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Yeast overgrowth on my dog's skin due to which there is itching all over his body,licking and biting,pawing at face and shaking his head,recurrent ear problems

tell a remedy please to help my dog
  sourabh16031998 on 2016-12-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi, my Rot/Shepherd mix also has these problems due to over-vaccinations (vaccinosis). We are trying Graphites 30C right now and it seems to work fairly well. However, I read on Dr.Falconer's website that higher dosage may be needed...Graphites 200C for instance. My Rot responded immediately from 1 pellet of Graphites 30C, however, the next day she was back to itching again. Would not hurt to try Graphites 200C. Can buy that online. Try Boiron products or others that you may know of. Good luck and let us know how that worked.
NoHarm 8 years ago
Did you have success with graphites? I have same problems and have tried numerous remedies. The yeast is still winning.
SevenFeathers 7 years ago

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