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Chronic Sinus Pain; Pregnant- pelvic pain, sharp stabbing pains, & more

I was told I needed to consolidate my 2 posts into one post. I'll do my best to keep this short and provide any updates!
Chronic sinus pain/pressure for the past 2-3 years. It has become more chronic as time has passed. To the point now, that I have to do a saline flush up my nose every day or every other day just so my face won't hurt. I also use a homeopathic nasal mist called Sinus Buster to help with pain/pressure. If I ignore the face pain it quickly progresses to other bodily symptoms: fatigue, extreme sleepiness, malaise, no energy, a general achy-ness all over like i'm coming down with something. I sometimes have mucous come out of my throat, but NOT excessive. Mostly the first part of the day. I can breathe good through my nose. I take astragalus and elderberry to help my immune system. I take other vitamins and herbs too, but no drugs.

Biggest pregnancy complaints: very sore/achey in inner thighs up in pelvic area-feels like the joints/ligaments that connect my thighs to my pelvis are sore, sometimes makes it difficult to walk or move around; round ligament pain; sharp stabbing pains around the area of my lower inguinal hernia repair; pain in the pubic bone at night when turning from side to side; don't know if there are any vaginal varicosities, but the area sometimes feels swollen. I started wearing a baby belly band with compression therapy groin bands to help support my pelvis and thereby help with all these issues.

I just started the Pregnancy Program of tissue salts created by homeopath ‘John Damonte’ (currently taking CALC FLUOR, Mag phos, Nat mur. I'm taking 2 pills of each, twice a day. I don't even know if this is a correct dosage because i find different recommendations everywhere!)

Advice is appreciated!!
[message edited by fitzgrl on Fri, 26 Aug 2016 17:48:01 UTC]
  fitzgrl on 2016-08-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
for sinus you were under treatment of dr kawada,what was the out come?
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
No I tried reaching out to Dr Kadwa on another post, but have got no reply from him yet.
fitzgrl 8 years ago
is there any relief after taking the salts?

you can continue taking them,and give a feed back after 3 days.

in case there is any other peculiar symptom you have even if you feel it is of no consequence,kindly pen it down
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
I believe the salts are helping. Everything is doing better overall, most notably the soreness in the pelvic-thigh area. (The pubic bone area still hurts a little here and there. I may need a chiropractic adjustment)
Interestingly enough, it actually seems like the tissue salts have helped my sinuses too! They haven't been bothering me to the degree that they were before.

Update on symptoms that I forgot to mention before:
One symptom I forgot to mention is occasional coughing. Its not constant...just a few times through the day. The strange thing is when I turn from side to side at night it makes me cough! Weird. Its almost like there is some excess mucous in my lungs or something.
That's it for now!
[message edited by fitzgrl on Wed, 31 Aug 2016 15:18:49 UTC]
fitzgrl 8 years ago
is there any rattling in the chest?

if you cover yourself with a bedsheet or something do yo still cough?
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Hmm no I don't think there's any rattling. But when i do cough, it is pretty forceful. Although as I mentioned before it is quite random...just a few times a day, and at night a few times when i turn. Bed sheets don't make a difference. It's like i can feel my bronchial tubes/lungs getting aggravated when i turn over in bed. Never had this before...maybe it is related to the pregnancy?
fitzgrl 8 years ago
take mag phos 6x and kali phos 6x , five tabs of each three times a day,give a feed back after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Okay thank you. Would you mind providing me with the indications for these cell salts? I like to have the information too. :-)
I have done research on the different cell salts and find that different websites list different information. Do you have a reliable source of cell salt information? I love learning! I am more versed in herbs and preventative medicine, but new to cell salts.
Thank you!
[message edited by fitzgrl on Fri, 02 Sep 2016 18:41:30 UTC]
fitzgrl 8 years ago
you can do research on the net i do not have that much time to provide info to all the people i treat.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
K thanks I'll check it out.
fitzgrl 8 years ago
OH AND I remembered other symptoms too. Sorry to give things in bits and pieces...just didn't think of them before. THis is gross, but I have been having some loose stools and putrid too (not typical for me at all). Sometimes there are pains in tummy beforehand. The other thing is for the entirety of this pregnancy I have been having eye symptoms (did not have with other 2 pregnancies but this time I'm having a girl). Symptoms include sensitivity to light, floaters in vision, random bright spots/flashes in vision that last 5 seconds to a minute. In brighter light (like a sunny day outside or white backrounds) I can see what I would describe as pulsating shadowy-spots in my vision, and can see my hearbeat pulsating in the bottom left corner of my field of vision too. It sounds quite strange, but my midwife told me it was hormonal and usually disappears after pregnancy. My blood pressure is always on the lower side (60/100ish), but it has gone up a bit (like 70/115)...this is by all standards normal...but interesting to me because the last pregnancies didn't go up at all.
fitzgrl 8 years ago
your symptoms should be taken care of by the cell salts prescribed.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Just checking in to give updates. I wasn't able to start the new protocol right away, due to circumstances. I continued to take the pregnancy protocol that I mentioned before. The cough has mostly subsided. I took a break from the pregnancy protocol for a while because it seemed like it was having side effects (weird uncomfortable sensations in legs)...they stopped shortly after i discontinued them. I have been taking them on and off since then. I finally was able to start taking the protocol you suggested today. I started off with a smaller dose (3 tablets of mag phos and 3 tablets of kali phose around 3pm). Then I took another dose (same amount as before) about 10pm tonight. Everything was normal till about an hour later when i started falling asleep, and suddenly started itching everywhere!! It was very difficult to ignore and if i didn't scratch it seemed to cause uncomfortable sensation which would cause jerking movements. I finally was able to fall asleep, but only for a second, when it was like someone jolted me with electricity which caused me to jerk right out of my sleep!!! I am up writing this waiting for it to wear off. This cell salt protocol seemed to have negative effects. Please enlighten me.
fitzgrl 8 years ago
stop and let the itch subside and let me know how you feel after that.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
kindly do not apply or take any anti allergic for suppression of the itch.

if it is intolerable take nux vom 30 one dose,5 pills.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
I am definitely stopping the cell salts. What is the purpose of Nux Vom 30? I don't actually have any.
What i do not understand about this whole thing is that cell salts are NOT supposed to have side effects. Apparently they do because this is the second time I've had reaction to them. Whats odd is the Kali Phos, according to the bottle, is for relieving stress, nervous tension, and sleeplessness. To the contrary, it seems it had the opposite effect!! Can you please explain how/why this would happen (when supposedly there should be no side effects)?? I've never had side effects from homeopathy but maybe cell salts are different.
fitzgrl 8 years ago
different constitutions respond differently to salts and medicines.

in sensitive people kali phos causes those effects.

do not worry let the symptoms subside.

give a feed back after that.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Oh, okay. If I understand correctly, basically the salts could cause the very effects they are supposed to get rid of, if you are a sensitive individual. Well they should let you know that their are possible side effects, because everywhere I read says tissue salts don't have side effects. Anyways, yes I will give feedback. :-)

Could you still tell me what the purpose of nux vom 30 would be? If you think it is important maybe I will order it. But it wouldn't be here for like 5 days.
fitzgrl 8 years ago
if it is because of the salts it will antidote it.

but i suggest not to till such time the itch is intolerable let it subside by itself.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
I forgot to post but those issues resolved.
fitzgrl 8 years ago

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