The ABC Homeopathy Forum
♥ Yueyarbe on 2016-08-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
there are hundred remedies...
male; enlarged; prostate gland: acon aesc(2) alf all-s(3) aloe(3) alum alum-p alum-sil am-m(3) apis(3) apoc(3) arg-n(3) arn asaf asar aspar aur aur-m(3) bar-c(4) bar-i(3) bar-m(4) bell benz-ac(3) berb(3) bry cact(3) calc(4) calc-f calc-i calc-sil cann-i cann-s canth caps carb-ac carb-v cedr chim(3) chr-s cic(3) cimic(3) clem con(4) cop(3) cub cuc-p(3) dig(4) diph dulc(3) echi-a epig equis ery-a(2) ery-m(2) eup-pur euphr ferr ferr-m(3) ferr-p(3) ferr-pic(3) gado-o gels(3) gnaph(2) graph hep(3) hydrang(3) hyos(3) ichth iod(4) kali-bi kali-br kali-c(3) kali-i(3) kali-p lina(3) lith-c lyc(3) mag-c mag-i mag-s med(3) merc(3) merc-d morph mur-ac nat-c(3) nat-p nat-s(3) nat-sil neod-c nit-ac(3) nux-v(3) ol-an(3) ol-sant(3) oxyd pareir(3) passi petr petros(3) phase phos(3) pic-ac pip-m plat polytr pop(3) prun(2) psor(3) puls(4) rhod(3) rhus-a sabal(4) sars sec(3) sel(4) senec(3) sep(3) sil(3) solid(3) spong(3) staph(4) stigm stram sul-i sulph(3) terebe ther thiosin(3) thuj(3) thymol thyr trib tritic-r uva(3) verat x-ray zinc
generally thuja, staph and nux are used.
male; enlarged; prostate gland: acon aesc(2) alf all-s(3) aloe(3) alum alum-p alum-sil am-m(3) apis(3) apoc(3) arg-n(3) arn asaf asar aspar aur aur-m(3) bar-c(4) bar-i(3) bar-m(4) bell benz-ac(3) berb(3) bry cact(3) calc(4) calc-f calc-i calc-sil cann-i cann-s canth caps carb-ac carb-v cedr chim(3) chr-s cic(3) cimic(3) clem con(4) cop(3) cub cuc-p(3) dig(4) diph dulc(3) echi-a epig equis ery-a(2) ery-m(2) eup-pur euphr ferr ferr-m(3) ferr-p(3) ferr-pic(3) gado-o gels(3) gnaph(2) graph hep(3) hydrang(3) hyos(3) ichth iod(4) kali-bi kali-br kali-c(3) kali-i(3) kali-p lina(3) lith-c lyc(3) mag-c mag-i mag-s med(3) merc(3) merc-d morph mur-ac nat-c(3) nat-p nat-s(3) nat-sil neod-c nit-ac(3) nux-v(3) ol-an(3) ol-sant(3) oxyd pareir(3) passi petr petros(3) phase phos(3) pic-ac pip-m plat polytr pop(3) prun(2) psor(3) puls(4) rhod(3) rhus-a sabal(4) sars sec(3) sel(4) senec(3) sep(3) sil(3) solid(3) spong(3) staph(4) stigm stram sul-i sulph(3) terebe ther thiosin(3) thuj(3) thymol thyr trib tritic-r uva(3) verat x-ray zinc
generally thuja, staph and nux are used.
♡ kadwa 8 years ago
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