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Lac maternum in India?


where can I find Lac maternum 1M in India?

Its not there here in Bangalore.

Thanks in advance.

  ramheight6 on 2016-11-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Are you doing a Tinus smits protocol?

You probably have to order from Helios
In U.K. Or R e m e d I a. Pharmacy in
simone717 8 years ago
Dear Simone,

Thanks for the question.

I know I was damaged by vaccination but don't know which vaccine. My doc recommended it. what does it do?

ramheight6 8 years ago
Lac maternum was developed by tinus smits(now passed) it is the breast milk of 10 women as he thought having 10 people would be better than one person. Before this remedy they used lac humanum,
Still do but is from one person.

Irritability, poor memory and concentration, vertigo are in the provings.

Tinus Smits is famous for cease therapy protocol for autism. But he also went way off course in turning
Homeopathy into trying to physically turn humans into a new species.

He advocated people take certain remedies like lac maternum, carcinosin,hydrogen in stages of
Higher potencies, thinking the body could then be evolved into your higher self.

He died from doing this-bc he kept taking carcinosin until he proved it.

1.why is your homeopath telling you to take this and they do not have the remedy and do not know where to get it???
2.Am guessing they are trying to do
Some version of cease therapy on you and thinking lac maternum is
Going to restore original stability.
simone717 8 years ago
Thanks for the knowledge shared Simone.

I was destroyed completely by Baryta carb. I used it in heavy doses when someone convinced me it does not cause any side effects. Its totally wrong that homeopathy does not have side effects.

Baryta carb symptoms were grafted on my constitution.

I felt my self disappeared. Then doc recommended it. As I stay in India and Doc in Canada, he said he will send if its not available in India.

Luckily its available in India at shubham homeopathy.

Thanks for putting confidence in me.

ramheight6 8 years ago
Dear Ram,

I looked at your other posts. Is this Canada homeopath the one who was suggesting lanthanides?

Am asking bc these type prescriptions are very theoretical. Most of the lanthanides have never had a proving.

I would suggest that if you can find a person well trained, and experienced in acupressure massage or shiatsu(similar) that you try that. As these systems ( you wear your clothes, they work your spine and
Organ routes) will increase your energy flow thru the body and they
Will move out what is wrong.

You will feel tired after, but next day you will feel grounded and very present .


simone717 8 years ago
Yes Simone. He is the same homeopath.

I had excellent response with dysprosium phos for my electromagnetic hyper sensitivity.

I have vibrations left in the back of head, center of spine and base of spine.

The chief complaint is frustration, anger which I cannot control. Its been 7 years like this.

I did try accupuncture but no use. I dont think i will find one great accupressurist in Bangalore.

Nothing can beat homeopathy.
ramheight6 8 years ago
Dear Simone,

Can you tell me where are such remedies made?


2.Magnesium muriaticum oxydatum

My remedy turned out to be : magnesium_carbonicum_oxydatum

ramheight6 8 years ago
Hi Ram,

Great you got results.

This system of periodic table remedies /lanthanides originated from Jan Scholten. You can see scope of his interests on www.janscholten.com.

I am fairly certain that Remedia pharm. and Helios Pharm have their own process of making these at their location. You can google them and
Get info off their site. You can also google how was x y z remedy made.
You will find interesting stories .
simone717 8 years ago
Remedia said no to such making while Helios said ok.

Thanks for the pointer Simone.

I am deciding to combine both Mag carb and Mag Mur into magnesium_carbonicum_muriaticum as it turned out to be my constitutional remedy.

ramheight6 8 years ago
Good luck Ram.


simone717 8 years ago
Dear Simone,

I need your advice.

I love mag carb. It just allows me talk to my soul so easily. I even remembered my childhood cycle driving without hands.
It however puts me on low physical energy.I cannot even lift medium weighed bag and my chronic constipation symptom remains.

Those above problems were removed by 1 30c pill of Mag mur for 2 days so easily. I had a dream in which my anger was expressed so clearly I felt my anger disappeared forever after that dream. But I drank milk next night and I could not tolerate it all. full headaches.

Then I read about mag mur and found those people will be intolerant to milk.

I was scared if I was I proving mag mur than healing.

mag carb keeps above solar plexus calm and stable while mab mur keeps lower part fully calm and stable.
What should I do?

till the time my combined remedy gets ready, can I take mag carb and mag mur 1 pill each with 30 mins gap?

Eagerly awaiting your reply.

[message edited by ramheight6 on Tue, 29 Nov 2016 05:49:31 UTC]
[message edited by ramheight6 on Tue, 29 Nov 2016 05:50:36 UTC]
ramheight6 8 years ago
Dear ram,

1. When you combine mag carb and mag mur you are creating a third remedy. Do not have expectations that it will be some dual experience of having two reactions that you get now.

People have tried combining for instance rhus tox and bryonia, did a proving with a group and new symptoms showed up that were never in rhus tox or bryonia.

You will be exploring new land here,
With no road map of previous proving.
simone717 8 years ago
On mag carb-
You take 30c once?
Feel mental relief..then weak.

So.. were you ever weak in the past?

Is the remedy aggravating a past state?

If so then you have to let that happen.

You cannot take mag mur to stop that.

It sounds like you are taking things to stop aggravation.
simone717 8 years ago
I took 3 doses of mag carb 30c.

I always feel mental relief.

I felt physically weak especially nervous system. Yaa I had this symptom earlier.

It could be aggravating previous symptom.

I just slipped!!!.

Let me take 30c for 14 days consecutively and report.

Thanks simone for changing the track.
ramheight6 8 years ago
when you have a reaction you stop.

Take one dose of mag carb and wait.

When you have a reaction in your case it brought up past weakness.

That means the remedy is working on you and you see how it unfolds.
Keep track of what comes up for a week.things will show up and then leave.

If you keep taking it you are overdosing,making reactions too strong and then probably start proving the remedy.
simone717 8 years ago

You enlightened me between proving and healing.

I overdosed baryta carb 200c 3 pills/3times/day for 21 days and since then I have been proving it. Its been 7 years long I talked to my soul.

Thanks simone ...you have always been with me since long long time.

My salute to you.

I will update you as things happen.

ramheight6 8 years ago
Dear Simone,

Given my electromagnetic hyper sensitive syndrome,should I go to LM potencies because of my sensitive nature?

[message edited by ramheight6 on Tue, 29 Nov 2016 10:38:28 UTC]
ramheight6 8 years ago

Try the one dose and then observe
For one week. Depending what goes on then more doses, potencies can be evaluated.
simone717 8 years ago
Dear Simone,

I have taken mag mur yesterday and will wait one week and let you know.

My current symptom set:

1.Physical: I feel a strong throbbing pulse in exactly 3 places. Base of spine ,solar plexus mostly backward and back of head. I dont know how the energy travels through these places. Most throbbing is in the solar plexus region.

2. Emotion: Its always anger.anger anger.why because I am not assertive. I just cannot stand authority. someone looks me down and I get angry. someone manipulated me i get angry. At the same time I am very confident person in doing any things except those interactions which look me down so easily.

symptoms 1 and 2 keep happening in my subconscious all the time. These are central and hallmark symptoms.

3. I cannot do penetrative sex as I feel lot of pain in the head of peanus.
4. I am electromagnetic hypersensitive.

In my teenage I suppressed sex desire and developed terrible anger inside which I never expressed.I sometimes feel they are the root of the all evil.

Magnesium muriaticum oxydatum(MMO) addresses that symptom no 2 in me very well.I was told I am magnesium personality. Mag mur makes me assertive very much.

Do you see any patterns here?

kindly check if I am doing good here.

ramheight6 8 years ago
Dear Ram,

You are very aware of the micro rather than the macro-not a bad thing
But in your overall case it can be a cannot see the forest for the trees type perspective.

Just keep diary of what happens,
And then go on with your day. We can get an overview of all after a week.
simone717 8 years ago
Dear Simone,

Updating after One week.

My symptoms 2 is almost gone. symptom 1 has come down very significantly.symptom 3 improved very slightly. Not sure of electromagnetic hypersensitive becoming less.

A month ago when I took 30c for 3 consecutive days, I started proving it. then I learned from you the difference between healing and proving.

1. what is the guarantee that higher doses of 200c will not result in proving.
2. I want to take both mag carb and mag mur 30c only one pill to see the benefits of both. How do I take the remedy? will the effects be different from combined form like Magnesium carbonium mauraiticum(MCM).

Thanks in advance.
ramheight6 8 years ago
Hi Ram,

To clarify : was it mag mur or mag mur oxy that you took?

1. Wait another week and keep track of progress.
2. The remedy is working and one has to let it work.Very nice how you are tracking your symptoms.Sensitivity is a double edge sword,in that you can experience and notice many things,
Good and bad, that others have no awareness of.
3.You want to exhaust the capability of each remedy until it no longer is doing anything.you would not want to combine 2 remedies as that is an experiment where there is no proving on combination? There is no way to know what are the symptoms of that combination due to no proving done.
4.you would not want to take 2 remedies with gaps as you will
Not know what is doing what.

You are on a good track- patience is required to keep it there.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 07 Dec 2016 15:12:36 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Dear Simone,

It was Mag Mur Oxy(MMO).

Ok I will wait one more week.

I did write to Remedia and Helios about 3 combi remedy:Magnesium carbonium mauraiticum(MCM).

Remedia said No but Helios London said we can make it for you. But once I told them they have to ship it to India they backed off. Dont know what to do now.any help will be unforgettable.

From 2010 I am fighting this overdose of baryta carb 200c. Homeopathy destroyed my life for now.Hope it has some good plans for me and my future generations.

For theoretical purpose, is taking one pill of MCM equal to taking one pill of Mag-c plus one pill of mag-m under tongue at same time?
ramheight6 8 years ago
Dear Simone,

I came across this sentence which says so much about my mind

"The purpose of this stage is to come to a manifest interaction, but before that can be accomplished there has to be dealth with manipulation and abuse. The polarity between stubborn and fear belongs to taurus and the polarity between manipulation and abuse to the complementary sign scorpio."


I want to understand this book on homeopathy. what is its title? how is your experience regarding this?

ramheight6 8 years ago
This is Jan schoellten's book and theory "homeopathy and the elements"

He goes thru the periodic table and then also another book on the lanthanides. He is explaining the remedies(most of which have no Provings done) in terms of the life cycle and stages of development of
A child.

That sentence you mentioned is really about dichotomy. On this plane,
We have you know goodvsbad, love vs hate etc. Where one has true power in any dichotomy - is to be able to traverse to either end of a dichotomy. For example take rich vs poor. Some are terrified of being poor
And some who are poor think being rich is bad. So you would say these people are stuck. i

put the dichotomy on a line with poor at one end and rich on the other.
See if you can be neutral at all points.
If you can you have mastered that area , risen above it. It is about being able to be flexible .

So the author here is kind of making up some dichotomies?? Manipulation
Vs abuse etc.

Here Is what I think. This is not hahnemann homeopathy. In homeopathy you find the match. If you find a good match or series of matches, your body is going to kick the imbalance out. You will be in a new state. You will not even CARE about the old things that were a problem. I have experienced this and seen many others experience this.

You have a new attitude, you can move up and down the dichotomy,
You are flexible where you were static or stuck.

So this element theory is a theory.
What you want is the right match-
This method is unproven.
simone717 8 years ago

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