The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Canine Causticum Reverse Remedy Needed
My Boston terrier Sadie had cataracts and I purchased a homeopathic eye drop remedy. Used two drops in each eye twice a day for 7 days. When I saw that it had made her lose all vision in one eye I stopped. She now has no control of her back legs and is falling, walks like she has wooden legs and has the same symptoms as degenerative myelopathy. I looked at all of the ingredients on the eye drop label and read all descriptions of the remedies, she has the symptoms of causticum. I need help reversing the overload of causticum in her system as she is almost unable to walk. I started her on Thuja 6x because that is what I had, 4 pellets 2 x a day. Does anyone have experience with this or any ideas? Please help, she is 11 years old and I have went through so much personally in the past 3 weeks I just can not handle losing another dog in this time frame or more stress as my adrenal glands are shutting down again.DogsPajamas on 2016-07-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
use nux-v to antidote..
2 pellets in 4 oz water
stir heavy
1/2 teaspoon dose form this solution
no repeat dose..
post symptoms as u see it..after dose..
use nux-v to antidote..
2 pellets in 4 oz water
stir heavy
1/2 teaspoon dose form this solution
no repeat dose..
post symptoms as u see it..after dose..
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
yes--stop thuja other meds--
evne if just gave thuja--use nux-v as soon as can..if don't have and time is a while to get..
1/4 teaspoon quality coffee--in 4 oz water --stir heavy and repeat doses from glaas --stirring before every use---a dose every 2 hours---no more than 3 doses this way--and stop after any dose that u notice any change at all - or new symptom...
nux-v- is beter choice..
evne if just gave thuja--use nux-v as soon as can..if don't have and time is a while to get..
1/4 teaspoon quality coffee--in 4 oz water --stir heavy and repeat doses from glaas --stirring before every use---a dose every 2 hours---no more than 3 doses this way--and stop after any dose that u notice any change at all - or new symptom...
nux-v- is beter choice..
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
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