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Extremely Tired all Day :( :( :(

Please can someone help me find the right remedy? I am so sick of this feeling. There is no reason why I should be experiencing this--only homeopathy has the answer.

Im a 29year old married stay at home mom of a 9 month old. I live in the city and hate it....

I've been battling with this constant tiredness all day long. I seem to be feeling good when I first get up in the AM, then after breakfast I become very lethargic/brain foggy, and it lasts the rest of the day.
It can be so bad that I feel like I am just going to fall asleep where I sit. My lungs feel heavy.
I feel woozy and can't concentrate much. I feel weak and very heavy. I'm disinclined to do any activity ---but once I get up and start moving The heaviness and lack of motivation mostly goes away. --as soon as I stop moving it comes back.

I've been very hot and not liking heat lately. Don't like cold either. Warm is good with fresh air.

I tend to have very bad, vivid, exhausting dreams when I sleep on my back.
When I first wake up my body is very stiff and achy and I have to stretch a lot. When I get up from sitting long I also have stiff and achy muscles. Relieved by motion. When stiffness passes, often I will get tingling in my foot, or leg, for example.

I often stand around trying to gather my thoughts/motivation or go back and forth from room to room trying to think of what to do/how to do what I want to do.

Sometimes I itch all over, like random spots all over my body. Feels like bugs crawling/biting me. A lot on my outer thighs.
My scalp itches a lot on the top/back....

Is this enough information?
  rom109 on 2016-08-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
rom109 8 years ago
rom109 8 years ago
We will try your case based on generalities at first.

You feel good immediately after waking up, but the lethargy starts after breakfast.

What is the time the lethargy creeps in? What happens if you take breakfast lately? Does it have any connection with breakfast, or are you referring simply to a band of time.

Please elaborate. We will go one by one.
[message edited by gavinimurthy on Tue, 09 Aug 2016 07:07:23 UTC]
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Hi- thank you for replying :)

The lethargy comes on around 10:00-10:30. It seems to come on consistently about 1-2 hours after I wake up. (Been getting up at 9:20).
Since eating breakfast is about the first thing I get to -since I wake up hungry, I just assume that's the trigger.
Maybe it's just as simple as the activity/inactivity I mentioned that is consistent through the rest of the day. ---yeah that makes more sense...I feel better *while* I'm doing this or that, whether it's eating or doing dishes or vacuuming or what have you...gentle focused activity/exercise. As soon as I stop ... Bla.
rom109 8 years ago
Every once in a while I will have a really good day where I feel normal and have energy consistently...and I have never been able to figure out why so I can duplicate it. This has been going on for years. It's so unbelievably frustrating.

The one thing I know for absolutely certain--without fail-- is that it is aggravated by negative encounters particularly with my husband (the most important influence in my life).
If we have an argument or I feel he's been hurtful/rude to me that sets my whole day off. I'm completely down/depressed and full on lethargic-- until we make up. Then I feel GREAT.
It is that way with whomever I allow to be that close to me. Not many like that anymore.
rom109 8 years ago
Did you use sepia anytime earlier? If so, what were the results.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
I have taken sepia last night ( I was in a horribly irritated bad mood all day yesterday and I could not shake it so I took a dynamized dose).
Before that I took 2 doses over the last two ish weeks.

The first dose I took was because very interesting sensations in my pelvis as if things were going to fall downward... Profuse leucorrhea... And soreness. The first dose took away the majority of the downward sensations the second dose took away the leucorrhea, and I think that the dose last night helped with my mood.
rom109 8 years ago
First dose was 30c 1 pellet in about 10oz of water --succussed 10 times, 1 tsp diluted in 4oz water and 1 tsp of that taken.
Second dose was succussed 14 times...third, 20 times.
Just FYI
rom109 8 years ago
So, sepia is working. Why do you go for such ultra low doses? Are you very sensitive to homeopathic medicines? Did you suffer any aggravations with any remedy so far? If yes, what medicine, potency, method of taking it. What sort of aggravation? Give details if you can.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
I had a pretty bad emotional aggravation to pulsatilla about a month ago. I think it was not the right remedy --I had a bad tension headache and was advised it, then it made the headache much worse and sent me into awful panicked sad/tearful mood.
As for the size of dose, I thought that was best? Lowest effective dose?
That was how the last person on here was advising me anyhow...it seemed to be effective, so I continued.
rom109 8 years ago
I have been taking all medicines in water dose method lately.
Usually 30c 2-3 pellets in 4oz of water 1tsp taken. That's been standard for me
rom109 8 years ago
Lowest effective dose is fine, Stick to your standard method of 2 to 3 drops in about 30 ml. Of water and one teaspoon out of it as a dose.

You took last dose of sepia yesterday night. You felt good. How long you felt good?

Normally, whenever you take medicine, how long does it work?
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Things have been different with sepia than with any other remedy so far.
Some other remedies have seemed right....lycopodium, for example, I felt REALLY great for like one day after dose, and the next day it was back to the doldrums. That is typical reaction.

My reaction to sepia has been like one thing at a time. First it changed this, then that, then another thing...none of the things it has affected have since returned. But it has yet to affect the brain fog/lethargy.
With this it's been about 6-7 days before I'm wondering if it's time for next step.
rom109 8 years ago
And since dose last night i still feel ...better... It's about 1pm here
rom109 8 years ago
That is a positive response from sepia. It looks like we have to up the potency to effect your energy levels. We will do it gradually.

Don't take any medicine for a week. Keep yourself busy as long as you are awake. Even just driving around is o.k, if you feel like it.

We will review after a week. By that time, the effect of older medicines should wear out and the correct picture should emerge.

I normally prescribe tissue salts for daily usage. They won't interfere with homeopathic potencies. They too build up the energy levels in their own way.

What are your views about tissue salts?
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
:) :) I just ordered a kit with all 12 tissue salts. Should be here tomorrow.
Which do you recommend, and how do I take them?
rom109 8 years ago

Take Kali phos 6x..4 tablets mixed in a little water, daily before going to bed.

Use for a week and come back. Daily updates not required. They won't give the correct picture.

Report only once a week, unless advised otherwise.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Cool--I wondered about Kali Phos.

Okay no problem. Thank you again- so much!!
rom109 8 years ago

So my week has not been great.

One positive thing that happened was I actually had a period, which hasn't happened in three years. It started the day after we last talked, and lasted about 5 days.

As far as the tiredness I experience, it has not changed. possibly worse. I'm just flat exhausted. I try to stay active as you said, and I just feel like I'm tapped out. every movement is laborious.

If I had to put a time on it I would guess around (not exactly) 3-7pm is the worst-- I have an overwhelming desire to curl up and fall asleep. I feel very heavy and as though my breathing wants to be shallow. I sometimes have to take deep breaths because I'm not getting enough air.
There is a kind of dizziness...somewhat similar to when you stand up too fast and all the blood rushes to your head...but its constant, and more of a fluid whirling....

I don't know if this is helpful at all...it's ridiculously frustrating to try to explain. Even this is taking so much energy.....

(((Also I was wondering about the Tissue salts...they're lactose tablets and I am dairy intolerant....I am wondering if this small amount of lactose would be enough of an irritant to cause the tissue salts to be ineffective? Just curious)))

I haven't been wanting to eat much lately. Like disinterested in food.

I feel like I go to food to try to make me feel better but I just end up eating...and eating...and eating...and it doesn't help.

I'll have to get back to this later--baby is crying.

ask anything you need to
rom109 8 years ago
Stop Kali phos 6x. Wait for one more week without any medicine.

Practice breathing in slowly till you feel your lungs are full, hold it as long as you can and breath out slowly.

Repeat the same exercise ten times every hour.

Report after a week.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
This makes me want to cry.
I feel like that's like saying,
"You're tired? Sleep more!"

I'm afraid I need more help than deep breathing.

Have I not given you enough to guide you to the next medicine?
rom109 8 years ago
Pranayama is a treatment itself.Read about it. You may feel your problem may become less with trial and error type of treatment. That will do harm in the long run.

You have to wait without any medicine for some more time to get the correct picture.

Homeopaths give placebo (unmedicated pills) for cases like yours. Unfortunately we can't do that on forums.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
i do not believe in yoga/mediation/deep breathing. false religion.

I seek homeopathy treatment, nothing else.

so what you're saying is you think that your prescription should have yielded positive results, but since it didn't the fault must lie with me??

you revealing a desire to give me "placebo" treatment is to say that you're not taking me seriously/you believe there is nothing truly the matter.

the things I am telling you are the same things that I have been dealing with for the last 5+ years with only slight variations. waiting longer is not going to change the picture.
rom109 8 years ago

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