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Frequency in Urination after Masturbation

Dear Sir,
I am a male professional of 27 years . I masturbate on an avg of 3 times a week . About 3 months ago , one day after masturbation I noticed frequent urination and urge to go to the restroom . However it lessened the day after . Thereby I carried on with my masturbation for next 1 month . As I do regular yoga and weight lifting therefore the problem used to subsidize in a day or two time .
But however about one and a half months ago, one day after masturbation the frequency to urinate increased with a good flow of Urine everytime I went and it did not go away since then through any kind of yoga and any other technique. After observing for about a week I consulted an Urologist doctor who asked me to perform several test such as kindey ultrasound , Uroflowmetry, Blood Tests for Sugar, Urea, Creatine. All reports came out to be clean. My prostate size was Ok 16 gm , Bladder was not dilated and Ok. Right kidney measured 98 mm and the other 96 mm . Then I went for the Urine Culture and RE. The reports of Culture revealed “GROWTH OF E.COLI COUNT 95000 cfu/ml . with PUS CELLS occasional and EPITHELIAL CELLS also occasional.Also I was having pain in Lower Abdomen and Lower Back . After that I was prescribed LEVOFLAXIN by the Urologist for 10 days . After taking the same for 10 days the problem subsided about 50 % but not full.
I found no hope in Aloepathy so I moved to HOMEOPATHY. The Homeo doctor again asked me to perform Urine culture to see my present condition . Culture revealed “GROWTH OF ESCHERICHIO COLI 1000 cfu/ml, PUS CELLS occasional and EPITHELIAL CELLS occasional.I also told the Doctor about the following problems:
1.At least twice a month I have Night Fall.
2.Don’t get enough sleep at night
3.I have acidity when I get up in the morning as my mouth remains sour.
4.I excrete a huge quantity which makes my stomach clean as well as makes me weak.
5.I have to work for atleast nine hours at office sitting at a high chair above ground level.
The urine problem has really reduced my weight and made me thin.
After listening to all the problems the doctor felt that the Frequent Urination may not be the cause of infection alone but it can be also associated to acidity where the urge use to increase with masturbation. Therefore he prescribed me the following medicines :
1.Early morning after getting up from Bed CARBO VEG 200 ; 2-3 drops directly on Empty Stomach for 15 days.
2.After Loo and Brusing my teeth and after a gap of about 30 minutes I take BERBERIS VULGARIS (mother tincture) 10 drops in water for 7 days. After that I was asked to eat biscuits.
3.After about an hour I have to leave for office so I take heavy meal, therefore about 20 minutes before meal I take CHELEDONIUM MAJUS (mother tincture) 5 drops in water for 1 month.
4.After meal I am asked to take CANTHARIS 200 2-3 drops directly after a gap of 20 minutes for 7 Days.
5. After 30 minutes of taking Cantharis I am asked to take ALPHA TS 10 drops in water for as period of 1 month.
6.Again after afternoon tiffin I take ALPHA TS .
7.On the evening I am asked to take NUX VOM 200 2-3 drops on empty stomach for 15 days.
8.30 minutes after nux vom I take BERBERIS VULGARIS .After 20 minutes I am asked to have biscuits.
9.Before dinner I take Again CHELEDONIUM.
10.20 minutes after dinner I take CANTHARIS.
11.Before Sleep I take ALPHA TS.
Therefore I am taking CARBOVEG – Once in a day , NUX VOM – Once , CHELEDONIUM – Twice, ALPHA TS –Thrice , BERBERIS- Twice, CANTHARIS – Twice.
My Question is that , has my physician diagonised it correctly. Am I supposed to take so many medicines. Will all the medicines work if taken in this kind of structure. Kindly Help.
I have been taking this medicines for 4 days and found no result. Urine frequency hasn’t reduced .
Please suggest .
  Akash Sinha on 2016-07-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Staphysagria 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over 7 days. No other homeopathic remedies please.
kadwa 8 years ago
Dear Doctor,

This has greatly helped..... I have had the medicine for only 3 days and results are amazing....But one problem still persist, that is if i masturbate once in day also then this increases my urge to urinate frequently..but this symptoms dissapear in 1 or 2 days and everything is normal again...Is there any remedy to cure this permanently...kindly advises ??
Akash Sinha 7 years ago
In some cases there is increased urge to urinate after masturbation. Nux, Staph and some other remedies may help here. But there can't be any permanent solution as it is a natural response.
kadwa 7 years ago
But doctor earlier I was not having such problem....Is there no way out to bring everything normal again .......by yoga or asanas anything?????Kindly advise...
Akash Sinha 7 years ago
Yes, of course. Do kapalbhati pranayam and anulom vilom pranayam each daily for 15 minutes and also some asanas for 15 minutes.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Sir,

I am very sorry to disturb u once again ...But can u pls tell me why did the problem happen ...which nerve or muscle got affected....
Akash Sinha 7 years ago
It is not like that. It is just like a person getting excited and causing some ripples here and there. Nothing wrong with the pathology.
kadwa 7 years ago

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