The ABC Homeopathy Forum
NHL-Primary Effussion Non Hodgkins Lymphoma
Hello Doctor,My father aged 68 years was diagnosed with Pleural Effussion and on diagnosis it is known to be because of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma CD-20 positive and is undergoing chemotherapy of 6 cycles.
He is a diabetic patient (from 20 years)and hypertensive(10 years) also. Now his serum albumin is low and is 2.3 only.I need your valuable advise on how to improve his Albumin levels as he is losing through urine.Kindly advise homeopathic remedy to improve his albumin as well as for his underlying diseases (for diabetic, BP and Primary NHL). And also kindly let me know if he can take homeo medicine along with his chemotherapy or daily medicines for sugar, BP.
Awaiting for your valuable feedback.
RSVH on 2016-10-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You must have been already told by your doctors about NHL and it's outcome. As far as homeopathy is concerned it is certainly a better option. What do doctors say about chemotherapy outcome?
Albumin depletion is quite natural for your father's condition. It is part of his disease. If the disease improves albumin levels also might improve.
But homeopathy along with chemotherapy doent make much sense. How many chemotherapy sessions are remaining?
If you seriously opt for homeopathy you may give details of your father's helath by answering following questionnaire. Can not promise anything but I will try my level best.
Albumin depletion is quite natural for your father's condition. It is part of his disease. If the disease improves albumin levels also might improve.
But homeopathy along with chemotherapy doent make much sense. How many chemotherapy sessions are remaining?
If you seriously opt for homeopathy you may give details of your father's helath by answering following questionnaire. Can not promise anything but I will try my level best.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Write about following:
Age/Gender/Location/Country/Ethnicity. Height / Weight /Skin color/Eye color.
Weather tolerance preference (Heat /cold). Thirsty / Thirstless.
Please explain everything in detail. Don't try to cut short.
When & how your present trouble started? Mention location / side (right or left) of each complaint. What is the probable cause of each of your health problem according to you?
All your past and present health in sequence oldest to newest. All details of previous treatments (oldest to newest) and their effects. Your tolerance / preference to weather (Heat / cold).
Write in detail about you – emotions, fears, sentiments, etc. your personality, physical parameters, habits, feelings about life, etc.
Write in detail about your life: social, family, occupational, schooling, childhood, etc. You should mention about incidences that might have influenced or impacted your mind / health / life considerably.
Write about what common opinions most people have about you; what most people comment /say about you frequently; how they react / interact with you & why?
Write something unique about you (how you are different from others or what makes you special).
Age/Gender/Location/Country/Ethnicity. Height / Weight /Skin color/Eye color.
Weather tolerance preference (Heat /cold). Thirsty / Thirstless.
Please explain everything in detail. Don't try to cut short.
When & how your present trouble started? Mention location / side (right or left) of each complaint. What is the probable cause of each of your health problem according to you?
All your past and present health in sequence oldest to newest. All details of previous treatments (oldest to newest) and their effects. Your tolerance / preference to weather (Heat / cold).
Write in detail about you – emotions, fears, sentiments, etc. your personality, physical parameters, habits, feelings about life, etc.
Write in detail about your life: social, family, occupational, schooling, childhood, etc. You should mention about incidences that might have influenced or impacted your mind / health / life considerably.
Write about what common opinions most people have about you; what most people comment /say about you frequently; how they react / interact with you & why?
Write something unique about you (how you are different from others or what makes you special).
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
As far as homeopathy is concerned it is certainly a better option.- Does this mean NHL has better options in Homeo rather than opting for Allopathy? Kindly advise.
What do doctors say about chemotherapy outcome?
Doctors are saying it is treatable as it is NHL. but because of of his age and other conditions it may vary.
How many chemotherapy sessions are remaining? 4 cycles of chemotherapy are remaining. 2 completed. 3 weeks apart for each cycle.
Im answering the questions based on my knowledge.
Age/Gender/Location/Country/Ethnicity. Height / Weight /Skin color/Eye color.
Weather tolerance preference (Heat /cold). Thirsty / Thirstless.
68/Male/Tirupati/India/Hindu. 158/58/Fair/brownish Black.HEat Thristy.
When & how your present trouble started? Mention location / side (right or left) of each complaint. What is the probable cause of each of your health problem according to you?
He was a diabetic patient and a hypertensive. It might be hereditary from his father. From around ~20 years he is having Diabetis.and from ~10-15 years he is having BP.
His sugars were around 200 after eating and BP was around 130/80 and max 140/80 during these years.
He goes for walking and physical activities regularly and from April this year he was having little Dry cough and took normal cough remedies but he was feeliong very fatigue and cough so went for check up and Doctor asked to take an xray which showed the complete left side effusion. And then he was admitted and taken around 1.5liters of fluid day by day of around 200 ml for 4-5 days and then on 4th days his BP was low and got fatigue so they shifted him to ICU and fluid was sent for cytology and other tests were carried out. one of the cytology came positive for NHL and then next day he got seizures and then took MRI and CT which was normal and we shifted him to another hospital for treatment.After that they started with the investigations for *** but all came negative at that time like PET scan, VATS biopsy , bronchoscopy. Started with TB medicines as every other report was negative . But he developed fever with TB medicines and then they stopped TB medicine and after few days discharged and there was minimal water retention in the lung(left in pleural).And asked to come back for check up for 15 days and then he was in few antibiotic, lasilactone and sugar and BP medicines during that time) after 15 days there was no water retention in lungs.but after 1.5 months again water retention was there and then they tapped the fluid and sent for investigation and this time it came positive for NHL and IHC report came positive CD-20 cells DLBCL lymphoma(Primary pleural effusion NHL) was the diagnosis. Started with chemotherapy RCHOP. And now he is completed 2 nd cycle chemotherapy. His major complaints now due to disease or chemotherapy side effects are water retention in legs and dr told it is due to low albumin. Sr creatinine is 0.7 and urine protein is more.
He has to complete 4 cycles of chemo.
emotions, fears, sentiments, etc. your personality, physical parameters, habits, feelings about life, etc.
sensitive, physical personality is slim and week.Very systematic about healthy habits.
social, family, occupational, schooling, childhood, etc. You should mention about incidences that might have influenced or impacted your mind / health / life considerably.
Not talkative, talks limited, good humorous, takes life as it is but thinks about others and cann';t tolerate more. Believes in God and traditional way of culture. He does not share any of his stress but thinks lot about the problems inside until he finds a solution. Kind hear ted.
Write about what common opinions most people have about you; what most people comment /say about you frequently; how they react / interact with you & why?
Silent kind hearted with good habits and talented.
Im filling this on my father behalf.
Write something unique about you -- very simple and down to earth.
Kindly let me know if you need any other details specifically.
Thanks doctor.. awaiting for your reply.
What do doctors say about chemotherapy outcome?
Doctors are saying it is treatable as it is NHL. but because of of his age and other conditions it may vary.
How many chemotherapy sessions are remaining? 4 cycles of chemotherapy are remaining. 2 completed. 3 weeks apart for each cycle.
Im answering the questions based on my knowledge.
Age/Gender/Location/Country/Ethnicity. Height / Weight /Skin color/Eye color.
Weather tolerance preference (Heat /cold). Thirsty / Thirstless.
68/Male/Tirupati/India/Hindu. 158/58/Fair/brownish Black.HEat Thristy.
When & how your present trouble started? Mention location / side (right or left) of each complaint. What is the probable cause of each of your health problem according to you?
He was a diabetic patient and a hypertensive. It might be hereditary from his father. From around ~20 years he is having Diabetis.and from ~10-15 years he is having BP.
His sugars were around 200 after eating and BP was around 130/80 and max 140/80 during these years.
He goes for walking and physical activities regularly and from April this year he was having little Dry cough and took normal cough remedies but he was feeliong very fatigue and cough so went for check up and Doctor asked to take an xray which showed the complete left side effusion. And then he was admitted and taken around 1.5liters of fluid day by day of around 200 ml for 4-5 days and then on 4th days his BP was low and got fatigue so they shifted him to ICU and fluid was sent for cytology and other tests were carried out. one of the cytology came positive for NHL and then next day he got seizures and then took MRI and CT which was normal and we shifted him to another hospital for treatment.After that they started with the investigations for *** but all came negative at that time like PET scan, VATS biopsy , bronchoscopy. Started with TB medicines as every other report was negative . But he developed fever with TB medicines and then they stopped TB medicine and after few days discharged and there was minimal water retention in the lung(left in pleural).And asked to come back for check up for 15 days and then he was in few antibiotic, lasilactone and sugar and BP medicines during that time) after 15 days there was no water retention in lungs.but after 1.5 months again water retention was there and then they tapped the fluid and sent for investigation and this time it came positive for NHL and IHC report came positive CD-20 cells DLBCL lymphoma(Primary pleural effusion NHL) was the diagnosis. Started with chemotherapy RCHOP. And now he is completed 2 nd cycle chemotherapy. His major complaints now due to disease or chemotherapy side effects are water retention in legs and dr told it is due to low albumin. Sr creatinine is 0.7 and urine protein is more.
He has to complete 4 cycles of chemo.
emotions, fears, sentiments, etc. your personality, physical parameters, habits, feelings about life, etc.
sensitive, physical personality is slim and week.Very systematic about healthy habits.
social, family, occupational, schooling, childhood, etc. You should mention about incidences that might have influenced or impacted your mind / health / life considerably.
Not talkative, talks limited, good humorous, takes life as it is but thinks about others and cann';t tolerate more. Believes in God and traditional way of culture. He does not share any of his stress but thinks lot about the problems inside until he finds a solution. Kind hear ted.
Write about what common opinions most people have about you; what most people comment /say about you frequently; how they react / interact with you & why?
Silent kind hearted with good habits and talented.
Im filling this on my father behalf.
Write something unique about you -- very simple and down to earth.
Kindly let me know if you need any other details specifically.
Thanks doctor.. awaiting for your reply.
RSVH 8 years ago
“and other tests were carried out. one of the cytology came positive for NHL” Is there a typing error in this? If not, why was he give anti TB treatment when NHL report was positive?
“urine protein is more” how much? Figures?
“sensitive” elaborate on this.
“thinks about others and cann';t tolerate more” what? What does that mean?
“Kind hear ted” How? Elaborate.
Write about his past life, past health, etc. Try to give some unique information about him. You may describe some real past incidences to explain his nature.
When is his next Chemo session due?
“urine protein is more” how much? Figures?
“sensitive” elaborate on this.
“thinks about others and cann';t tolerate more” what? What does that mean?
“Kind hear ted” How? Elaborate.
Write about his past life, past health, etc. Try to give some unique information about him. You may describe some real past incidences to explain his nature.
When is his next Chemo session due?
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
"from ~10-15 years he is having BP".
"... BP was around 130/80 and max 140/80 during these years".
This is not hypertension (High BP). It is perfectly normal. Or is it after taking BP medicines?
"... BP was around 130/80 and max 140/80 during these years".
This is not hypertension (High BP). It is perfectly normal. Or is it after taking BP medicines?
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
and other tests were carried out. one of the cytology came positive for NHL” Is there a typing error in this? If not, why was he give anti TB treatment when NHL report was positive? Yes.. its type sorry. first it was not diagnosed as NHL. it was un diagnosed so they started giving him Anti TB. But after that he developed fever because of that medicines so they stopped giving it.
urine protein is more” how much? Figures?
Creatinine is 0.7 in serum.. but during this investigation period the urine protein-- 662mg/24hrs
“sensitive” elaborate on this. Personality wise he is week and so he is sensitive and so he can only tolerate it for certain limit. Some people can tolerate more but as per my knowledge he can not as he is sensitive that is wat i feel.
thinks about others and cann';t tolerate more” what? What does that mean?
“Kind hear ted” How? Elaborate. i mean he thinks more about the problems and for others like for his family.. he thinks a lot about the all those and may be stressful inside but outside he will not show or discuss about his worries.
but i feel inside he thinks a lot.
He is kind hearted and i mean he is kind with every one does nt want to hurt any one. He does feel bad for his condition not becuase he is suffereing but every one were worried because of him.
Forgot to tell he likes put the things in perfect with perfect planning. and also expects the same from family as well and gets irritated some time if it not get done as he expects from others.
When is his next Chemo session due?
Due on 17th.
My concern now is he is having BP around 160-180/80 now a days even with trying to find some homeo for Bp.
And while on chemotherpy can he take homeo for other things like for chemo side effects(sometimes constipation, not ablet o eat, stomach bloating, ody pains), to improve blood counts(HB 9.2, WBC(neutrophils 80, lecocytes 2) 12200, Platelet 4.2, to improve albumin, and Blood pressure?
Just to confirm again, "Does he tolerate heat better than cold?" i think he ca tolerate cold only because when he eats any food items which causes body heat he usually avoids taking that. so i think he can tolerate cold.
urine protein is more” how much? Figures?
Creatinine is 0.7 in serum.. but during this investigation period the urine protein-- 662mg/24hrs
“sensitive” elaborate on this. Personality wise he is week and so he is sensitive and so he can only tolerate it for certain limit. Some people can tolerate more but as per my knowledge he can not as he is sensitive that is wat i feel.
thinks about others and cann';t tolerate more” what? What does that mean?
“Kind hear ted” How? Elaborate. i mean he thinks more about the problems and for others like for his family.. he thinks a lot about the all those and may be stressful inside but outside he will not show or discuss about his worries.
but i feel inside he thinks a lot.
He is kind hearted and i mean he is kind with every one does nt want to hurt any one. He does feel bad for his condition not becuase he is suffereing but every one were worried because of him.
Forgot to tell he likes put the things in perfect with perfect planning. and also expects the same from family as well and gets irritated some time if it not get done as he expects from others.
When is his next Chemo session due?
Due on 17th.
My concern now is he is having BP around 160-180/80 now a days even with trying to find some homeo for Bp.
And while on chemotherpy can he take homeo for other things like for chemo side effects(sometimes constipation, not ablet o eat, stomach bloating, ody pains), to improve blood counts(HB 9.2, WBC(neutrophils 80, lecocytes 2) 12200, Platelet 4.2, to improve albumin, and Blood pressure?
Just to confirm again, "Does he tolerate heat better than cold?" i think he ca tolerate cold only because when he eats any food items which causes body heat he usually avoids taking that. so i think he can tolerate cold.
RSVH 8 years ago
Well, there is no point in giving chemo & homeopathy together. I had made this clear earlier. Actually you should choose one of them. If he recovers by chemo he will still have lot of health problems in future due to side effects; while if he recovers from hoemopathy he will have a resonably good health in future.
At this stage I cannot gaurantee you anything. But there is an option. I wish you start on my prescription immediately (there are 10 days for next chemo) and report me his condition a day prior to his chemo session depending on which we can take a call.
At this stage I cannot gaurantee you anything. But there is an option. I wish you start on my prescription immediately (there are 10 days for next chemo) and report me his condition a day prior to his chemo session depending on which we can take a call.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Please start with following prescription:
1. ARSENICUM ALBUM 200C , pills (buy minimum qty dispensable at the shop), take 5 pills (for one dose) ONLY 2 DOSES 3 HOURS APART EARLY MORNING FOR ONLY ONE DAY, (NO EXCESS DOSES PLEASE).
Nothing else to eat or drink 1 hour before and 1 hour after the doses.
(This dose works for several days. So, keep patience).
Do’s & don’ts:
1. Stay away from Strong odors.
2. Do not touch medicines or spill them. Use the cap of container (of same medicine) to transfer the medicines.
3. Place the prescribed dose under the tongue and let it dissolve. Keep the dose for at least 2 minutes in mouth.
4. Keep medicine containers airtight, away from direct sunlight, heat, any smell and children.
5. Avoid strong smells and odors AFAP.
6. Do not take any other medicines for any health problems. Most symptoms go as they come within 24-72 hours.
7. Report any problems & seek appropriate advice.
8. Otherwise report progress after 1week.
1. ARSENICUM ALBUM 200C , pills (buy minimum qty dispensable at the shop), take 5 pills (for one dose) ONLY 2 DOSES 3 HOURS APART EARLY MORNING FOR ONLY ONE DAY, (NO EXCESS DOSES PLEASE).
Nothing else to eat or drink 1 hour before and 1 hour after the doses.
(This dose works for several days. So, keep patience).
Do’s & don’ts:
1. Stay away from Strong odors.
2. Do not touch medicines or spill them. Use the cap of container (of same medicine) to transfer the medicines.
3. Place the prescribed dose under the tongue and let it dissolve. Keep the dose for at least 2 minutes in mouth.
4. Keep medicine containers airtight, away from direct sunlight, heat, any smell and children.
5. Avoid strong smells and odors AFAP.
6. Do not take any other medicines for any health problems. Most symptoms go as they come within 24-72 hours.
7. Report any problems & seek appropriate advice.
8. Otherwise report progress after 1week.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Hello Doctor,
He is taking lot of allopathy medicines right now and i cannot take a call to stop all those all of a sudden as he and his body is used to those medicines and if we stop all at once then it may effect adversely. And also i dont have a choice/cont think about alternate treatment for chemo right now because of seriousness of the disease he is having. So if the prescribed medicine is for his disease NHL im not sure whether to start or not because already we were worrying and has been hospitalized for so many days due to his condition and moreover if any complication comes i dnt have any other i cont come for your consultation and no one is there for proper guidance or treatment in homeo right now at my place. Hope you understand my point.
I cann't take a call to completely withdraw all other medicines. But i read a lot and researched about the Homeo and it can be used to reduce the side effects caused by chemo and not as a direct treatment. so have come through this.
I thought we can give homeo to reduce the side effects caused by chemo.. was my main intention and also for other health issues which are like diabetis, Hypertension and medicines for kidney functioning and other stuff.
Kindly let me know if i can go for homeo in this regard and kindly provide your valuable views on the same.
He is taking lot of allopathy medicines right now and i cannot take a call to stop all those all of a sudden as he and his body is used to those medicines and if we stop all at once then it may effect adversely. And also i dont have a choice/cont think about alternate treatment for chemo right now because of seriousness of the disease he is having. So if the prescribed medicine is for his disease NHL im not sure whether to start or not because already we were worrying and has been hospitalized for so many days due to his condition and moreover if any complication comes i dnt have any other i cont come for your consultation and no one is there for proper guidance or treatment in homeo right now at my place. Hope you understand my point.
I cann't take a call to completely withdraw all other medicines. But i read a lot and researched about the Homeo and it can be used to reduce the side effects caused by chemo and not as a direct treatment. so have come through this.
I thought we can give homeo to reduce the side effects caused by chemo.. was my main intention and also for other health issues which are like diabetis, Hypertension and medicines for kidney functioning and other stuff.
Kindly let me know if i can go for homeo in this regard and kindly provide your valuable views on the same.
RSVH 8 years ago
Well, I was expecting exactly such response from you. At you position you are not wrong. I can understand that. This is what most people in similar circumstances do.
ANTIDOTING SIDE EFFECTS OF CHEMO: Actually, it is not recomended at this stage as it won't work well when chemo is still going on.
TREATING OTHER HEALTH ISSUES: Unfortunately, we can't tell homeo medicines to work on so & so disease and not on other. The basic principle of homeopathy is to treat entire health problems together. It is not difficult to find homeopaths who would oblige to treat the way you want. The end result of such partial therapy would be either no result or or worse result.
YOUR RESEARCH: after 6 years of professional training most homeopaths fail to understand what is homeopathy. So, you can guess how genuine information you might get through internet data.
Considering all these limitations and and anticipating your response I had designed the most suitable prescription that I have already advised.
If you opt not to stop any of the current medications it's fine. Only change you can make in the prescrption is, in stead of only 2 doses for single day you may give him ARSENICUM ALBUM 200C once daily early morning. This medicine would address his all health problems as well as chemo side effects.
You can do this for 8-10 days and report all changes a day prior to his chemo session. So, let me know your decision.
ANTIDOTING SIDE EFFECTS OF CHEMO: Actually, it is not recomended at this stage as it won't work well when chemo is still going on.
TREATING OTHER HEALTH ISSUES: Unfortunately, we can't tell homeo medicines to work on so & so disease and not on other. The basic principle of homeopathy is to treat entire health problems together. It is not difficult to find homeopaths who would oblige to treat the way you want. The end result of such partial therapy would be either no result or or worse result.
YOUR RESEARCH: after 6 years of professional training most homeopaths fail to understand what is homeopathy. So, you can guess how genuine information you might get through internet data.
Considering all these limitations and and anticipating your response I had designed the most suitable prescription that I have already advised.
If you opt not to stop any of the current medications it's fine. Only change you can make in the prescrption is, in stead of only 2 doses for single day you may give him ARSENICUM ALBUM 200C once daily early morning. This medicine would address his all health problems as well as chemo side effects.
You can do this for 8-10 days and report all changes a day prior to his chemo session. So, let me know your decision.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Many educated people know that chemotherapy won't help at all, but will try , with a hope of, just in case.
The peer pressure is another reason. What do others think about me, if I don't try till last minute?
Doctors themselves agree that prognosis is very poor in 95% of the cases that reach chemotherapy stage.
I dealt with a throat can-cer patient. Explained the children the futility of chemotherapy. The patient died with lesser pain, after a few weeks, at home.
Any way, palliation is possible with homeopathy, even along with chemotherapy.
I am sure Dr.K. can help the patient, in palliating the pain.
The peer pressure is another reason. What do others think about me, if I don't try till last minute?
Doctors themselves agree that prognosis is very poor in 95% of the cases that reach chemotherapy stage.
I dealt with a throat can-cer patient. Explained the children the futility of chemotherapy. The patient died with lesser pain, after a few weeks, at home.
Any way, palliation is possible with homeopathy, even along with chemotherapy.
I am sure Dr.K. can help the patient, in palliating the pain.
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.