The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Kadwa - Please help 4yr old snoring adenoids asthma
I hope you can help my daughter.I posted and received advice from someone but i dont think i can obtain remedy they suggested in usa. I saw you have experience with adenoid and respiratory matters so i was hoping you could look into my daughters case.
About a week ago she had sneezing, which the next day became a phlegmy cough. She had a small rash appear overnight on day 4 under her armpits and near her collarbone, heat rash? She is snoring and has moments of apnea. Yesterday she tossed and turned from snoring and apnea then woke herself up coughing up phlegm with some yellow mucus. I had to give her albuterol becuase of fear infection could trigger an asthma attack.
New to homeopathy approach. Trying to avoid surgical removal of adenoids which is recommended for the sleep disturbances. Historically nasal congestion was issue before her asthma labeling.
Ive answered questions below that seem to be the norm here.
1. Age, weight, heightÂ
4 years old, 37 pounds 9 ounces(17.038 kilograms) , 3 feet 4 inches(101.59cm)
2. Physical appearance of the child e.g. thin, chubby, tall, shortÂ
Chubbier face but not body overall, skinny legs and arms, potbelly, shorter than average by a little bit. Â
3. Describe the nature of the child (shy, headstrong etc. give details) Likea to get into teacher mode. Prefers to play with boys vs girls because she says they are more active.
Playful, inquisitive,
Shares opinion easily, restates facts and logic of situations, recalls information easily via memory, talks as if she is thinking outloud. Asks many questions about everything.
Shy when not comfortable, however could just as likely say hi to strangers and talk their ears off.
Warm, affectionate.
Can be whiny and complain in attempt to get her way but usually reasoning and providing choice allow her to control emotions.Â
4. Have the growth milestones (e.g. teething, standing, walking, talking etc. )achieved early, on time or lateÂ
On time.
5. What are the symptoms of the health problemÂ
Snoring, colds that seem to go right to chest and are productive, allergies that lead to congestion. confirmed allergies are peanuts, mold dust pet dander pollen weeds
Mom carried her to term, mom felt what she considered contractions but hospital did not agree based on machine readings. Mom persisted in next days and further investigation showed she had been leaking amniotic fluid to point where there was practically none left, doctor was able to see top of baby's head, they sent mom to labor and delivery, tried pitocin but no success, eventual csection. Baby was born without complications but very small. Daughter did not need to stay, all were discharged after normal recovery time for mom's csection.
She has always been a "stuffy/congested" child since she was born. It was difficult for daughter to breastfeed, she would cry when attempting to suckle and could/would not latch on, also issue of nipple not protruding enough. Lactation nurse could not help. Bottle use with breastmilk or formula use. Noisy breathing from daughter at times during bottle drinking. ENT did check her via scope through her nose. At time DR said she is simply small and passageways just need to grow.
Allergic to peanuts discovered at about 1.5 years old consumption led to rash, inflamed eyes, sneezing.
Nursemaid's elbow when she was about 1.8 years old.
Sometime after she started sleeping in her own bed not the crib, around 2 years old we began to notice the snoring being more prominent, she had already shown some but not loud snoring prior to that in the crib.
She snores and has momentary pauses/cessation of breathing while sleeping. She will readjust herself often.
She has sweat in the past during some sleep episodes but not lately. Sweat from head, neck and eventually all body.
During the day she mouth breathes.Â
During the day she seems to be congested, but does not always have a runny nose.
This year 2016
May - Cough that is produtive and phlegmy led us to doctor office, nurse heard wheezing using stethescope, gave nebulizer treatment. Released home with albuterol in case of emergency. Nothing else occured.
July - Trip to texas, cough again reappeared, phlegmy no distressed breathing. She struggled to sleep well because she would wake from coughing, snore. No albuterol or doctor, self resolved.
August - Cold with productive cough again, fever for 4 days last day peaked at 104, no lethargy,next day at immediate care center no fever, doctor was concerned it could be pneumonia, prescribe azithromiocin. Next day followup showed improvement no more suspicion of pneumonia.Â
Late Sept-October - another cold that seems to go right to chest.
October 02- Â trip to ER because of labored belly breathing observed. Both had made use of Albuterol at home, which a few minutes after administration led her to vomit and seems to cause more labored breathing(something drs said happens with albuterol especially during initial use) at the ER more nebulizer treatment led to desaturation, prednisone adminstered, o2 provided, iv given, left overnight for observation, continued albuterol treatments, released the next day. Diagnosis of reactive airway disease(ashtma) given qvar(daily corticosteroid ) for daily use.
October 11- second visit to ER because labored breathing, albuterol(with) not helping at home, belly brwathing. REleased home after 2 nebulizer treatment of albuterol.
Has been diagnosed with reactive airway disease(asthma) just recently after two trips to ER mentioned above because of labored breathing. boyh events sermed triggerd by virus or we suspect indoor pool because bith occured abour 1.5 days after pool activity.
6. What makes the problem better without using medicines
Snoring-perhaps laying on side but even that can still be filled with snoring sounds.Â
Asthma attacks- Not sure never attempted to resolve without albuterol as this has only happened twice.
7. What makes the problem worse without using medicinesÂ
Soring- laying her flat on her back. Asthma attacks - Not sure.
8. How is the child behaving emotionally during this problemÂ
Snoring she tosses and turns at times to reposition when congested, perhaps frustrated a bit during tossing around. During both asthma attacks she has been calm, almost unaware if any thing going wrong. Doctors even surprised about her positive spirit and lack of distress.
9. How long the problem has been thereÂ
Ashtma attacks recent, snoring since about 2, but she always sounded nasally
10. What is the reason of the problem in mother’s viewÂ
Convinced it is adenoids and allergy aggravated
11. How is the child’s thirst & appetiteÂ
Appetite/thirst is normal. Eats healthy but currently trying to avoid dairy to see if more to her milk intolerance.
12. What does the child like to eatÂ
If it were her choice breaded chicken nuggets or pasta, sometimes asks for fish.
13. What does the child dislike in foodÂ
Spicy food or sour food.
14. Is there any strong preference of taste e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitterÂ
Perhaps sweet over other foods.
15. How is the stool & urine
Clear urine, stool could sometimes be slighty fluffy to medium soft depending on vegetables and or if meat was consumed.
16. How is the child’s sleep
This is issue described above.
17. What is the child afraid of (animals, insects, darkness, alone etc.)Â
Not being correct, being alone, some bugs or things that can jump at her suddenly.
18. Where does the child sweat normallyÂ
Her head, chest neck back.
19. How much does the child sweat (little, moderate, a lot)
Typicla normal day with no exertion is little. When active she sweats moderately.
20. Any problems with nose, throat, ears, chestÂ
ENT said adenoids looked to be 80% enlarged but pulmonolohist who ordered xrays didnt get back results indicating that same size, perhaps because daughter was a bit sick when ent saw her. Asthma is current suspicion by doctors.
21. Is the child normally cold or hotÂ
22. Was it a planned pregnancy, if not, how did you feel on finding about itÂ
Yes, planned.
23. How was the pregnancy of the mother (morning sickness, bleeding, happy, sad, tense etc)Â
Morning sickness - acid reflux
Bleeding -No
Mood - tense
24. How is the relationship of mother & fatherÂ
25. What diseases run in your family (mother & father)
Mom has allergies, is lactose intolerant, has some type of autoimmune disorder but doctors cannot identify, rheumatoid arthritis is what is being treated as with humira which mom abstained from for pregnancy but could have had some traces of in system? MOm also has skin issues on face that are like rosacea or could just be result of picking from anxiety. GRandfather had melanoma.
Father has no diseases yet. Mom also has some tyoe of autoimmune disorder unidentified perhaps fibromyalgia/lupus/rheumatoid arthritis/scleroderma. GRandma had diabetes grandfather had colon tumor?
No one in either immediate family past or direct descendants has had asthma or peanut allergy to date, as far as any family members can recall. s of apnea. Yesterday she woke up coughing phlegm, she spit up some yellow mucus. I gave her albuterol out of fear infection could comprise lungs.
We do know adenoids are large so that could be aggravating matter.
New to homeopathy approach. Trying to avoid surgical removal of adenoids and hoping someone here can help guide my daughters body to achieve homeostasis.
Snoring/mild apnea/asthma/allergies/allergic shiners around eyes/recurrent chest colds the most common symptom would be the allergic shiners around eyes in conjuction with nasal congestion. Congestion means snoring and moments of sleep apnea. Often these congested moments lead to chest colds that are phlegmy. Lately these have led to 2 first time vists to ER because of some slight labored breathing. Any help is appreciated.
1. Age, weight, heightÂ
4Â years old, 37 pounds 9 ounces(17.038 kilograms) , 3 feet 4 inches(101.59cm)
2. Physical appearance of the child e.g. thin, chubby, tall, shortÂ
Chubbier face but not body overall, skinny legs and arms, potbelly, shorter than average by a little bit. Â
3. Describe the nature of the child (shy, headstrong etc. give details)Â
Playful, inquisitive,Â
Shares opinion easily, restates facts and logic of situations, recalls information easily via memory, talks as if she is thinking outloud.
Shy when not comfortable, however could just as likely say hi to strangers.Â
Warm, affectionate.
Can be whiny and complain in attempt to get her way but usually reasoning and providing choice allow her to control emotions.Â
4. Have the growth milestones (e.g. teething, standing, walking, talking etc. )achieved early, on time or lateÂ
On time.
5. What are the symptoms of the health problemÂ
Snoring, colds that seem to go right to chest and are productive, allergies that lead to congestion. confirmed allegies are peanuts, mold dust pet dander pollen weeds
Mom carried her to term, mom felt what she considered contractions but hospital did not agree based on machine readings. Mom persisted in next days and further investigation showed she had been leaking amniotic fluid to point where there was practically none left, doctor was able to see top of baby's head, they sent mom to labor and delivery, tried pitocin but no success, eventual csection. Baby was born without complications but very small. Daughter did not need to stay, all were discharged after normal recovery time for mom's csection.
She has always been a "stuffy/congested" child since she was born. It was difficult for daughter to breastfeed, she would cry when attempting to suckle and could/would not latch on, also issue of nipple not protruding enough. Lactation nurse could not help. Bottle use with breastmilk or formula use. Noisy breathing from daughter at times during bottle drinking. ENT did check her via scope through her nose. At time DR said she is simply small and passageways just need to grow.
Allergic to peanuts discovered at about 1.5 years old consumption led to rash, inflamed eyes, sneezing.
Nursemaid's elbow when she was about 1.8 years old.
Sometime after she started sleeping in her own bed not the crib, around 2 years old we began to notice the snoring being more prominent, she had already shown some but not loud snoring prior to that in the crib.
She snores and has momentary pauses/cessation of breathing while sleeping. She will readjust herself often.
She has sweat in the past during some sleep episodes but not lately. Sweat from head, neck and eventually all body.
During the day she mouth breathes.Â
During the day she seems to be congested, but does not always have a runny nose.
This year 2016
May - Cough that is produtive and phlegmy led us to doctor office, nurse heard wheezing using stethescope, gave nebulizer treatment. Released home with albuterol in case of emergency. Nothing else occured.
July - Trip to texas, cough again reappeared, phlegmy no distressed breathing. She struggled to sleep well because she would wake from coughing, snore. No albuterol or doctor, self resolved.
August - Cold with productive cough again, fever for 4 days last day peaked at 104, no lethargy,next day at immediate care center no fever, doctor was concerned it could be pneumonia, prescribe azithromiocin. Next day followup showed improvement no more suspicion of pneumonia.Â
Late Sept-October - another cold that seems to go right to chest.
October 02- Â trip to ER because of labored belly breathing observed. Both had made use of Albuterol at home, which a few minutes after administration led her to vomit and seems to cause more labored breathing(something drs said happens with albuterol especially during initial use) at the ER more nebulizer treatment led to desaturation, prednisone adminstered, o2 provided, iv given, left overnight for observation, continued albuterol treatments, released the next day. Diagnosis of reactive airway disease(ashtma) given qvar(daily corticosteroid ) for daily use.
October 11- second visit to ER because labored breathing, albuterol(with) not helping at home, belly brwathing. REleased home after 2 nebulizer treatment of albuterol.
Has been diagnosed with reactive airway disease(asthma) just recently after two trips to ER mentioned above because of labored breathing. boyh events sermed triggerd by virus or we suspect indoor pool because bith occured abour 1.5 days after pool activity.
6. What makes the problem better without using medicines
Snoring-perhaps laying on side but even that can still be filled with snoring sounds.Â
Asthma attacks- Not sure never attempted to resolve without albuterol as this has only happened twice.
7. What makes the problem worse without using medicinesÂ
Soring- laying her flat on her back. Asthma attacks - Not sure.
8. How is the child behaving emotionally during this problemÂ
Snoring she tosses and turns at times to reposition when congested, perhaps frustrated a bit during tossing around. During both asthma attacks she has been calm, almost unaware if any thing going wrong. Doctors even surprised about her positive spirit and lack of distress.
9. How long the problem has been thereÂ
Ashtma attacks recent, snoring since about 2, but she always sounded nasally
10. What is the reason of the problem in mother’s viewÂ
Convinced it is adenoids and allergy aggravated
11. How is the child’s thirst & appetiteÂ
Appetite/thirst is normal. Eats healthy but currently trying to avoid dairy to see if more to her milk intolerance.
12. What does the child like to eatÂ
If it were her choice breaded chicken nuggets or pasta, sometimes asks for fish.
13. What does the child dislike in foodÂ
Spicy food or sour food.
14. Is there any strong preference of taste e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitterÂ
Perhaps sweet over other foods.
15. How is the stool & urine
Clear urine, stool could sometimes be slighty fluffy to medium soft depending on vegetables and or if meat was consumed.
16. How is the child’s sleep
This is issue described above.
17. What is the child afraid of (animals, insects, darkness, alone etc.)Â
Not being correct, being alone, some bugs or things that can jump at her suddenly.
18. Where does the child sweat normallyÂ
Her head, chest neck back.
19. How much does the child sweat (little, moderate, a lot)
Typicla normal day with no exertion is little. When active she sweats moderately.
20. Any problems with nose, throat, ears, chestÂ
ENT said adenoids looked to be 80% enlarged but pulmonolohist who ordered xrays didnt get back results indicating that same size, perhaps because daughter was a bit sick when ent saw her. Asthma is current suspicion by doctors.
21. Is the child normally cold or hotÂ
22. Was it a planned pregnancy, if not, how did you feel on finding about itÂ
Yes, planned.
23. How was the pregnancy of the mother (morning sickness, bleeding, happy, sad, tense etc)Â
Morning sickness - acid reflux
Bleeding -No
Mood - tense
24. How is the relationship of mother & fatherÂ
25. What diseases run in your family (mother & father)
Mom has allergies, is lactose intolerant, has some type of autoimmune disorder but doctors cannot identify, rheumatoid arthritis is what is being treated as with humira which mom abstained from for pregnancy but could have had some traces of in system? MOm also has skin issues on face that are like rosacea or could just be result of picking from anxiety. GRandfather had melanoma.
Father has no diseases yet. Mom also has some tyoe of autoimmune disorder unidentified perhaps fibromyalgia/lupus/rheumatoid arthritis/scleroderma. GRandma had diabetes grandfather had colon tumor?
No one in either immediate family past or direct descendants has had asthma or peanut allergy to date, as far as any family members can recall.
advocate1 on 2016-11-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please procure...
sulphur 30
lachesis 30
antimonium tart 30
ammonium carb 30
Please start with sulphur 30. Give it twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over a week. If it doesn't help move to next remedy and do the same. One dose means 2 pills or drops.
sulphur 30
lachesis 30
antimonium tart 30
ammonium carb 30
Please start with sulphur 30. Give it twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over a week. If it doesn't help move to next remedy and do the same. One dose means 2 pills or drops.
♡ kadwa 8 years ago
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