The ABC Homeopathy Forum
dear sir i am suffering from pcod since 6 yrs i have tried every treatment and currently on alopathy medication.damini1 on 2016-09-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer the following questionnaire. Give detailed answers. Be frank and don't hide anything.
1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Tell as much about it as you can, including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst: the sensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has been affected (for example, has the complaint made you restless, weak, nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst and appetite, your body temperature, and so on).
2. When did this problem begin? What happened in
your life around that time? What do you think
caused it?
3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?(for example, certain types of food or weather, movement, light, noise, company, talking,
heat/cold, or anything else that you can think
of; please be specific) and what makes the CC better (for example hot or cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? What does it make you do to try to feel better?
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the
worst? Specify an hour if you can.
5. What symptoms can you identify that accompany
the CC (whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea; or menstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and anger)?
6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.
7. What position is most uncomfortable for you?
8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer? b) Do you perspire a great deal? If so, when? And where on the body? (feet, head, hair, chest, armpits, etc) Does it leave a stain of a particular color? Is there a particular odor?
9. Describe what your tongue looks like.
10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with
11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom?
12. How easily do you cry? In what situations?
13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better?
14. What makes you angry? What do you do when you're angry?
15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably?
16. What fears do you have?
17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope?
18. What are the greatest joys you have had in
your life?
19. What was your childhood like?
20. What bothers you most in other people? How,
if at all, do you express it?
21. What causes the most problems in your relationships?
22. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they about?
23. What would you need to feel happy?
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would
you like to do?
25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change?
26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for?
27. What would you like to change most about
28. How do you feel before, during and after
meals? How do you feel if you go without a
29. What would you most like to eat (if you did
not have to consider calories, fat, anything
you've read about the right way to eat)?
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?
What foods do you react badly to, and in what
31. How much do you drink in a day? Include
sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and
alcoholic beverages as well as water. How
thirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be?
32. How is your sleep?
33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak,
laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.)
34. Do you have trouble falling asleep? What keeps you awake? Do you wake always at a certain time? What causes you to wake up? What position do you sleep in?
35. Number of pregnancies, number of children,
number of miscarriages, number of abortions
36. At what age did your menses begin? If you
have gone through menopause, at what age?
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour,
time of day when flow is greatest; any odour
or clots?
39. How do you (did you) feel before, during and
after menses?
40. What medications are you taking at present?
41. How frequently do you get colds and flus?
42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice,
or in a very severe form, or after puberty?
43. Have you had any vaccinations since the
standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an
adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination?
44. Have you had any surgery? What and when?
45. Have you had at any time (mention year):
warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated?
46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal,
vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency?
47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of
medications than most other people?
b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others,
or have a hard time coming out of it?
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs
and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins?
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast,
dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.?
48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes
and ages of deaths of father, mother,
sisters, brothers and grandparents on both
49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth
on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas,
heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events,
diseases or traumas your mother had while
being pregnant with you, family stress,
death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms
experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas.
50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel?
51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do?
52. How is your sexual energy?
53. How do you react to consolation
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.
55. What are your hobbies?
1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Tell as much about it as you can, including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst: the sensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has been affected (for example, has the complaint made you restless, weak, nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst and appetite, your body temperature, and so on).
2. When did this problem begin? What happened in
your life around that time? What do you think
caused it?
3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?(for example, certain types of food or weather, movement, light, noise, company, talking,
heat/cold, or anything else that you can think
of; please be specific) and what makes the CC better (for example hot or cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? What does it make you do to try to feel better?
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the
worst? Specify an hour if you can.
5. What symptoms can you identify that accompany
the CC (whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea; or menstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and anger)?
6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.
7. What position is most uncomfortable for you?
8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer? b) Do you perspire a great deal? If so, when? And where on the body? (feet, head, hair, chest, armpits, etc) Does it leave a stain of a particular color? Is there a particular odor?
9. Describe what your tongue looks like.
10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with
11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom?
12. How easily do you cry? In what situations?
13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better?
14. What makes you angry? What do you do when you're angry?
15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably?
16. What fears do you have?
17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope?
18. What are the greatest joys you have had in
your life?
19. What was your childhood like?
20. What bothers you most in other people? How,
if at all, do you express it?
21. What causes the most problems in your relationships?
22. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they about?
23. What would you need to feel happy?
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would
you like to do?
25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change?
26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for?
27. What would you like to change most about
28. How do you feel before, during and after
meals? How do you feel if you go without a
29. What would you most like to eat (if you did
not have to consider calories, fat, anything
you've read about the right way to eat)?
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?
What foods do you react badly to, and in what
31. How much do you drink in a day? Include
sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and
alcoholic beverages as well as water. How
thirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be?
32. How is your sleep?
33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak,
laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.)
34. Do you have trouble falling asleep? What keeps you awake? Do you wake always at a certain time? What causes you to wake up? What position do you sleep in?
35. Number of pregnancies, number of children,
number of miscarriages, number of abortions
36. At what age did your menses begin? If you
have gone through menopause, at what age?
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour,
time of day when flow is greatest; any odour
or clots?
39. How do you (did you) feel before, during and
after menses?
40. What medications are you taking at present?
41. How frequently do you get colds and flus?
42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice,
or in a very severe form, or after puberty?
43. Have you had any vaccinations since the
standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an
adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination?
44. Have you had any surgery? What and when?
45. Have you had at any time (mention year):
warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated?
46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal,
vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency?
47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of
medications than most other people?
b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others,
or have a hard time coming out of it?
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs
and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins?
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast,
dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.?
48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes
and ages of deaths of father, mother,
sisters, brothers and grandparents on both
49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth
on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas,
heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events,
diseases or traumas your mother had while
being pregnant with you, family stress,
death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms
experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas.
50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel?
51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do?
52. How is your sexual energy?
53. How do you react to consolation
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.
55. What are your hobbies?
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Age: 25yrs
Height: 5’6
Weight: 69 kg
1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Tell as much about it as you can, including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst: the sensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has been affected (for example, has the complaint made you restless, weak, nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst and appetite, your body temperature, and so on).
Terrible mood swings, feeling very low and sad, restlessness, weak, nervous, anxious, very irritable, very hypersensitive and very much isolated
2. When did this problem begin? What happened in
your life around that time? What do you think
caused it?
Weight gain
3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?(for example, certain types of food or weather, movement, light, noise, company, talking,
heat/cold, or anything else that you can think
of; please be specific) and what makes the CC better (for example hot or cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? What does it make you do to try to feel better?
There isn’t any specific factor or time mostly when I wake up I feel worst but yes lights and sleep makes me feel better
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the
worst? Specify an hour if you can.
Mostly during the day time from 2 to 8
5. What symptoms can you identify that accompany
the CC (whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea; or menstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and anger)?
Headache, nausea, constipation, cold with irritability and anger
6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.
Sunny day gives me relief and comfort
7. What position is most uncomfortable for you?
Pls elaborate
8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer? b) Do you perspire a great deal? If so, when? And where on the body? (feet, head, hair, chest, armpits, etc) Does it leave a stain of a particular color? Is there a particular odor?
Well its d nose and hands which sometimes feel colder
9. Describe what your tongue looks like.
pls elaborate
10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with
worries? Going out of house or not meeting friends or not loosing weight
11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom? messy
12. How easily do you cry? In what situations? Once a day or more mostly when people don’t listen to me
13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better? sleep
14. What makes you angry? What do you do when you're angry? If people don’t agree with me it make me angry and plan revenge
15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably?
Yes all of them
16. What fears do you have? Fear of not looking beautiful and looking ugly
17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope? weight gain. By disheartened accepting it
18. What are the greatest joys you have had in
your life? Going to PG Collage
19. What was your childhood like? Below average hypersensitive student
20. What bothers you most in other people? How,
if at all, do you express it? They take me for granted. I express through my actions
21. What causes the most problems in your relationships?
I become very rude
22. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they about? My PG college
23. What would you need to feel happy? My college days
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would
you like to do? Just small assignments but I like baking
25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change? Make sure people will laugh their heart out
26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for? They complain about me being very moody and praise for large and light hearted, very helpful and understanding
27. What would you like to change most about
yourself? My weight
28. How do you feel before, during and after
meals? How do you feel if you go without a
meal? I feel irritated and weak if I go without food
29. What would you most like to eat (if you did
not have to consider calories, fat, anything
you've read about the right way to eat)? sweets
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?
What foods do you react badly to, and in what
way? Nuts get me in cough
31. How much do you drink in a day? Include
sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and
alcoholic beverages as well as water. How
thirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be? 1 glass of milk and 10 glasses of water at room temperature
32. How is your sleep? Very sound and peaceful
33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak,
laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.) no
34. Do you have trouble falling asleep? What keeps you awake? Do you wake always at a certain time? What causes you to wake up? What position do you sleep in? very peaceful sleep that’s the only part of my life that I love
35. Number of pregnancies, number of children,
number of miscarriages, number of abortions
36. At what age did your menses begin? If you
have gone through menopause, at what age? They started at 15 yrs
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come? Only after additional hormones
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour,
time of day when flow is greatest; any odour
or clots? There are clots
39. How do you (did you) feel before, during and
after menses? Very much sad and low
40. What medications are you taking at present? Thyroid tablet and hormones
41. How frequently do you get colds and flus? Very often
42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice,
or in a very severe form, or after puberty? I had bedwetting problem which got cured over the time
43. Have you had any vaccinations since the
standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an
adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination? no
44. Have you had any surgery? What and when? no
45. Have you had at any time (mention year):
warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated? Yes cysts over the ovaries
46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal,
vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency? no
47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of
medications than most other people? no
b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others,
or have a hard time coming out of it? No idea
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs
and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins? no
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast,
dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.? well to strong fragrances
48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes
and ages of deaths of father, mother,
sisters, brothers and grandparents on both
sides. No idea
49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth
on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas,
heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events,
diseases or traumas your mother had while
being pregnant with you, family stress,
death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms
experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas. Well emotional trauma that left me in depression
50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel? Very patiently
51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do? NA
52. How is your sexual energy? NA
53. How do you react to consolation it really doesn’t matter
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with. heartbreak
55. What are your hobbies? Spending time with friends, watching movies, reading good management stories
Height: 5’6
Weight: 69 kg
1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? Tell as much about it as you can, including what is the worst part of it and why it's the worst: the sensations, the kind of pain, the location, how your energy has been affected (for example, has the complaint made you restless, weak, nervous, anxious, irritable, hypersensitive, effected your thirst and appetite, your body temperature, and so on).
Terrible mood swings, feeling very low and sad, restlessness, weak, nervous, anxious, very irritable, very hypersensitive and very much isolated
2. When did this problem begin? What happened in
your life around that time? What do you think
caused it?
Weight gain
3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?(for example, certain types of food or weather, movement, light, noise, company, talking,
heat/cold, or anything else that you can think
of; please be specific) and what makes the CC better (for example hot or cold, massage, eating, lying still, music, company...)? What does it make you do to try to feel better?
There isn’t any specific factor or time mostly when I wake up I feel worst but yes lights and sleep makes me feel better
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the
worst? Specify an hour if you can.
Mostly during the day time from 2 to 8
5. What symptoms can you identify that accompany
the CC (whether directly related or not; for example, headache with nausea; or menstrual cramps with diarrhea; a cold with irritability and anger)?
Headache, nausea, constipation, cold with irritability and anger
6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.
Sunny day gives me relief and comfort
7. What position is most uncomfortable for you?
Pls elaborate
8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer? b) Do you perspire a great deal? If so, when? And where on the body? (feet, head, hair, chest, armpits, etc) Does it leave a stain of a particular color? Is there a particular odor?
Well its d nose and hands which sometimes feel colder
9. Describe what your tongue looks like.
pls elaborate
10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with
worries? Going out of house or not meeting friends or not loosing weight
11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom? messy
12. How easily do you cry? In what situations? Once a day or more mostly when people don’t listen to me
13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better? sleep
14. What makes you angry? What do you do when you're angry? If people don’t agree with me it make me angry and plan revenge
15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably?
Yes all of them
16. What fears do you have? Fear of not looking beautiful and looking ugly
17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope? weight gain. By disheartened accepting it
18. What are the greatest joys you have had in
your life? Going to PG Collage
19. What was your childhood like? Below average hypersensitive student
20. What bothers you most in other people? How,
if at all, do you express it? They take me for granted. I express through my actions
21. What causes the most problems in your relationships?
I become very rude
22. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they about? My PG college
23. What would you need to feel happy? My college days
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would
you like to do? Just small assignments but I like baking
25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change? Make sure people will laugh their heart out
26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for? They complain about me being very moody and praise for large and light hearted, very helpful and understanding
27. What would you like to change most about
yourself? My weight
28. How do you feel before, during and after
meals? How do you feel if you go without a
meal? I feel irritated and weak if I go without food
29. What would you most like to eat (if you did
not have to consider calories, fat, anything
you've read about the right way to eat)? sweets
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?
What foods do you react badly to, and in what
way? Nuts get me in cough
31. How much do you drink in a day? Include
sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and
alcoholic beverages as well as water. How
thirsty do you tend to get? What temperature would you like your drinks to be? 1 glass of milk and 10 glasses of water at room temperature
32. How is your sleep? Very sound and peaceful
33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak,
laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.) no
34. Do you have trouble falling asleep? What keeps you awake? Do you wake always at a certain time? What causes you to wake up? What position do you sleep in? very peaceful sleep that’s the only part of my life that I love
35. Number of pregnancies, number of children,
number of miscarriages, number of abortions
36. At what age did your menses begin? If you
have gone through menopause, at what age? They started at 15 yrs
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come? Only after additional hormones
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour,
time of day when flow is greatest; any odour
or clots? There are clots
39. How do you (did you) feel before, during and
after menses? Very much sad and low
40. What medications are you taking at present? Thyroid tablet and hormones
41. How frequently do you get colds and flus? Very often
42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice,
or in a very severe form, or after puberty? I had bedwetting problem which got cured over the time
43. Have you had any vaccinations since the
standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an
adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination? no
44. Have you had any surgery? What and when? no
45. Have you had at any time (mention year):
warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated? Yes cysts over the ovaries
46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal,
vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency? no
47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of
medications than most other people? no
b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others,
or have a hard time coming out of it? No idea
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs
and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins? no
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast,
dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.? well to strong fragrances
48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes
and ages of deaths of father, mother,
sisters, brothers and grandparents on both
sides. No idea
49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth
on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas,
heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events,
diseases or traumas your mother had while
being pregnant with you, family stress,
death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms
experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas. Well emotional trauma that left me in depression
50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel? Very patiently
51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do? NA
52. How is your sexual energy? NA
53. How do you react to consolation it really doesn’t matter
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with. heartbreak
55. What are your hobbies? Spending time with friends, watching movies, reading good management stories
damini1 8 years ago
I appreciate your patient answering. However there is some more information that is needed.
Please reply each point, in detail.
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the worst? Specify an hour if you can.
Mostly during the day time from 2 to 8 .
Please explain. Is it 2p.m to 8 p.m?
6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.
Sunny day gives me relief and comfort .
Please be more elaborate. Answer one by one.
Which season are you most comfortable with?
What type of weather do you like most?
Are you comfortable in windy, open air?
Does pollution bother you?
Do you like air conditioned rooms?
Do you like to be near the ocean? How do you feel when you visit hilly areas?
How do you react to humidity?
Do you like to stay outside, if it is sunny?
Would you like if it rains? Do you face any problem, if you get wet in rain?
What is your reaction to thunderstorms?
How do you feel in cloudy/foggy atmosphere?
Which environmental factors cause you discomfort?
8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer?
Well its d nose and hands which sometimes feel colder
Do you feel chilly? Chilly people always want to keep themselves warm. They wear sweaters even when the weather is moderately chilly. They don't like air conditioning.
Do you feel warm? Warm people like air conditioning. They like cold atmosphere.
What sort of a person are you? People need not be chilly or warm. They may be neutral too.
Please answer.
10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with worries?
Going out of house or not meeting friends or not loosing weight.
Please answer. How do you deal with worries?
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would you like to do?
Just small assignments but I like baking .
Do you mean banking?
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat? What foods do you react badly to, and in what
Nuts get me in cough
What foods do you dislike? List all of them.
The answers regarding menses are very important. Please answer in detail.
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
Only after additional hormones.
Do they come regularly with medicines/ hormones? Before you were diagnosed with PCOD, what used to be the cycle time?
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour, time of day when flow is greatest; any odour
or clots?
There are clots.
Please explain each point. How they used to be before hormone therapy? How are they now.
40. What medications are you taking at present?
Thyroid tablet and hormones
Please give names of the medicines, along with mg, and dosage schedule.
49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas, heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events, diseases or traumas your mother had while being pregnant with you, family stress, death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas.
Well emotional trauma that left me in depression
Did you feel depressed after learning about PCOD?
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.
Please elaborate
Please reply each point, in detail.
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the worst? Specify an hour if you can.
Mostly during the day time from 2 to 8 .
Please explain. Is it 2p.m to 8 p.m?
6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.
Sunny day gives me relief and comfort .
Please be more elaborate. Answer one by one.
Which season are you most comfortable with?
What type of weather do you like most?
Are you comfortable in windy, open air?
Does pollution bother you?
Do you like air conditioned rooms?
Do you like to be near the ocean? How do you feel when you visit hilly areas?
How do you react to humidity?
Do you like to stay outside, if it is sunny?
Would you like if it rains? Do you face any problem, if you get wet in rain?
What is your reaction to thunderstorms?
How do you feel in cloudy/foggy atmosphere?
Which environmental factors cause you discomfort?
8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer?
Well its d nose and hands which sometimes feel colder
Do you feel chilly? Chilly people always want to keep themselves warm. They wear sweaters even when the weather is moderately chilly. They don't like air conditioning.
Do you feel warm? Warm people like air conditioning. They like cold atmosphere.
What sort of a person are you? People need not be chilly or warm. They may be neutral too.
Please answer.
10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with worries?
Going out of house or not meeting friends or not loosing weight.
Please answer. How do you deal with worries?
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would you like to do?
Just small assignments but I like baking .
Do you mean banking?
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat? What foods do you react badly to, and in what
Nuts get me in cough
What foods do you dislike? List all of them.
The answers regarding menses are very important. Please answer in detail.
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
Only after additional hormones.
Do they come regularly with medicines/ hormones? Before you were diagnosed with PCOD, what used to be the cycle time?
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour, time of day when flow is greatest; any odour
or clots?
There are clots.
Please explain each point. How they used to be before hormone therapy? How are they now.
40. What medications are you taking at present?
Thyroid tablet and hormones
Please give names of the medicines, along with mg, and dosage schedule.
49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas, heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events, diseases or traumas your mother had while being pregnant with you, family stress, death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas.
Well emotional trauma that left me in depression
Did you feel depressed after learning about PCOD?
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.
Please elaborate
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the worst? Specify an hour if you can.
Mostly during the day time from 2pm to 8pm .
Please explain. Is it 2p.m to 8 p.m?
6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.
Sunny day gives me relief and comfort .
Please be more elaborate. Answer one by one.
Which season are you most comfortable with? With every season but it should have sunlight
What type of weather do you like most? Cold weather
Are you comfortable in windy, open air? Yes very much
Does pollution bother you? Yes I get cold
Do you like air conditioned rooms? No problem
Do you like to be near the ocean? How do you feel when you visit hilly areas? I am comfortable about ocean and hilly areas
How do you react to humidity? My skin becomes pale and oily
Do you like to stay outside, if it is sunny? Not at all I feel like my skin is burning and I get headache
Would you like if it rains? Do you face any problem, if you get wet in rain? I do like rains only if its very heavy I don’t have any problem getting wet in rains
What is your reaction to thunderstorms? I get excited seeing thunderstorms
How do you feel in cloudy/foggy atmosphere? Not a problem
Which environmental factors cause you discomfort? Too much hot and humid climate makes me irritated
8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer?
Well its d nose and hands which sometimes feel colder
Do you feel chilly? Chilly people always want to keep themselves warm. They wear sweaters even when the weather is moderately chilly. They don't like air conditioning. No that’s not the thing with me
Do you feel warm? Warm people like air conditioning. They like cold atmosphere.
What sort of a person are you? People need not be chilly or warm. They may be neutraltoo. I am neutral
Please answer.
10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with worries?
Going out of house or not meeting friends or not loosing weight.
Please answer. How do you deal with worries?
going to Gym or trying to go on diet
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would you like to do?
Just small assignments but I like baking .
Do you mean banking?
baking cakes
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat? What foods do you react badly to, and in what
Nuts get me in cough
What foods do you dislike? List all of them. Mostly bananas, spinach
The answers regarding menses are very important. Please answer in detail.
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
Only after additional hormones.
Do they come regularly with medicines/ hormones? Before you were diagnosed with PCOD, what used to be the cycle time?
they come regularly with medicines before that it used to be half yearly i.e. after 6 months
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour, time of day when flow is greatest; any odour
or clots?
There are clots. Duration is 5 days, colour very dark red, time is in afternoon of 1st 3 days, yes with bad odour
Please explain each point. How they used to be before hormone therapy? How are they now. Clotting was not there before therapy and duration was 7 days
40. What medications are you taking at present?
Thyroid tablet and hormones
Please give names of the medicines, along with mg, and dosage schedule.
1 thyronorm 50 and 1 glycomet 500 in morning
1 tablet fdsom in afternoon
1 tablet of glycomet 500 and ovral L in evening
49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas, heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events, diseases or traumas your mother had while being pregnant with you, family stress, death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas.
Well emotional trauma that left me in depression
Did you feel depressed after learning about PCOD? No not about pcod its in general don’t know the reason
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.
Please elaborate
Had a painful breakup in last 2 years
Mostly during the day time from 2pm to 8pm .
Please explain. Is it 2p.m to 8 p.m?
6. Environment: With regard to the seasons, weather, outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, drafts, air quality, airconditioning, ocean air, mountain air, humidity, the sun/rain/thunderstorms/clouds/fog, etc.: what environmental factors give you comfort and relief, and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Try to give examples.
Sunny day gives me relief and comfort .
Please be more elaborate. Answer one by one.
Which season are you most comfortable with? With every season but it should have sunlight
What type of weather do you like most? Cold weather
Are you comfortable in windy, open air? Yes very much
Does pollution bother you? Yes I get cold
Do you like air conditioned rooms? No problem
Do you like to be near the ocean? How do you feel when you visit hilly areas? I am comfortable about ocean and hilly areas
How do you react to humidity? My skin becomes pale and oily
Do you like to stay outside, if it is sunny? Not at all I feel like my skin is burning and I get headache
Would you like if it rains? Do you face any problem, if you get wet in rain? I do like rains only if its very heavy I don’t have any problem getting wet in rains
What is your reaction to thunderstorms? I get excited seeing thunderstorms
How do you feel in cloudy/foggy atmosphere? Not a problem
Which environmental factors cause you discomfort? Too much hot and humid climate makes me irritated
8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer?
Well its d nose and hands which sometimes feel colder
Do you feel chilly? Chilly people always want to keep themselves warm. They wear sweaters even when the weather is moderately chilly. They don't like air conditioning. No that’s not the thing with me
Do you feel warm? Warm people like air conditioning. They like cold atmosphere.
What sort of a person are you? People need not be chilly or warm. They may be neutraltoo. I am neutral
Please answer.
10. What do you worry about? How do you deal with worries?
Going out of house or not meeting friends or not loosing weight.
Please answer. How do you deal with worries?
going to Gym or trying to go on diet
24. What do you do for work? Ideally, what would you like to do?
Just small assignments but I like baking .
Do you mean banking?
baking cakes
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat? What foods do you react badly to, and in what
Nuts get me in cough
What foods do you dislike? List all of them. Mostly bananas, spinach
The answers regarding menses are very important. Please answer in detail.
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come?
Only after additional hormones.
Do they come regularly with medicines/ hormones? Before you were diagnosed with PCOD, what used to be the cycle time?
they come regularly with medicines before that it used to be half yearly i.e. after 6 months
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour, time of day when flow is greatest; any odour
or clots?
There are clots. Duration is 5 days, colour very dark red, time is in afternoon of 1st 3 days, yes with bad odour
Please explain each point. How they used to be before hormone therapy? How are they now. Clotting was not there before therapy and duration was 7 days
40. What medications are you taking at present?
Thyroid tablet and hormones
Please give names of the medicines, along with mg, and dosage schedule.
1 thyronorm 50 and 1 glycomet 500 in morning
1 tablet fdsom in afternoon
1 tablet of glycomet 500 and ovral L in evening
49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas, heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events, diseases or traumas your mother had while being pregnant with you, family stress, death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas.
Well emotional trauma that left me in depression
Did you feel depressed after learning about PCOD? No not about pcod its in general don’t know the reason
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.
Please elaborate
Had a painful breakup in last 2 years
damini1 8 years ago
Sorry. I missed your reply.
The way you told your chief complaint is the best I ever heard from a seeker. You never mentioned PCOD/PCOS. Good.
Your allopathic medication is not suppressive. You can continue them along with homeopathic remedies.
Please procure Ignatia 200c...30 ml. sealed bottle from any reputed manufacturer. Mix about 3 to 4 drops in a little water, and take as a dose.
Repeat, once in a week. Total 4 doses in one month.
Report after one month. Don't expect miracles, but your mood will definitely improve to start with.
All the best.
The way you told your chief complaint is the best I ever heard from a seeker. You never mentioned PCOD/PCOS. Good.
Your allopathic medication is not suppressive. You can continue them along with homeopathic remedies.
Please procure Ignatia 200c...30 ml. sealed bottle from any reputed manufacturer. Mix about 3 to 4 drops in a little water, and take as a dose.
Repeat, once in a week. Total 4 doses in one month.
Report after one month. Don't expect miracles, but your mood will definitely improve to start with.
All the best.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.