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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe Acne near Jawline


I always had some issues with acne since teenage.
After childbirth the face got clear.
However, since 1 yr post that acne issues have kept fluctuating from mild to moderate.
Recently it has become severe specially near the jawline, New acne are painful, and only some were pusfilled (rarely). The scars do not go away and the skin looks very unclean near jawline.
(before marriage contraceptives were prescribed for skin, and they had worked very well, they were only taken for few months).

Can I take sulpher 200 for my current skin condition?
or any other medication should be taken?
  Jinku on 2016-06-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
To add to the above, my jawline is pretty itchy.
I generally feel cold quite easily, but recently have been feeling warm intermittently specially near the lower face area .
Jinku 8 years ago
Your age and problems associated with periods if any?

Color of tongue?

Any other problems?
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Age - 35
My periods used to come few days early, but since past few months have been fine. No other issues.
They used to be painful earlier, now they have been fine since past some years, other than occasional pain.
Colour of tongue is light pinkish.
No other issues - Vitamin D deficiency was found in the last report.
Jinku 8 years ago
Kindly advise if any other info is needed, and if sulphur 200 can be taken or any other medicine. Thanks!
Jinku 8 years ago
Nux Vom 200
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. dont repeat.

Sulphur 200,5 pills early morning ones a week days. day 2.

Asterias Rubens 30, 5 pills three times a day from day three

Feed back every seven days.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you so much Anuj!!

I have the dry pills for Nux vomica and sulphur 200. Can I take them instead of the liquid form? If yes how many pills and how many times?

and sulpher 200 5 pills on day 2 but only once a week , so only once before reporting again, correct?

I do not have asterias rubens as of now...will try to get it. Can I start above 2 even if i dont get this one?

Thanks a lot again!
Jinku 8 years ago
Have them in pills , 5-10 pills each dose.

Yes only ones a week.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you!

So I can start for now without Asterias correct? I am travelling tomm for few days, so is it ok if i try to start this from next week onwards?

Any other medicine that i can take in its stead in the interim?
Jinku 8 years ago
Also, I forgot to mention earlier, i have mild constipation quite frequently.
Jinku 8 years ago
Also, there are small bumps in cluster on my forehead and one pimple which is painful on touch.
Also, have some on my back.

I am not sure if this is relevant - but i have some nerve damage in my ears.

I had tried a few diff things on my skin after which it seems it has got worse.

I have started taking carrot beet and apple juice since a week or so, but not seeing any major difference. Also, this is my third day of period.
Jinku 8 years ago
I had taken nuxvomica 200 thrice today as recommended.

I am feeling some irritation in my throat - not sure if its related but did not have anything to irritate throat.

Also, I do NOT have oily skin. In fact it is very sensitive and tending towards dry after being washed.

I am also travelling tomorrow and do not have asterias rubens.
Please confirm if I should go ahead and take sulpher 200 tomorrow morning.

Thank you very much!
Jinku 8 years ago
Yes take sulphur .

When ever you get hold of alestris,pls have it till then you can repeat the same sequence ones again.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you Anuj!
So do i keep taking 3 nux vomica daily and sulphur once a week?

And the day I take sulpher (eg today) can i take nux vomica too?
Jinku 8 years ago
Give a gap of three days.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Sorry I am confused...so today i will take sulpher, then after three days I should take three nux vomica and then next day 1 suplhur and keep repeating this till i get the other medicine?
Jinku 8 years ago
Yes please.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you.
I see some reduction in one side of jawline, but increase in other side. Also, there are big red spots and many pimples without head covering the jawline in clusters.
Forehead is also covered with many small clusters - these are not red, same colour as skin.

When itchy it seems the bumps are more prominent.

I had completed nuxvom-sulpher dose and after three days again took nux vom three times today. Will take sulpher tomm morning.
Jinku 8 years ago
It seems on one side, some of them are drying out a little bit..

If you dont mind, could you please help me understand how these three medicines work and what each one does for my condition...thank you!
Jinku 8 years ago
Do you think silicia might suit me better? it seems some of the characteristics match - shyness, fear of public speaking or appearances, meticulous and detail oriented, did very good academically but lack confidence, creative, had skin outbreaks after an embarrassing situation earlier, as a child used to get cold often.

Today i did take sulpher though.
Jinku 8 years ago
Asterias Rubens 30--did you get it.

Sil 6x can be started if it matches your symptoms in addition, 5 tabs three times a day.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
I am yet to get Asterias.

So I should take silicia in addition to these three?

day 1 - nux vom 200 3 times
day 2 - sulpher 200
day 3 - asterias rubens/blank for now
day 4 - silicia 200 3 times
day 5 --

day 6 - repeat above?

kindly confirm. Many thanks!!
Jinku 8 years ago
Since I took sulpher yest, can i take silicia three times today? (i will try to get asterias soon). and keep 2 days gap and start nux vom again?
or should i give 3 days gap after EACH set? Thanks again.
Jinku 8 years ago
yes you can take sil. Stop other medicines for the time being,which potency are you contemplating?If 200 then have IT ONES IN THREE DAYS.
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Thu, 07 Jul 2016 14:08:35 UTC]
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you Anuj!

So Silicia200 three times a day todya and then after three days repeat taking it three times a day?
Jinku 8 years ago
Ones a day only.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago

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