The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Mood swings, jealousy, doubtful of spouse
Hi,I am 30 years old and having some kind of psychological disturbance always. I never seem to be happy or even if I am it does not seem to last long. Before marriage I used to hate my parents, after marriage I hate my husband, his family and children. I like to sleep not to rest but to keep myself away from any encounter with these people. Do not like to work most of the time and this is because I don't like those works since they involve touching of water. I love to do things and get absorbed immensely if they are interest to me. I love friends. get closer to them and start feeling a swinging aversion to them once I am close to them. It means I feel I need them sometimes and sometimes I don't trust them. Irresponsible as I am called by my family members. The new addition to this is Now a days I am feeling that my husband is cheating on me. I know its not at all true but again I cant control this thought and making fuss. Please ask me if you require more information. I want to get out of this stupid condition and keep me and the people around me happy and comfortable.
[message edited by ayesha3 on Sat, 20 Aug 2016 16:27:56 UTC]
ayesha3 on 2016-08-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The following additional information is required to help you.
1. Age
2. Male or Female or other
3. Single/Married
4. weight
5. Height
6. country
7. climate
8. List of your complaints
9. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
10. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt
12. Thirst
13. Tongue and Taste
14. Current Blood Pressure (without medicine and with medicine)
15. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
16. Important Question.
Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
17. Educational Qualifications of the patient
18. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
19. Important Question.
Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry,
impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not, you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
20. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g
Pus, urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
For Females Only
21. When is the period during the month approx. date?
Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems,
pain, any other discharges?
22. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?
The following additional information is required to help you.
1. Age
2. Male or Female or other
3. Single/Married
4. weight
5. Height
6. country
7. climate
8. List of your complaints
9. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
10. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt
12. Thirst
13. Tongue and Taste
14. Current Blood Pressure (without medicine and with medicine)
15. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
16. Important Question.
Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
17. Educational Qualifications of the patient
18. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
19. Important Question.
Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry,
impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not, you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
20. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g
Pus, urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
For Females Only
21. When is the period during the month approx. date?
Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems,
pain, any other discharges?
22. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
1. Age - 30 years
2. Male or Female or other - female
3. Single/Married - Married(love)
4. weight - 69
5. Height -5-5 ft-in
6. country - India
7. climate - tropical
8. List of your complaints
Apart from mood swings,
-headache when excited emotionally(well this happens pretty easy) during happiness, sadness, anxiety, tension, stress, sleeplessness due to work etc.,
-left knee hurts. I prefer to sit cross legged all time and cant sit with foot on ground for long. Have a sensation of tingling like water filling though not visible to eye(swelling) when sitting still.
- After a previous homeo treatment for thyroid, I had a rash on my almost right lower back a size of 3x1.5 inches. dark brown in color which is sensitive to heat. and another little round patch under my lower right lip and 1x0.5 inch patch on my right cheek. This was 5 years ago. and it was left untreated after that.
- eyes have grey spots. short sighted -3.00
- ears are crusting and are infected. got treated by allopathy but returned after few days.
- itchy scalp. More itchy when stressed
-Hair fall with white patchy trail after loosing hair, on the fore head and temples.
- have sex drive but dies as i approach the moment. monogamy.
9. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
- thyroid detected during pregnancy having pills from 12 years
- headache since 1.5 years. it was every now and then like once in 6 months before but this 1.5 years its terrible.On homeo med from last 1 year for headache. If i stop it returns, If I miss it effects my mood.It also rules my menses.
-Left knee from last 2 years. cross legged i always preferred.
- the spot appeared white. was advised some homeo tincture and it turned dark then and remained so
- grey spots from childhood. got tested doc told the are nerve endings!! sight from last 16 years increased rapidly for 2 years and then became stable.
-Crusting is now under control but can feel the soreness, irritation and fullness in ears. from last 1 year
-last 6 years or so
- last 1 year its severe. I can see hair all over my floor. if I stroke my hair it come to my hand.
10. Diabetic or non-Diabetic - Non diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt - Sour was my preference but due to sensitive teeth I prefer spice now. Salty food seems tasty generally and prefer sweet when in low mood.
12. Thirst - not much. I cant drink 2 lit a day if don't remember that i should
13. Tongue and Taste - white. Taste - not so sensitive
14. Current Blood Pressure (without medicine and with medicine) normal
15. One situation that had a
big effect on you? Had many. Each time I am denied of care from my husband esp during pre and post natal. He do care but thats not enough for me. Sometimes he did leave me when required again that may not be judged. situations rule but they had impact on me. Had 2 abortions(the most depressive times) and having 3 kids
16. Important Question.
Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
Puls, Nat Mur, Kali Sulph, Thyroidimum 3x, arsenicum flavum sulph 1x and few others.
17. Educational Qualifications of the patient - graduate
18. Nature of work, what do you do for living? - work from home for home business
19. Important Question.
Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry,
impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not, you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
Irritable. Can't bear kids. Anger is like all time and normal very few times. Impatient when trying to concentrate n something either work or an emotion. I brood over for hours together cry for silly things knowing that its not so, but cant control. Always one thought remains in my mind - husband. Want his company (- not sex) all time. Emotional bonding, sharing thoughts and ideas, spending time together just like that. When it comes to sex all the previous incidents flash and I become averse all of a sudden. Do not display it to him. I let him continue and finish without doubt. but it leaves me mentally strained
20. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g
Pus, urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
Normal secretions like according to cycle. sometimes smell bad but returns to normal soon. urine normal. stool - constipated. hemmoroids when stool too dry. Depends on the food I take. feel like sputum is always in my throat. I try to get it out but it does not come and i feel its there always.
For Females Only
21. When is the period during the month approx. date?
Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems,
pain, any other discharges?
18 to 22 of every month i may start my period. If well on meds 18 if i miss then little here and there it moves. no pain but fatigue. no other issues
22. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?
- No
Other imp points.
have a neck tic. I always feel i have to pull my neck to relieve it. Cant bear much clothing on neck.
Have sweat smell. It is so peculiar that it smells differently for different situations and its clearly identifiable.
2. Male or Female or other - female
3. Single/Married - Married(love)
4. weight - 69
5. Height -5-5 ft-in
6. country - India
7. climate - tropical
8. List of your complaints
Apart from mood swings,
-headache when excited emotionally(well this happens pretty easy) during happiness, sadness, anxiety, tension, stress, sleeplessness due to work etc.,
-left knee hurts. I prefer to sit cross legged all time and cant sit with foot on ground for long. Have a sensation of tingling like water filling though not visible to eye(swelling) when sitting still.
- After a previous homeo treatment for thyroid, I had a rash on my almost right lower back a size of 3x1.5 inches. dark brown in color which is sensitive to heat. and another little round patch under my lower right lip and 1x0.5 inch patch on my right cheek. This was 5 years ago. and it was left untreated after that.
- eyes have grey spots. short sighted -3.00
- ears are crusting and are infected. got treated by allopathy but returned after few days.
- itchy scalp. More itchy when stressed
-Hair fall with white patchy trail after loosing hair, on the fore head and temples.
- have sex drive but dies as i approach the moment. monogamy.
9. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
- thyroid detected during pregnancy having pills from 12 years
- headache since 1.5 years. it was every now and then like once in 6 months before but this 1.5 years its terrible.On homeo med from last 1 year for headache. If i stop it returns, If I miss it effects my mood.It also rules my menses.
-Left knee from last 2 years. cross legged i always preferred.
- the spot appeared white. was advised some homeo tincture and it turned dark then and remained so
- grey spots from childhood. got tested doc told the are nerve endings!! sight from last 16 years increased rapidly for 2 years and then became stable.
-Crusting is now under control but can feel the soreness, irritation and fullness in ears. from last 1 year
-last 6 years or so
- last 1 year its severe. I can see hair all over my floor. if I stroke my hair it come to my hand.
10. Diabetic or non-Diabetic - Non diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt - Sour was my preference but due to sensitive teeth I prefer spice now. Salty food seems tasty generally and prefer sweet when in low mood.
12. Thirst - not much. I cant drink 2 lit a day if don't remember that i should
13. Tongue and Taste - white. Taste - not so sensitive
14. Current Blood Pressure (without medicine and with medicine) normal
15. One situation that had a
big effect on you? Had many. Each time I am denied of care from my husband esp during pre and post natal. He do care but thats not enough for me. Sometimes he did leave me when required again that may not be judged. situations rule but they had impact on me. Had 2 abortions(the most depressive times) and having 3 kids
16. Important Question.
Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
Puls, Nat Mur, Kali Sulph, Thyroidimum 3x, arsenicum flavum sulph 1x and few others.
17. Educational Qualifications of the patient - graduate
18. Nature of work, what do you do for living? - work from home for home business
19. Important Question.
Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry,
impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not, you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
Irritable. Can't bear kids. Anger is like all time and normal very few times. Impatient when trying to concentrate n something either work or an emotion. I brood over for hours together cry for silly things knowing that its not so, but cant control. Always one thought remains in my mind - husband. Want his company (- not sex) all time. Emotional bonding, sharing thoughts and ideas, spending time together just like that. When it comes to sex all the previous incidents flash and I become averse all of a sudden. Do not display it to him. I let him continue and finish without doubt. but it leaves me mentally strained
20. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g
Pus, urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
Normal secretions like according to cycle. sometimes smell bad but returns to normal soon. urine normal. stool - constipated. hemmoroids when stool too dry. Depends on the food I take. feel like sputum is always in my throat. I try to get it out but it does not come and i feel its there always.
For Females Only
21. When is the period during the month approx. date?
Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems,
pain, any other discharges?
18 to 22 of every month i may start my period. If well on meds 18 if i miss then little here and there it moves. no pain but fatigue. no other issues
22. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?
- No
Other imp points.
have a neck tic. I always feel i have to pull my neck to relieve it. Cant bear much clothing on neck.
Have sweat smell. It is so peculiar that it smells differently for different situations and its clearly identifiable.
ayesha3 8 years ago
Hi, Sorry for the delay. Your case is pretty complex that will require some effort to stay on the top of things.
"On homeo med from last 1 year for headache"
What remedy is being taken and in what potency? How many times per day?
"Puls, Nat Mur, Kali Sulph" and, Arsenicum Album.
What is the potency of each remedy and when were these taken?
When was the last period?
What remedy(s) have been taken for the last 5 days.
"On homeo med from last 1 year for headache"
What remedy is being taken and in what potency? How many times per day?
"Puls, Nat Mur, Kali Sulph" and, Arsenicum Album.
What is the potency of each remedy and when were these taken?
When was the last period?
What remedy(s) have been taken for the last 5 days.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
Puls,Nat Mur, Kali sulph
in 200 potenciey and then in 0/1,0/2,0/3,0/4, 0/5,0/6 potencies. If a remedy seemed to work I was given the Zero series as called by the doctor.
Arsenicum Flavum Sulph 1x and i also took thyroidimun 3x 4 pills 3 doses per day.
All these were taken from 2010 to 2013. Also used to get intermediate doses of Baptisia 1M and sulphur 1M when remedies slowed down.
But in 2012 I got the rashes i mentioned and that did not cure either. I felt my symptoms subsided and i didnt need treatment for rashes since it did not bother me much except cosmetic manner and even if bothered(hot water sensitive and slight sensation of something moving over there for few seconds) it was very few times i can neglect it.
All this time(2006) I was on allopathic thyroid medicine which varied from 50 to 75 to 100 mg in due time and now stable at 100 mg from last 2 years. Apart form these I used to get sever cough very frequently while under this treatment. I took these medecines under doctors supervision and they helped me manage my soberness, Easily offended, aversion to sharp smells, Bad dreams with snakes and dogs, Flying dreams, Dejavu dreams, emotionally dependent nature, suicidal thoughts, no gratitude kinda argument, bed wetting once in a while after a liquid pouring like dream, the list can go on. It was all on my mind that worked.
I also went to counselling in 2011 for which the result was " slightly maniac and psychotic" May be due to hypo thyroid. I decided to continue with Homeo and did not go to allopathy for this.
And as I said i used medicines till 2013.
Then I was only on eltroxin 100 mg. In 2015 I got scalp infection with oozing, itchy scalp and ear infection in a small pit in my left ear. Liquid used to flow non stop from ears though in small quantities clear and little awkward smelling. took allopthy. but it returned again. I let it be without treating but it did not stop. then after few months went for homeo treatment for headache and after taking medicine they flow in night and crusted in day. gradually after 6 months they do not flow now but still I feel the uneasiness with full sensation and some crusting in outer ears. Till today alsomt 1 year i have been treated for my headache. I also started feeling in my mind. But this Jan we applied for mutual Divorce which was due in 6 months i.e, june if we submitted documents. Though we signed we did not submit documents. HOwever it did not effect me much then. But as june passed I was severely insecure and thinking all sort of odd things. and unable to controll
[message edited by ayesha3 on Tue, 23 Aug 2016 08:33:08 UTC]
in 200 potenciey and then in 0/1,0/2,0/3,0/4, 0/5,0/6 potencies. If a remedy seemed to work I was given the Zero series as called by the doctor.
Arsenicum Flavum Sulph 1x and i also took thyroidimun 3x 4 pills 3 doses per day.
All these were taken from 2010 to 2013. Also used to get intermediate doses of Baptisia 1M and sulphur 1M when remedies slowed down.
But in 2012 I got the rashes i mentioned and that did not cure either. I felt my symptoms subsided and i didnt need treatment for rashes since it did not bother me much except cosmetic manner and even if bothered(hot water sensitive and slight sensation of something moving over there for few seconds) it was very few times i can neglect it.
All this time(2006) I was on allopathic thyroid medicine which varied from 50 to 75 to 100 mg in due time and now stable at 100 mg from last 2 years. Apart form these I used to get sever cough very frequently while under this treatment. I took these medecines under doctors supervision and they helped me manage my soberness, Easily offended, aversion to sharp smells, Bad dreams with snakes and dogs, Flying dreams, Dejavu dreams, emotionally dependent nature, suicidal thoughts, no gratitude kinda argument, bed wetting once in a while after a liquid pouring like dream, the list can go on. It was all on my mind that worked.
I also went to counselling in 2011 for which the result was " slightly maniac and psychotic" May be due to hypo thyroid. I decided to continue with Homeo and did not go to allopathy for this.
And as I said i used medicines till 2013.
Then I was only on eltroxin 100 mg. In 2015 I got scalp infection with oozing, itchy scalp and ear infection in a small pit in my left ear. Liquid used to flow non stop from ears though in small quantities clear and little awkward smelling. took allopthy. but it returned again. I let it be without treating but it did not stop. then after few months went for homeo treatment for headache and after taking medicine they flow in night and crusted in day. gradually after 6 months they do not flow now but still I feel the uneasiness with full sensation and some crusting in outer ears. Till today alsomt 1 year i have been treated for my headache. I also started feeling in my mind. But this Jan we applied for mutual Divorce which was due in 6 months i.e, june if we submitted documents. Though we signed we did not submit documents. HOwever it did not effect me much then. But as june passed I was severely insecure and thinking all sort of odd things. and unable to controll
[message edited by ayesha3 on Tue, 23 Aug 2016 08:33:08 UTC]
ayesha3 8 years ago
"On homeo med from last 1 year for headache"
What remedy is being taken and in what potency? How many times per day?
-- Right now none(from last 2 months no med). I used to take one dose morning and one dose evening 3 pills. No idea of what medicine it is. This doc won't disclose. But this time I will try to get the names. Headache almost all subsided. Now it occurs only when before period. when I eat late, sleep very less due to work, read for long times on phone. So by controlling these I almost get headache only once that is before period.
"Puls, Nat Mur, Kali Sulph" and, Arsenicum Album.
What is the potency of each remedy and when were these taken?
-- answered in my last post
When was the last period?
--20 July
What remedy(s) have been taken for the last 5 days.
-- None
in my last post it is " I also started feeling better
in my mind." and not " I also started feeling in my mind."
[message edited by ayesha3 on Tue, 23 Aug 2016 11:02:23 UTC]
What remedy is being taken and in what potency? How many times per day?
-- Right now none(from last 2 months no med). I used to take one dose morning and one dose evening 3 pills. No idea of what medicine it is. This doc won't disclose. But this time I will try to get the names. Headache almost all subsided. Now it occurs only when before period. when I eat late, sleep very less due to work, read for long times on phone. So by controlling these I almost get headache only once that is before period.
"Puls, Nat Mur, Kali Sulph" and, Arsenicum Album.
What is the potency of each remedy and when were these taken?
-- answered in my last post
When was the last period?
--20 July
What remedy(s) have been taken for the last 5 days.
-- None
in my last post it is " I also started feeling better
in my mind." and not " I also started feeling in my mind."
[message edited by ayesha3 on Tue, 23 Aug 2016 11:02:23 UTC]
ayesha3 8 years ago
Please take Pulsatilla Q, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days. This remedy must not be taken during period.
Also, buy, Apis Mel 200C, for later use.
Many prayers for you.
Please take Pulsatilla Q, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days. This remedy must not be taken during period.
Also, buy, Apis Mel 200C, for later use.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
No offense to anyone here, but it seems like people just throw any and all remedies at people that need help. When those remedies don't act, as they don't match, more people will disbelieve homeopathy and not find relief. Look to the key symptoms.
Jealousy, dreams snakes, doesn't want clothes on neck.
Wait one month and watch, do not take anything else. If that doesn't work come back for the other possible remedy
Jealousy, dreams snakes, doesn't want clothes on neck.
Wait one month and watch, do not take anything else. If that doesn't work come back for the other possible remedy
HealingLady 8 years ago
Going with Lachesis 1M. SInce I have already been on others. Started today. Will let you know how it goes.
[message edited by ayesha3 on Mon, 03 Oct 2016 13:15:56 UTC]
[message edited by ayesha3 on Mon, 03 Oct 2016 13:15:56 UTC]
ayesha3 8 years ago
I know i am back early... than a month.
BEfore that i want to tell you that I was feeling really let down and many family issues happened in between 24 Aug to Sept 20. And many things changed in our relationship. I did talk to my husband in this phase and we decided to be more concentrating on kids rather than our relationship which may be mended in due course. I was rather gald to have this change and hoping to make my best out of it which would have otherwise resulted in a divorce.
I did take few more medicines after lachesis 1m. It did feel helpful but not in all aspects. It did help me to manage my jealosy for some extent. I am able to tolerate though not always... but I am not easily let down and not as frequent as before. I took Sepia 200 twice in a week which I felt really helped me and I was clear of most of my postpartum depression. I say this because I tend to remember the incidents that occurred during this phase of my life almost rarely after taking this med. Later on I had Ignetia 1m when an incident triggered my overthinking. even that helped me. However I feel these to be short time remedies. and I need a long term solution which will help me move out of this mental state. I have self prescribed these medicines. And I did not go with puls as suggested in earlier comment of one of the member because I felt Some part of me was fixed by using it but now that medicine has no effect on me. It happens with me many a times. I used to get an intermediate dose (when treated with puls by doc) for boosting and still the progress would stall. Thought to mention hoping this would help in prescribing me. Since my relationship is mended I now experience lesser mental aggravations, but if a trigger event happens I am unable to control thoughts. I am able to manage to keep it for myself and not effecting others with my behavior and also to get out of it by conscious trying and teaching myself that I need to end it there. As of now I am suffering with a physical problem. My joints are aching all my finger and toe and knees and all. the ache is not so severe to treat it but it slows down my activity and makes me feel burdensome in mood. It generally happens in winter and cool days. Making a new life. Please help me catch up physically and mentally. If i stop doing things again my relationship is at stake! And thank you for all who take up my case and provide suggestions. I really feel the care you people show me.
BEfore that i want to tell you that I was feeling really let down and many family issues happened in between 24 Aug to Sept 20. And many things changed in our relationship. I did talk to my husband in this phase and we decided to be more concentrating on kids rather than our relationship which may be mended in due course. I was rather gald to have this change and hoping to make my best out of it which would have otherwise resulted in a divorce.
I did take few more medicines after lachesis 1m. It did feel helpful but not in all aspects. It did help me to manage my jealosy for some extent. I am able to tolerate though not always... but I am not easily let down and not as frequent as before. I took Sepia 200 twice in a week which I felt really helped me and I was clear of most of my postpartum depression. I say this because I tend to remember the incidents that occurred during this phase of my life almost rarely after taking this med. Later on I had Ignetia 1m when an incident triggered my overthinking. even that helped me. However I feel these to be short time remedies. and I need a long term solution which will help me move out of this mental state. I have self prescribed these medicines. And I did not go with puls as suggested in earlier comment of one of the member because I felt Some part of me was fixed by using it but now that medicine has no effect on me. It happens with me many a times. I used to get an intermediate dose (when treated with puls by doc) for boosting and still the progress would stall. Thought to mention hoping this would help in prescribing me. Since my relationship is mended I now experience lesser mental aggravations, but if a trigger event happens I am unable to control thoughts. I am able to manage to keep it for myself and not effecting others with my behavior and also to get out of it by conscious trying and teaching myself that I need to end it there. As of now I am suffering with a physical problem. My joints are aching all my finger and toe and knees and all. the ache is not so severe to treat it but it slows down my activity and makes me feel burdensome in mood. It generally happens in winter and cool days. Making a new life. Please help me catch up physically and mentally. If i stop doing things again my relationship is at stake! And thank you for all who take up my case and provide suggestions. I really feel the care you people show me.
ayesha3 8 years ago
DrManojVEDI 8 years ago
Started on clac carb 30c today will follow up with arnica 30c and report back
ayesha3 8 years ago
Calc carb is amazing and helped me with my pains due to winter. Now physically fit and good at work and all fine the only symptom that keeps coming back is suspicion. This has rose to a level that even if i hear a girls name from his mouth I am feeling extremely depressed.
Please help!!!
I keep telling myself not to think that way its all not true it aggravates more!!
[message edited by ayesha3 on Sat, 26 Nov 2016 07:43:47 UTC]
Please help!!!
I keep telling myself not to think that way its all not true it aggravates more!!
[message edited by ayesha3 on Sat, 26 Nov 2016 07:43:47 UTC]
ayesha3 8 years ago
You may be having a increase of this from the remedies. If so,that is a good thing as relief will follow.
The energy of this is coming out
And you have to be an "observer"
Of yourself and just watch, do not buy into the emotions of it.
Please scroll up to the post where dr Manoj prescribed. Click his name and see his email.
Please mail him your response.
Yesterday he said he was too busy
To be on forum anymore,and I think
He forgot your case.
Perhaps you can continue with him
By email if he is not going to visit here.
You may be having a increase of this from the remedies. If so,that is a good thing as relief will follow.
The energy of this is coming out
And you have to be an "observer"
Of yourself and just watch, do not buy into the emotions of it.
Please scroll up to the post where dr Manoj prescribed. Click his name and see his email.
Please mail him your response.
Yesterday he said he was too busy
To be on forum anymore,and I think
He forgot your case.
Perhaps you can continue with him
By email if he is not going to visit here.
♡ simone717 8 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.