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12 yr boy with Atention Disorder (ADAH) and sleep problems.

I am looking for help for my son who suffers from ADAH (attention deficit and hyperactivity) and sleep disorders. He has continual problems at school caused by his inability to organise himself and to concentrate on subjects that don't engage his attention.

He received treatment last spring from a naturopath which helped him in his personal relations with friends, family and teachers, but didn't make any difference in his ability to concentrate on his school work. The remedies he was prescribed were:

Tarantula 30D, Pulsatilla 30D, Staphisagria 15CH, Acidum Phosphoricum 7CH, Ambra Grisae 30CH.

However, I was a little surprised by the method of choosing these remedies, as the initial interview was brief and the doctor used an electromagnetic device that measured the electrical currents in my son's hand. I'm not familiar with this and I wonder if the remedies chosen were appropriate for his acute symptoms but not for his chronic syndrome?

I have been looking into constitutional remedies and I feel that Calcarea carbonica fits him very closely. I would like to try this remedy but lack the experience to know what dosage and dilution is appropriate, or whether indeed it is the right thing for him at present.

The below details are a combination of his and my perceptions of his problems. 

Patient ID: Sex: Age: Male, 12 years.

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings. 

1. Describe your main suffering? 

Attention deficit, lack of energy, difficulty in concentration, sleep problems.

He is very disorganised and quickly forgets /ignores instructions about boring day to day business. He gets bored quickly but will happily spends hours building Lego models or playing videogames. However he gets very frustrated and angry over videogames at times so I don't like him to play much.

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body? 

Tendency to overweight, sweats easily, sometimes hears rustling or other noises in ears.

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings? 

Impatience and bouts of anger, particularly over perceived injustice. Cries easily with rage and impotence.

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? 

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease? 

6. Which time of the day you are worst? 

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? 

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)? 

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather? 

Cold wet weather.

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc. 

Perfectionist, irritable and frustrated when he fails to achieve his aim, sociable and friendly, tries to please, unsure of himself. Often unpredictable with rapid flares of temper, but quickly recovers. Resentful of injustices. Sympathetic.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm? 

Nervous in case there's a power cut.

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? 

Prefers to be alone.

- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?

He is very sensitive to harsh, scraping noises, which he hates.

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless 
weeping, talking to one self etc? 

Unconscious facial gestures. Growling when angry.

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife? 

He emulates his older brother unconsciously, though he complains that his brother is inconsiderate. Possibly jealous at times as his brother finds everything easier in life. He has an up and down relationship with his father as they are similar in many ways, he is resentful about perceived injustices but at the same time tries to win his father's favour.

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly? 

Doesn't dream much and no habitual dreams. I think he is afraid of the dark and of closed cupboard doors.

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions? 

Salty food and strong flavours. Aversion to bland flavours and textures like courgette, aubergine, boiled potatoes.

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? 


14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? 

Normal to excessive.

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand? 


16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs? 

Tends to sweat above average, particularly on head.

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type? 

Normal. Stool type consistent.

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping? 

He has frequent problems falling asleep or waking up in the small hours (4-6am). He sleeps on his side, and completely buries himself in bedclothes even in hot weather. He doesn't like complete silence and sleeps with a fan running.

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general? 


20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all? 

He says he doesn't feel different, but maybe the case is that he doesn't want to feel different.

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication? 

Tarantula 30D, Pulsatilla 30D, Staphisagria 15CH, Acidum Phosphoricum 7CH, Ambra Grisae 30CH: taken from April to June this year. His interpersonal relationships improved but he continued to be as distracted, disorganised and impulsive as ever.

22. What major diseases are running in your family? 

Father with bipolar / narcissistic tendencies.

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance 

Tall and large for age, has always had a tendency to be overweight. Large head. Pale / pink complexion and dark hair.

Thank you.
  Bondre on 2016-09-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can consider your case but you need to give many answers, copy the questions list in notepad,
write answers in same way with questions and then paste in post reply, NO SHORT answers explain MAXIMUM you can.

1. Age,sex,weight,country.

2. Main complaints and other associated troubles.
a)Where is the trouble; The exact locality of the complaint like hands,legs etc; duration of trouble.
b)What exactly do child feels, Sensation as pain, how pain feels or burn etc, according to you.
c)What are the factors that causes this trouble according to you.
d)Condition under which the complaint is reduced or child feels better like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
e)Condition under which the complaint is increased like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
f)Any other complaint any where in the body.
g)Onset time of troubles in detail, i.e which came first, after that what problem and so on.
h)Treatment method adopted and its result.

3. History of diseases in family.

4. Personal History.
a)About childhood.
b)Academic performance.
c)Any major incidents in life and the effect of it on life.
d)How is child satisfied with friends, family members, etc.

6. How is child's Appetite and Thirst.

7. Likes and Dislikes.
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat Fish Fruits Fried Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-drink Ice Ice cream Chocolates Tea Coffee.
b)Anything else about like and dislike of any activity with child or surrounding.

8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency, satisfactory or not.
b)Any discomforts associated with stool.

9. Urine.
a)Frequency, nature, volume.
b)Any discomfort before, during or after urination/odour

12. Sleep.
a)The quality of sleep, the quietness or restlessness of sleep,
position of sleep, times of waking and reasons for waking,
need for cover over various parts of the body,
whether the window must be open or closed etc.
common dreams, peculiar sounds or gestures during sleep, etc.

13. Sweat
a)How much, what parts, staining, Odour.

14. Weather
a)Tolerance to heat and cold, dryness, humidity, weather changes, sun,
foggy weather, wind drafts, closed rooms, etc.

15. Mental Status
a) Were there any complications at birth?
b)At what age did the child: crawl, walk, talk, teethe, toilet train ?
c)How did the child react to the following situations: vaccinations, birth of younger sibling, starting day care, starting school, spending night with a friend, going away to camp, traveling with the family
d)Did the child have an especially severe childhood illness--measles, mumps, croup, etc.?
e)When ill or upset does the child want to cling or be left alone, or something else altogether?
f)How would you describe the child's behavior when playing with other children?
g)What feedback do you get from the child's teachers?
h)How does your child treat animals?
i)What fears does your child have?
j)How affectionate is the child when not sick?
k)How sympathetic is the child (concerned with the suffering of others)?
l)How is the child affected by games, studying, music and dancing?
m)Is the child fastidious? Please explain.
n)Is the child sensitive to criticism? Please explain.
o)Describe the child's eating habits, for example: picks at his food, or eats voraciously, or is full after 2 bites, or can't sit still to eat, or must be fed or he won't calm down, and so on.
p)Are there any digestive complaints--waking with stomach pains, or a lot of gas and bloating or burping, or constipation, etc.?
q)How cooperative is the child?
r)What does the child really love to do?

0antivirus0 8 years ago
Thank you Antivirus. Here are the triples to your questions, I hope it is complete enough.

1. Age,sex,weight,country. 
12 years, male, 69kg, Spain.

2. Main complaints and other associated troubles.
a)Where is the trouble; The exact locality of the complaint like hands,legs etc; duration of trouble.
- Chronic attention disorder and sleep problems, lack of energy, impulsive behaviour.
b)What exactly do child feels, Sensation as pain, how pain feels or burn etc, according to you. 
- I think he feels fine as he is accustomed to his brain working like this, but I observe huge lack of comprehension of cause and effect which a 'normal' 12 yr old would understand, so I think this causes him mental confusion and frustration.
c)What are the factors that causes this trouble according to you.
- He is more distracted and lacklustre when he has to do something that doesn't interest him. He is very sensitive to injustice and gets annoyed or cries when he feels to have been treated unjustly.
d)Condition under which the complaint is reduced or child feels better like, cold or hot application, cold or hot weather, position as standing, walking, rest etc. 
- He likes resting lying down, and likes cool temperatures.
e)Condition under which the complaint is increased like, cold or hot application, cold or hot weather, position as standing, walking, rest etc. 
- Standing and hot conditions.
f)Any other complaint any where in the body. 
- In the past (last year) he has complained of hearing rushing and popping noises in his ears, which disturbed his sleep, but recently this has diminished and no longer bothers him. He has a tendency to be overweight and is flabby round the waist.
g)Onset time of troubles in detail, i.e which came first, after that what problem and so on. 
- He has always had the problem of deficit of attention and impulsive behaviour, though his expression of this problem has changed as he has matured. The sleep disorders started two years ago with the noises in his ears, making it difficult for him to fall asleep. He still has regular difficulties for going to sleep (maybe once a week) and nights when he wakes up in the small hours. He has always been chubby and continues to gain weight gradually.
h)Treatment method adopted and its result. 
- Homeopathic treatment prescribed by a naturopath in May this year. Remedies: Tarantula 30D, Pulsatilla 30D, Staphisagria 15CH, Acidum Phosphoricum 7CH, Ambra Grisae 30CH.
The result was partially favourable in that his personal relations improved. He was more tolerant of others and more amenable in general. He said he felt less distracted in his head, but there was no great change in the quality of his school work or in his desire to do it.

3. History of diseases in family.
- Father has bipolar character with narcissistic tendencies.

4. Personal History.
a)About childhood. 
We are farmers so his childhood has been spent living in a rural area. As a youngster he was tough and independent, happy to occupy himself hunting insects on his own. He rarely cried and never made a fuss if he hurt himself. He had little contact with other children outside of school and this combined with his difficult character made it hard for him to make friends until recently (2 years ago).
b)Academic performance.
- Average performance until age 10 when he started to slip badly. The past two academic years he has failed most of his subjects. He performs better in science subjects which interest him, very well in art as he is naturally talented, average in maths and poorly in language, English and music. The past two years he has lacked motivation at  school and his work has suffered.
c)Any major incidents in life and the effect of it on life. 
Nothing major.
d)How is child satisfied with friends, family members, etc.
- He has few friends. He often goes off by himself when he is visiting friends in the local village. Despite this he would like to live in the village and complains about living away from his friends. He emulates his older brother unconsciously, though he complains that his brother is inconsiderate. Possibly jealous at times as his brother finds everything easier in life. He has an up and down relationship with his father as they are similar in many ways, he is resentful about perceived injustices in his father's disciplinary measures, but at the same time tries to win his father's favour.

6. How is child's Appetite and Thirst. 
- Good appetite and above average thirst. Drinks regularly throughout day and at mealtimes.

7. Likes and Dislikes. 
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat Fish Fruits Fried Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-drink Ice Ice cream Chocolates Tea Coffee. 
- Likes spicy food, acid food, butter, sweet, chicken, fruits, fried food, ice cream, chocolate. No particular preference for warm or cold, depends on the season.
b)Anything else about like and dislike of any activity with child or surrounding. 
- Strong dislike for scraping noises. Dislikes dark rooms. Likes water and water-related activities and sports. Likes carpets and soft furnishings.

8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency, satisfactory or not.
Stool consistent, regular movements.
b)Any discomforts associated with stool. 

9. Urine. 
a)Frequency, nature, volume. 
- Urinates 4-6 times a day. Average volume, pale transparent yellow.
b)Any discomfort before, during or after urination/odour 

12. Sleep. 
a)The quality of sleep, the quietness or restlessness of sleep,
position of sleep, times of waking and reasons for waking, 
need for cover over various parts of the body, whether the window must be open or closed etc., common dreams, peculiar sounds or gestures during sleep, etc. 
- He sleeps well but complains regularly of waking in the night / early morning or having problems for going to sleep. He is very particular about how the bedclothes should be when he goes to bed. He likes to feel weight on him so sleeps with two blankets even in summer when just a sheet would be sufficient. The blankets must be tucked in on each side so he can barely move in the bed, and he puts them them over his head so he is completely covered (although in the morning he is often completely uncovered in hot weather). He prefers the window closed, except now in summer I have convinced him to leave it a little open. The cupboard door in his room should be open so he can see inside. He sleeps with an electric fan and even used this throughout the winter as he finds the continuous noise soothing and relaxing. He sleeps on his side and moves very little while asleep. Most dreams are fantasy / inspired in television and video games. No recurring dreams that he remembers.

13. Sweat 
a)How much, what parts, staining, Odour.
He sweats freely in hot weather, especially on his head and neck. He  used to stain the pillowcase with sweat but this has reduced in the last year. Slightly sweet odour.

14. Weather 
a)Tolerance to heat and cold, dryness, humidity, weather changes, sun, foggy weather, wind drafts, closed rooms, etc.
- He likes cool wet weather. Dislikes the heat and dryness. Likes a closed room and the noise of the rain outside.
15. Mental Status 
a) Were there any complications at birth? 
b)At what age did the child: crawl, walk, talk, teethe, toilet train ?
- He talked early and talked more than his older brother (18 months older). I think he crawled and walked at an average age. He was quick to toilet train although he preferred to go outside in the countryside than to use the toilet.
c)How did the child react to the following situations: vaccinations, birth of younger sibling, starting day care, starting school, spending night with a friend, going away to camp, traveling with the family 
- No reaction to vaccinations. Was happy to start day care and asked to go more than I was able to take him. Likewise he was enthusiastic about starting school. He went to camp this year and had a great time apart from a severe sunburn. Enjoys travelling though he gets bored of doing too many touristy visits and complains and says he prefers to stay in the hotel / lodging house.
d)Did the child have an especially severe childhood illness--measles, mumps, croup, etc.?
- No
e)When ill or upset does the child want to cling or be left alone, or something else altogether? 
- He is never clingy, he likes to be attended to, having wounds cleaned, temperature taken etc. but is happy on his own. When he is emotionally upset he finds it hard to talk and shuts himself away, though he will open up with gentle and sympathetic persistence on my part.
f)How would you describe the child's behavior when playing with other children? 
- He plays as if he doesn't really understand social conventions. He gets annoyed easily if someone breaks the rules of the game and will take it on himself to discipline the offender, yet he likes to bend the rules in his favour if he can get away with it. He used to be very defensive / aggressive if anyone bothered him as he was afraid they were going to laugh at him, and he is still easily offended. He is clumsy and finds physical play hard, so he has had a difficult time learning to participate, to accept his mistakes and realize no-one is laughing at him for them, and to relax and have fun.
g)What feedback do you get from the child's teachers?
- In the past his relation with contemporaries has been brusque and difficult though this year he has improved greatly. He speaks his mind and is often inconsiderate in his dealings with others. He misjudges situations and overreacts to perceived slights. He challenges authority and refuses to let his teachers see his notebooks. He gets quickly discouraged if he can't do an activity proficiently and he is perfectionist. He is disorganised and forgetful with his schoolbooks. He secretly loves to be encouraged but puts on a grudging exterior or even gets annoyed when his teacher is trying to help.
h)How does your child treat animals?
- He has a bipolar relationship. He loves animals to be cuddly but when they are not (e.g. the cat scratches when playing) he becomes impatient and annoyed. He has a pair of pet lovebirds which he loved as they would snuggle into his neck. However we couldn't keep them in the house once they grew older, so they moved out to a large aviary and now he visits them infrequently and only for a short time, so they no longer snuggle with him and he has largely lost interest. He loves the concept of a cute cuddly animal but he's not so interested in the reality. He has been raised surrounded by animals but he has never really been an animal person.
i)What fears does your child have?
- Strong fear of the dark and of nocturnal monsters, fear of things behind closed doors, fear of being alone in a power cut.
j)How affectionate is the child when not sick? 
- Not especially demonstrative though he is responsive to and enjoys affection.
k)How sympathetic is the child (concerned with the suffering of others)? 
- Not particularly, he dwells more on his own sufferings.
l)How is the child affected by games, studying, music and dancing? 
- He loves playing videogames and will play for hours if allowed. However he gets angry, frustrated and even tries to break whatever electronic device he is using so we don't allow him to play excessively. He dislikes studying but prefers to study on his own. He likes listening to music but would never dance.
m)Is the child fastidious? Please explain.
- Yes and no. He doesn't care much about his appearance and his room is generally disorganised and he will let it get positively dirty if allowed. But he is fastidious about concepts and perfectionist in his thoughts. He doesn't like fuzzy answers to questions.
n)Is the child sensitive to criticism? Please explain.
- Yes. He likes to feel his efforts are appreciated and hence has problems relating to his father who is very critical. He complains to me that his father never says he does anything well.
o)Describe the child's eating habits, for example: picks at his food, or eats voraciously, or is full after 2 bites, or can't sit still to eat, or must be fed or he won't calm down, and so on.
- He has a good appetite and eats normally. He likes to snack between meals.
p)Are there any digestive complaints--waking with stomach pains, or a lot of gas and bloating or burping, or constipation, etc.?
- He sometimes wakes with stomach pains which may pass quickly or persist all morning.
q)How cooperative is the child? 
- Depending on his mood. Sometimes he cooperates and other times he says "why me?" if you ask him to do something. When he was taking the combination of homeopathic remedies (see section 2h) he was generally more cooperative and amenable.
r)What does the child really love to do?
He likes drawing, which he does very well. He draws machines and structures with great detail, he doesn't use rulers and he never uses colours, just freehand in black and white. He loves swimming and playing in water. He likes building Lego models, and building virtual models and scenes in videogames like Minecraft and Geometrix.
Bondre 8 years ago
Describe face and
tongue by doing FACIAL AND

by doing EVALUATION on visiting
0antivirus0 8 years ago
Describe face and
tongue by doing FACIAL and

by doing EVALUATION on visiting
0antivirus0 8 years ago
give CAUSTICUM 200c liquid, 2 drops in a tablespoon water, only 2 dose not more than that, not daily, 1st dose before sleep and next dose next morning after wakeup,

{if buying pills then 3 pills as one dose, 2 times, 1st at night and 2nd after wakeup, chew it, do not swallow with water}

do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after medicine,


feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=

0antivirus0 8 years ago
Thank you 0antivirus0. I will order the Causticum and report back.

Here are the results of the tridosha self-test:

Prakrti: Pitta-Kapha

Your prakrti, the physical constitution with which you were born, is a mix of Pitta and Kapha, with Pitta slightly predominant. This is an unchanging characteristic and represents your natural, normal state of being. Let's take a look at some of the common qualities of Pitta-Kapha individuals.

Physically, Pitta individuals tend to be of medium build, with medium heads on medium necks on medium bodies. Medium everything, in fact. Kaphas, on the other hand, tend to be large, thick, big-boned, and slow moving. With your predominant Pitta dosha, you are probably closer to medium build, but the Kapha influence may affect your tendency to gain weight. If you find yourself putting on pounds, especially around the buttocks and hips, that is the Kapha in you.

Kaphas are generally tranquil, laid-back, easygoing people; Pittas tend to be aggressive, fiery, and dominant. With luck, your Kapha influence has tamed the worst excesses of your predominant Pitta dosha, making you a bit less irritable, though perhaps not much. Pitta-Kaphas often make great athletes. They combine the energy of Pitta with the endurance of Kapha. And although they are usually not as big as a pure Kapha, their Pitta nature often makes them more muscular, sometimes to an extreme.

Pitta-Kaphas eat well, seldom missing a meal. They have the strong digestive juices of a Pitta without the sometimes-sluggish bowels of the pure Kapha. But they also typically inherit the Kapha's strong immune system.

This is the physical constitution (prakrti) with which you were born. It gives you some idea of your tendencies, and your physical strengths and weaknesses. Now let's take a look at your current dosha state to see if you are balanced or imbalanced.

Vikrti: Kapha Imbalance

Vikrti is a state of imbalance in which one of the three bodily humors or doshas is excessive. In your case, you have an excess of the Kapha dosha. Kapha is the water dosha (a mix of water and earth).

Ayurveda lists some twenty diseases that are caused by imbalanced Kapha. Because the negative tendencies of Kapha are lethargy, drowsiness, and accumulation, the Kapha-related illnesses stem from such behavior, as well as from excessive liquid intake.

Kapha ailments include:

Drowsiness and excessive sleep
Laziness, lethargy, and heaviness of the body
Excess mucous production and excess bodily excretion
Obesity, anorexia nervosa, indigestion
Mucous around the heart or in the throat
Edema, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, sinus congestion, hay fever
Hypertension, atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries)
As you can see, Kapha's earth element causes illnesses related to lack of movement (whether of the body or the digestive system). Kapha's water element causes illnesses related to accumulation of fluids, such as edema and excess mucous. Naturally, lack of activity and cold, damp environments aggravate Kapha ailments. For example:

Drinking with meals
Sleeping too much and not exercising enough
Eating too many sweets or mucous forming foods
The best treatment for a Kapha imbalance is to get off your butt and get to work. Get out of bed! No more than eight, and preferably closer to six, hours of sleep is the rule. Get some physical and mental exercise. Eat a very light breakfast, if at all, a big lunch (followed by a brisk walk), and a moderate evening meal. One day a week, fast.

Stick to bitter, pungent, and astringent foods. Don't drink with meals and, in fact, drink less. An occasional trip to the sauna or a warm bath to promote sweating is also a good idea. And the best news: have regular sexual intercourse!

Kapha is strongest between 6-10 a.m. and 6-10 p.m. Those are good times to avoid eating (or eat lightly) as the digestive process will be slowest then. And beware the late winter and early spring, as Kapha is at it's peak then. Don't fall into a spring slump. Stay active.
Bondre 8 years ago
ok report as adviced
0antivirus0 8 years ago
My son took the Causticum 200 two doses as advised.

feeling calm= No notable difference. He got in a real big temper one day because of something that went very wrong for him. When he is really angry he goes red, weeps tears of rage, talks very fast and unintelligibly and resorts to foul language. Also wants to take justice into his own hands and doesn't willingly take no for an answer. I don't believe in horoscopes but on these occasions he is 100% bull-like (he is a Taurus).

good sleep= his sleep has been better. He hasn't woken up in the small hours and has slept easily when going to bed.

proper energy level= No improvement. Regularly tired and sluggish after school.

self control= No improvement (see above).

confidence level= average. He's not lacking in confidence.

freshness on waking up= this is good. He gets up quick and is alert. I think he is best in the morning.

love and affection with others= not good with family members. He is mostly distant and abrupt, often verging on rudeness, particularly if he thinks you aren't "on his side". He easily relapses into self-imposed isolation and it's hard to make emotional contact.

mental freedom or freshness= good, he seems more interested in his school work and often asks unusual and perceptive questions about things.
Bondre 8 years ago
sorry but Describe child PRAKRITI
by doing EVALUATION on visiting

please do it again.
0antivirus0 8 years ago
prakriti test 1:
pitta 43
kapha 33
vata 24

test 2:
pitta 38
kapha 32
vata 31
Bondre 8 years ago
is there any improvement in his rudeness, selfcontrol and emotional stability.
0antivirus0 8 years ago
Sorry for delay in replying. Yes, there is a big improvement in his emotional stability. He is mostly polite and more considerate. Under stress he reverts a bit but that is also habit.
Bondre 8 years ago
ok i will tell further steps on 13 october 2016
0antivirus0 8 years ago
Hoping to receive further indications. Thank you
Bondre 8 years ago
is the improvement in his overall condition increasing ??
0antivirus0 8 years ago
His attitude is considerably improved, and he is more conscientious about school work. So yes, I think I am seeing a continued improvement.

His energy levels are still low, I think this is the biggest problem at present. Plus his tendency to put on weight despite not overeating.
Bondre 8 years ago
And although he is sleeping well he is a bit fanatical about his nighttime habits. He needs a low sustained noise (electric fan) and fills the bed with pillows so he is tight packed on all sides.
Bondre 8 years ago
i will tell you further steps on 22 October 2016 as i am currently traveling.

0antivirus0 8 years ago
Thank you for your help
Bondre 8 years ago
do not give any further dose of remedy to him,


feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=

0antivirus0 8 years ago
feeling calm= he continues to suffer occasional peaks of temper when he lacks control and breaks objects or attacks verbally. Apart from these moments he is calm and pleasant.

good sleep= sleeping has improved and he says he sleeps well

proper energy level= generally very lacking in energy, especially on waking up and after eating. He has most energy in the evenings.

self control= he has made some improvement but still has a way to go. When he is angry he has learnt to isolate himself which is a form of control and damage limitation.

confidence level= he often imagines people are against him and reacts defensively when this is not the case. I think he is generally quite lacking in confidence.

freshness on waking up= he gets up fast and is quite alert when waking up but often complains and would much prefer not to make an effort

love and affection with others= he responds well to kindness and love but is very sensitive to criticism. Not very demonstrative or affectionate in general and he prefers to spend his time alone.

mental freedom or freshness= good. He is inventive and innovative in his thinking.
Bondre 8 years ago
ok then do not repeat the remedy, let it do its work,

do not extra worry about him.

daily give 1 small teaspoon of eatable aloe vera to him, it will make his emotional and physical personality good.

i am closing this case.

0antivirus0 8 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.