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My Cat Has Thirst and Copious Urination

I live in Costa Rica and unfortunately the only veterinary homeopath in the country passed away a few years ago. I already had 4 healthy cats when I took in a semi-neglected, not-too-well-treated 10-year-old female Siamese cat from a relative (long story). She has frequent urination and drinks a lot of water. (I practically scrape out a whole litter box every evening; she has her own safe room. My other 4 cats, combined, urinate less than half of what she urinates. I have 5 litter boxes at home.) She is also terrified of my other 4 cats, even though 90% of the time they have been behaving like proper ladies and gentlemen towards her. I have given her plenty of Bach flower remedies and have been trying with homeopathy. She was too thin when I received her and I have been slowly building up her muscle mass with good nutrition. She is very affectionate with me, the problem is she's afraid of the other cats. My vet saw her and said he could eventually test her blood for diabetes. I might do that, but right now she's been through so much trauma and I don't want to impose a 12-hour fast on her (before the blood draw). One thing that saddened me about her previous guardians was that they declawed her two front paws in 2013 or 2014. So I wonder about repressed anger in this kitty. In her previous home, nobody loved her except for one person, and I know she missed him terribly during her first 2 months with me. So far, I have tried with Acidum Phosphoricum, Syzygium Jambolanum and Natrum Muriaticum (separately, with spaces of 1 week apart each remedy). I haven't seen changes yet. I have also dissolved Schussler Tissue Salts (all-in-one pills) in her water, and that seems to perk her up a little bit. When she urinates, her bladder seems to make a sound at the end.
  Homeopathy Fan on 2016-07-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Aconite 30 5 pill three times.

Kali Phos 6x, 5 tabs ones a day.

Feed back after 3 days.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
all thes symptoms exist prior to meds u used?

sound of bladder/urination ending--pleaes describe

will she try to associate with other cats at all? or avoids?please explainher exact sort of association with other cats..
John Stanton 8 years ago
Thank you, Anuj Srivastava and John Stanton for your replies. Her previous guardians told me she had been diagnosed with diabetes around 2013 and that they fed her high-fiber dry food to get her weight down, which they said they did. They said a subsequent test was clear. But when I got her in April she was way too thin. Plus, they didn’t tell me about her excessive thirst and urination. She growls at every other cat in the house. She has her own safe room and I try to leave the door open 90% of the time in the daytime so she can feel free to wander out. The few times she does, she growls when she’s walking down the stairs, hallways, etc., perhaps to send the message that she’s tough (but I think she’s really terrified). Whenever another cat enters her safe room, she growls, hisses, and then hides under the bed and won’t come out until she’s 100% sure the coast is clear. The final sound she makes when urinating is a little like passing gas.
[message edited by Homeopathy Fan on Tue, 19 Jul 2016 01:34:58 UTC]
Homeopathy Fan 8 years ago

single dose
2 pellets 30c
in 4 oz water
stir vigourously
1/4 teaspoon dose

no repeat dose

if trouble giving maybe use
dropper-an d shoot into mouth..

keep eye for an y new symptoms after dose..

this will need be followed up
possibly sulfur or calc--not know depends on response or lackof response..
John Stanton 8 years ago
Thank you both for your kind replies. Will answer back in a couple of weeks to see how she's doing. She's a sweet cat with me.
Homeopathy Fan 8 years ago

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