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Please help with very painful gum tooth abscess

My gum is very swollen around tooth with extreme pain, probably cause by upper and lower teeth hitting each other because my teeth shifted. Pain is better with warmth. I have tried all sorts of natural remedies and none work. I am desperate. Please Help!
  Zirf on 2016-09-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Merc Sol-200 6 pills twice a day for one week and then give feedback

homeo helper
homeo_helper 8 years ago
Kali mur 6x
4 pills 3 times a day
mnaari 8 years ago
Thank you. I will try these and let you know.
Zirf 8 years ago
I have tried these remedies but the swelling hasn't gone down at all. Maybe I should mention that I have Lupus an autoimmune disease. Also, even though there is a big swelling around the tooth, I cant see pus, only a little red bump on the gum.

Thank you for any other help you can give.
[message edited by Zirf on Sun, 02 Oct 2016 22:30:08 UTC]
Zirf 8 years ago
That bump usually means there is an infection going on. You need to see the dentist asap.
simone717 8 years ago
I know that it is an infection, which is why I am trying to get rid of it. I have already lost three teeth to infection and can't lose another. I can't even afford to go to the dentist now. I need something that will clear up the infection.
Zirf 8 years ago
Cal sulph 6x silica 6x kali phos6x
3tabs of each 4 times a day to see if that helps.
simone717 8 years ago
You can also try Plantago mother tincture, as external application as well as internally...10 drops in a little water.

Continue with cell salts suggested by Simone. This is in addiction.

gavinimurthy 8 years ago
what are your lupus symptoms?
you may take a dose of merc sol CM very effective in toothache.
if redness and swelling still persist then belladona 200 should help.
[message edited by mnaari on Tue, 04 Oct 2016 14:09:49 UTC]
mnaari 8 years ago

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