The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Pimples, hairloss,delay in menstruation by days
Age:27I have a delay menstruation problem means this month is comming 28 but next month period is comming five to seven days late
Mind behavior:i am negative thinker,when i 20 my merried life get starts after i torcher by my husband mother and sister its third degree ,four to five time blood is comming out of my head by means of torchering ,after i took devorce at 25,
And re marieg at age of 27 but evry time my old tourchering seen are comming repeatedly and i go on deep dipression and tears just ready to comout even i sleep i saw dreams is same as befor tourcherd.
Hair loss : when i comb on my hair a bunch of hair is comming out.
At present i am undertreatment of delay period medicins:hyponid,cyst go,seacure
His is three month course ,one n half month pass this month period is comming on right time but suddenly pimples are appearing on my right side of face
1)period delay
2)hair loss
Befor one year i have pilesproblem but it completly heal by dr nawaz khan and many prayers for dr nawaz khan
[message edited by Waheeda on Thu, 23 Jun 2016 15:25:36 UTC]
Waheeda on 2016-06-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hyponidd,cyst-go,sea cure,during menstration good eva tablet
All these medicin we are taken for regular mc
Previous life is vary good without any tenshion
All these medicin we are taken for regular mc
Previous life is vary good without any tenshion
Waheeda 8 years ago
Present life with my husband is also good when my husband with me becouse my husband working in ksa when my husband is in aboard ,all tourchering before done in my first life is comming in my mind any time and i am go on dippression mood thats why my husband is comming every four month to resolve the problem
Waheeda 8 years ago
Just spend my time with my 14 month son,
Talking with friends sometime
But most of the time we spend time in home
One thing relationship with my friends breaks up fast bcoz small small talks hearts me but after days i am ok retalk with same friends
But anytime before tourchering seens are coming and i hearting lots
Talking with friends sometime
But most of the time we spend time in home
One thing relationship with my friends breaks up fast bcoz small small talks hearts me but after days i am ok retalk with same friends
But anytime before tourchering seens are coming and i hearting lots
Waheeda 8 years ago
First day she is vary good after and exactly after one weak she talk with any issue and start talk fights and some time good sometime bad
Before hearting issues comming but its 50%
And some time she is going to sucide
Most of the time she told me a consult pshycologitian
Before hearting issues comming but its 50%
And some time she is going to sucide
Most of the time she told me a consult pshycologitian
Waheeda 8 years ago
The following additional information is required to help you.
1. Age
2. Male or Female or other
3. Single/Married
4. weight
5. Height
6. country
7. climate
8. List of your complaints
9. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
10. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt
12. Thirst
13. Tongue and Taste
14. Current Blood Pressure (without medicine and with medicine)
15. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
16. Important Question.
Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
17. Educational Qualifications of the patient
18. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
19. Important Question.
Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry,
impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not, you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
20. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g
Pus, urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
For Females Only
21. When is the period during the month approx. date?
Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems,
pain, any other discharges?
22. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?
The following additional information is required to help you.
1. Age
2. Male or Female or other
3. Single/Married
4. weight
5. Height
6. country
7. climate
8. List of your complaints
9. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
10. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt
12. Thirst
13. Tongue and Taste
14. Current Blood Pressure (without medicine and with medicine)
15. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
16. Important Question.
Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
17. Educational Qualifications of the patient
18. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
19. Important Question.
Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry,
impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not, you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
20. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g
Pus, urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
For Females Only
21. When is the period during the month approx. date?
Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems,
pain, any other discharges?
22. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
what were last menses' characteristics?
interval between?
blood characteristics?
complaints or little things that occur?just before?
go slowly and if need me explain any of my questions --please ask ok?
interval between?
blood characteristics?
complaints or little things that occur?just before?
go slowly and if need me explain any of my questions --please ask ok?
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Hight:5 feet
Weight:64 kg
Climate :mansoon
List of complaints:1)hairfall when combing its comming out
But not bunch
2)delay of period every time its comming late by 5 to six days
3)pimples is comming on right side of face its comming this weak
4)weight gain in middle parts means stomac and hip region for this i am using green tea
Pimples is just comming this weak
Delay of period is there for last three year in 2014 i start te treatment of delay of period
Its 3 month course after this my baby son is conceiv now my baba is 14 month old after delivery my period delay once again start thats why i am consult again a gynek dr now my treatment started its three month course one n half month is gone this month mc is comming perfect date but pimples are comming
Hairloss from three years
Weight gain from 3 years
Non diabetic
No blood pressure but some time its vary low du to dipression and tenshion
Thirst:vary low consumtion of water i taken all the day
Sour tast i like
My mouth tast are normal
Big effect of my life:when i torcher by my first husbands mother and sister, its third degree torcher every time blood is comming out from my face and head ,but my husband is good but in all these situation he didnt say anything to his mother and sister during this time my weigt is 35 kg even my newborn baby is comming i dont have permission to feed and even touch him
Its my love marreige
Lastly i will got devorce to him
After second marreige i have took treatment of pilesfrom you Dr and i cleard from this
Himamilis virginica q you preffer
You also
Hight:5 feet
Weight:64 kg
Climate :mansoon
List of complaints:1)hairfall when combing its comming out
But not bunch
2)delay of period every time its comming late by 5 to six days
3)pimples is comming on right side of face its comming this weak
4)weight gain in middle parts means stomac and hip region for this i am using green tea
Pimples is just comming this weak
Delay of period is there for last three year in 2014 i start te treatment of delay of period
Its 3 month course after this my baby son is conceiv now my baba is 14 month old after delivery my period delay once again start thats why i am consult again a gynek dr now my treatment started its three month course one n half month is gone this month mc is comming perfect date but pimples are comming
Hairloss from three years
Weight gain from 3 years
Non diabetic
No blood pressure but some time its vary low du to dipression and tenshion
Thirst:vary low consumtion of water i taken all the day
Sour tast i like
My mouth tast are normal
Big effect of my life:when i torcher by my first husbands mother and sister, its third degree torcher every time blood is comming out from my face and head ,but my husband is good but in all these situation he didnt say anything to his mother and sister during this time my weigt is 35 kg even my newborn baby is comming i dont have permission to feed and even touch him
Its my love marreige
Lastly i will got devorce to him
After second marreige i have took treatment of pilesfrom you Dr and i cleard from this
Himamilis virginica q you preffer
You also
Waheeda 8 years ago
At present i am in undertreatment ofdelay of period dr prefer me medicin such as follows:hyponid ,cyst go ,sea cure and eva tablet
During treatment of pilesyou also suggest me pulsatila q sulpher and himamilis virginica q
I am spending time as a house wife
Pass ten standard in english medium
In mind all the time before torchering seens are comming thats why most of the time i am in dipression but afte treatment of piles it will 30 percent recoverd
But now every day i am in tension and my torchering seens are comming in my mind any time and dipressed thats why my husband is comming every four to six month from aboard
When my husband is comming first weak is expending vary good but after i will anger about any littel thing happen with my husband some time i anger vary highly condition at that time i am going to cut hands with blade its not first time when i am 15 first time i cut veinse of my hand
But now this is happening several time with my husband but my husband is vary understandable person each n every things he knows about me he handel me now today i am angry with my husband i went to cut my hands but my husband recoverd the situation in softly manner but now i am except my mistake and i told sorry to my husband
I have many friends female in my building but only one friend is now there all off having breakup
When i angry i want to go on open air or sea shore but after i accept my mistakes all the time i found my mistakes
I am negatively thinking when i angry OR in normal condition
When i give a fone call to my first husband my mind cool and every time i call him why u and yr family does a such mistakes but now i have totally breakup with him
Before i got delay of my period apriximatly 5 to six days but last three month ago i went to saudi arabia i have bleeding start its not stop even after 8 days and i consult a dr after its stop when i came back to india my hairfalling suddenly increases after i consalt gynek dr
But after starting the course it comming one day before the date
I am not pregnant
Even i sleeping i saw dreams harresment before done and some time i am craying also
Even at the day time when before harresment seen is comming on my mind tears is ready to come but at that time i try to think or convert my mind in some other works
During treatment of pilesyou also suggest me pulsatila q sulpher and himamilis virginica q
I am spending time as a house wife
Pass ten standard in english medium
In mind all the time before torchering seens are comming thats why most of the time i am in dipression but afte treatment of piles it will 30 percent recoverd
But now every day i am in tension and my torchering seens are comming in my mind any time and dipressed thats why my husband is comming every four to six month from aboard
When my husband is comming first weak is expending vary good but after i will anger about any littel thing happen with my husband some time i anger vary highly condition at that time i am going to cut hands with blade its not first time when i am 15 first time i cut veinse of my hand
But now this is happening several time with my husband but my husband is vary understandable person each n every things he knows about me he handel me now today i am angry with my husband i went to cut my hands but my husband recoverd the situation in softly manner but now i am except my mistake and i told sorry to my husband
I have many friends female in my building but only one friend is now there all off having breakup
When i angry i want to go on open air or sea shore but after i accept my mistakes all the time i found my mistakes
I am negatively thinking when i angry OR in normal condition
When i give a fone call to my first husband my mind cool and every time i call him why u and yr family does a such mistakes but now i have totally breakup with him
Before i got delay of my period apriximatly 5 to six days but last three month ago i went to saudi arabia i have bleeding start its not stop even after 8 days and i consult a dr after its stop when i came back to india my hairfalling suddenly increases after i consalt gynek dr
But after starting the course it comming one day before the date
I am not pregnant
Even i sleeping i saw dreams harresment before done and some time i am craying also
Even at the day time when before harresment seen is comming on my mind tears is ready to come but at that time i try to think or convert my mind in some other works
Waheeda 8 years ago
single dose natrum muriaticum
2 pellets 30c in 4 oz water--stir heavy--1 tablespoon dose..
take in morning after rising--1/2 hour after taking dose u may eat..
avoid anything at all medicnal--no skin lotions/topicals at all
no coffee,tea,colas..
post back--
2 pellets 30c in 4 oz water--stir heavy--1 tablespoon dose..
take in morning after rising--1/2 hour after taking dose u may eat..
avoid anything at all medicnal--no skin lotions/topicals at all
no coffee,tea,colas..
post back--
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
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