The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Tuberculinum side effects?
I have a two year old and our local homeopath assesed him and prescribed Tuberculinum for his adenoids. I believe its the lowest potency as he prescribed it to be taken daily for a coule months.I did some research and it bothers me that Tub. is a nosoid. I am afraid it might cause something or even Tuberclosis. I might be wrong but I would like to hear second opinions on possible side effects of Tuberculinom. I would like to learn if the benefits outweigh the risks?
Thanks much!
Crowyo on 2016-07-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
stop tub
that cat aint no homoeopath..
every dose is to be accessed before administration of next dose--and every subsequent Is to be modified from previous dose--never taken same potency/dilution..etc
if both criterion are considered and instructions given for repetition of dose--then guidelines are to be explicitly given to patient or parent (you)
when any new symptoms occur --stop med --and reaccess case
that cat aint no homoeopath..
every dose is to be accessed before administration of next dose--and every subsequent Is to be modified from previous dose--never taken same potency/dilution..etc
if both criterion are considered and instructions given for repetition of dose--then guidelines are to be explicitly given to patient or parent (you)
when any new symptoms occur --stop med --and reaccess case
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
answering ur question
there is no certainty that tub would be remedy ---(from this view ) not knowing full case...
there is no certainty that tub would be remedy ---(from this view ) not knowing full case...
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Interesting. The guidelines is to give the same diluton/dosage daily and access after a couple months.
Are there other safer remedies. My son's personality closely resembles tuberculinum from what I read. However, he is very bright for his age and is not tired by any means.
Are there other safer remedies. My son's personality closely resembles tuberculinum from what I read. However, he is very bright for his age and is not tired by any means.
Crowyo 8 years ago
its not that tuberculinum is unsafe
it is the improper use of meds I am making point about..
any medicine --when chosen carefully/diligently ,,,to be most homoeopathic to characteristics of case--is to be used..
chosen from well proven medicines
as far choice of med--not just personality--but totality of symptoms is to be taken into account..
it is the improper use of meds I am making point about..
any medicine --when chosen carefully/diligently ,,,to be most homoeopathic to characteristics of case--is to be used..
chosen from well proven medicines
as far choice of med--not just personality--but totality of symptoms is to be taken into account..
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Whosoever prescribed Tub has partial knowledge, Tub is the most often indicated remedy in enlarged adenoids but NEVER in low potency and NEVER daily.
Word of Advice: Be sensible about your health, always click the username of anyone giving advice on this forum to know about them first, instead of blindly following advice which is sometimes reckless & dangerous. Also, read this:
Word of Advice: Be sensible about your health, always click the username of anyone giving advice on this forum to know about them first, instead of blindly following advice which is sometimes reckless & dangerous. Also, read this:
fitness 8 years ago
Thanks for the advise. I am doing my best to learn about Homeopathy.
The homeopath did mention he prescribed Tuberculinum based on the totality of symptoms. What
I am trying to understand is the ramifications of wrong dosing. If per fitness's response Tub is not to be taken daily, what are the possible dangers or side effects of it if taken daily?
The homeopath did mention he prescribed Tuberculinum based on the totality of symptoms. What
I am trying to understand is the ramifications of wrong dosing. If per fitness's response Tub is not to be taken daily, what are the possible dangers or side effects of it if taken daily?
Crowyo 8 years ago
no matter what the cat said--about totality of symptoms--he has showed his true knowledge or lack of --by how he prescribed...
side effects?
bringing on unwanted symptoms--unnecessary aggravations in areas --not originally problems--basically proving the med..
again--singl e dose --watch and wait--
if ur going use homoeopathy get a personal copy (book) then read
"organon of medicince 6th edition"
written by Hahnemann--founder of homoeopathy
concerning dosing read
aphorisms 246-247
if don't have or don't want buy here is link--
side effects?
bringing on unwanted symptoms--unnecessary aggravations in areas --not originally problems--basically proving the med..
again--singl e dose --watch and wait--
if ur going use homoeopathy get a personal copy (book) then read
"organon of medicince 6th edition"
written by Hahnemann--founder of homoeopathy
concerning dosing read
aphorisms 246-247
if don't have or don't want buy here is link--
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Thanks for the link John. I tried to read 246-347 and the footnote on 247 stood out (if I understood it right). The guidelines that came with the remedy instruct to hit the remedy bottle on a phone book a certain amount of times each time before administration. I assume this makes the remedy stronger each time? SO does this mean that the prescription could be sound based on the footnote:
..."But through modification of every dose in its dynamiztion degree, as I herewith teach, there exists no offence, even if the doses be repeated more frequently, even if the medicine be ever so highly potentized with ever so many succussions. It almost seems as if the best selected homoeopathic remedy could best extract the morbid disorder from the vital force and in chronic disease to extinguish the same only if applied in several different forms."
..."But through modification of every dose in its dynamiztion degree, as I herewith teach, there exists no offence, even if the doses be repeated more frequently, even if the medicine be ever so highly potentized with ever so many succussions. It almost seems as if the best selected homoeopathic remedy could best extract the morbid disorder from the vital force and in chronic disease to extinguish the same only if applied in several different forms."
Crowyo 8 years ago
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