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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sleep disorder pls help Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sometimes remedies work faster than expected. So, I just cautioned you so that you stay alert.
But now your statements are confusing me. I had advised just 2 doses for one single day. I hope you are not taking doses daily.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
sorry sir for disturb u again and again.
With ur advice I am too carefull about my sugar lebel. For adjustment of insulin number today I Visit my doctor. He said all is well and with blood sugar level he is happy also said I am in good Blood sugar level within few days.
Thank U sir about think for me.

In 24th October you advice me to take TARENTULA HISPANICA. You said to take one doses daily.
your post sir....
(buy minimum qty dispensable at the shop), take 5 pills (for one dose) A SINGLE DOSE ONE DAY ONLY, (NO EXCESS DOSES PLEASE).

I got liquid form so you told me to take two drops in water, mix and take at morning. I am doing that sir. one doses daily I am taking at morning.
pls sir Re-advice me and a Good shape of doses advice also--waiting
[message edited by pkone on Mon, 31 Oct 2016 16:45:17 UTC]
pkone 8 years ago
(On 27th Oct) Quote: "Add 2 drops of medicine in 1/2 cup of drinking water. Sip it slowly for about 1 minute and finish.
No more doses. Just wait patiently and update changes." Unquote.

How does that sound daily doses? You shouldn't have repeated the doses. Well, however, stop the doses immediately.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
OK sir stopped.
pkone 8 years ago

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