The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Anal Fissure after Childbirth
Hello, I have seen other posts about this but am having a hard time deciding what is right for me.I had my first child 4 months ago and had a vaginal delivery. I pushed for 1.5 hours and unexpectedly so ended up with hemorrhoids as many many women do.
These went away pretty easily with some OTC medications but somewhere along the line (maybe 1 month after?) I developed an anal fissure.
This healed soon after but came right back. I have now had it everyday for nearly 2 months. I have a small amount of bleeding each morning, accompanied by a bit of burning pain for a bit of time afterwards. I also believe there is a small amount of discharge coming from the fissure.
At one point the pain was existing throughout the day but at this stage is usually gone within an hour but comes back each morning or each bowel movement.
I have seen suggestions for Nitric Acid, Silicia, Arnica, Sulpher, Paeonia and more, but I just dont know what is my best route. Please help me decide which types and dosing is right for me. Having a 4 month old whatever is the quickest and easiest to take is best, mixing a dose with water each morning may not be as easy and taking a pellet would be if possible.
I must also note that i am breastfeeding.
[message edited by LavenderSkye on Sun, 02 Oct 2016 22:05:18 UTC]
LavenderSkye on 2016-10-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi .. are you USA or U.K. Canada?
I would suggest you call lia belle a homeopathic nurse and teacher of USA nurse homeopathy association.
She is a women's health expert. You can call her in New Mexico and work on this via phone consults. Her fees are very reasonable. I have sent people to her in emergency situations, and otherwise. She is kind,easy to talk to and effective.
Am on mobile right now , if u cannot find her number , I can get it later.
I would suggest you call lia belle a homeopathic nurse and teacher of USA nurse homeopathy association.
She is a women's health expert. You can call her in New Mexico and work on this via phone consults. Her fees are very reasonable. I have sent people to her in emergency situations, and otherwise. She is kind,easy to talk to and effective.
Am on mobile right now , if u cannot find her number , I can get it later.
♡ simone717 8 years ago
Yes i am in the US. I will look her up but definitely would like to hear some more replies here before i do that. With a new baby funds are very tight right now.
LavenderSkye 8 years ago
Online prescribing is difficult at best.
On here any person who joins can give you advice. They do not have to be a homeopath, they could be anyone on the planet.
Wise to look thru forum posts pick a user name click and see profile and see their posts.
Having someone who is not only a nurse but also a teacher available by phone is rare, and a good resource for child issues later etc.
I think it is $50 for consult. Good luck.
On here any person who joins can give you advice. They do not have to be a homeopath, they could be anyone on the planet.
Wise to look thru forum posts pick a user name click and see profile and see their posts.
Having someone who is not only a nurse but also a teacher available by phone is rare, and a good resource for child issues later etc.
I think it is $50 for consult. Good luck.
♡ simone717 8 years ago
Thanks Simone, I do understand this but am still hoping someone else may come across this post with a reply. It seems a lot of post partum women are in the same spot as me.
LavenderSkye 8 years ago
Additional Info:
1. Age 27
2. Female
3. Married
4. 155
5. 5' 7"
6. United States
8. Anal fissure post child birth
9. 4 Months
10. Non-Diabetic
11. No food desires
12. Thirst increased but breastfeeding seems to cause
14. Current Blood Pressure is Normal
15. One situation that had a
big effect on you? Childbirth
18. Nature of work, what do you do for living? Stay at home mom of 4 month baby
19. Describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections - I am always a very very sensitive person in all ways.
For Females Only
21. Currently no period while breastfeeeding
1. Age 27
2. Female
3. Married
4. 155
5. 5' 7"
6. United States
8. Anal fissure post child birth
9. 4 Months
10. Non-Diabetic
11. No food desires
12. Thirst increased but breastfeeding seems to cause
14. Current Blood Pressure is Normal
15. One situation that had a
big effect on you? Childbirth
18. Nature of work, what do you do for living? Stay at home mom of 4 month baby
19. Describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections - I am always a very very sensitive person in all ways.
For Females Only
21. Currently no period while breastfeeeding
LavenderSkye 8 years ago
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