The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Paranoid Fears / Any doctor experienced in mental health?
Dear All,I seek help online because up to day the consultations and treatments indicated in person didnt work.
Thank a lot for any help given.
seroquel on 2016-11-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I will take up your case if you are interested in ayurveda.
Explain in details all of your issues.Their duration and how they started .your age/sex/location/height/weight.
Usually paranoia is a high vat a disorder.
Explain in details all of your issues.Their duration and how they started .your age/sex/location/height/weight.
Usually paranoia is a high vat a disorder.
♡ Teupne 8 years ago
seroquel 8 years ago
♡ Teupne 8 years ago
Thank you for your offer Teupne, but i dont think that in my country i will be able to find ayurvedic medicines, so I rather prefer to follow homeopathy instead.
seroquel 8 years ago
Ok good luck to you.
My sincere prayers.
However remember ayurveda is not limited to some herbal medicines.
Diet/food is the most important aspect.Ayurveda can possibly help with root cause diagnosis.Taking correct diet could alleviates mental sufferings.
If your paranoid thoughts were really you you would be enjoying them and not seeking help.So I think of you as a normal person struggling with abnormal thoughts.
I hope you succeed.
I believe your tongue has deep teeth marks.
My sincere prayers.
However remember ayurveda is not limited to some herbal medicines.
Diet/food is the most important aspect.Ayurveda can possibly help with root cause diagnosis.Taking correct diet could alleviates mental sufferings.
If your paranoid thoughts were really you you would be enjoying them and not seeking help.So I think of you as a normal person struggling with abnormal thoughts.
I hope you succeed.
I believe your tongue has deep teeth marks.
♡ Teupne 8 years ago
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