take fiber rich foods and Lactulose syrup which doesn't seem to work.

6. Family Back Ground:

7. Education and Nature of Profession of Patient:
Masters degree and Retired government servant.

8. Desires and aversion of food:
No craving or aversion for food.

9. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry..etc.:
Remains silent and thinking always but with occasional irritability. Socially active person.

10. What makes it worse and what makes it better:
Walking and standing makes the urge better and urge happens when passing urine.

11. Thirst/Tongue/diabetic...:
Person feels dry mouth at night but normal during day. Non-diabetic. No coating in tongue and appears normal.
  coolers9 on 2016-06-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
give yellow tablet ---one every night.if one is not effective keep increasing by half a tablet.

[message edited by anuj srivastava on Mon, 13 Jun 2016 06:05:06 UTC]
anuj srivastava 8 years ago

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