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My baby 13 months doesnt sleep through the night

I would like your advice.my baby boy 13 months breastfeeding.
Was born with emergency c-section
Had torticollis now he is good after osteopath treatment.
He is waking up every three hours two and 1.5 hours.during the night.
He asks for breastfeeding.
He is sleeping on his back and he changes on the sides sometimes and on his tummy.when he is sleeping on his tummy he changes his head from right to left and after that he gets up on his bottom and he wakes up.
He likes cucumber,puff pastry,fish,tomato,olives,rice,sultanasdry fruits,yogurt,tost with vegemite(salty),lentiles,beans,raw carrot,lamp,all the nuts.
He doesnt like veg and fresh fruits
He wants to eat by himself
He took lycopodium because he was constipated when he was 7 months
He took phosphorus one month ago after a trip.
He sweats after breastfeeding
Vaccines up to six months.(with homeopathy,vitamin c and probiotics)
He always was waking up every two three or four hours.once or twice had 5 hours sleep.
During the day he has 2 naps 1.15-2 hours. Today he had one.
When he wakes up he usually is grumpy and cries.
He is scared of men with beard and dark hair he cries when he sees them.
He likes baths, no water on his head.
He likes music and tv
He doesnt point yet and he is talking his own language
He never stops he wants to discover everything.I cant even change his nappy
When he is teething his sleep become worse.
He is sleeping in his cot but eventully he is coming in our bed.I rock him to fall asleep
I drink a coffee,have chocolate every day
What remedy do you think is the best for him?
Thank you in advance
[message edited by Argie1 on Sat, 24 Dec 2016 01:09:16 UTC]
  Argie1 on 2016-12-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

What is his exact date of birth?

What do you mean by "I cant even change his nappy" ?

I think sometimes this waking up every 2-3 hours during the night is a habit you need to break by being firm. Have you tried putting him back to sleep without feeding him at night?

sameervermani 8 years ago
His birth 8/11/2015
Thank you for your answer.
He is very active and when I try to change his nappy he want to go away so I bought the pant nappies.
I ll try not to giving milk tonight
Do you think any homeopathic remedy will help?
Argie1 8 years ago
If he is happy and healthy, I would not advise a remedy just because he wakes up for feeding every 2 hrs.

If there are other issues with his happiness or health, a remedy might be needed.
sameervermani 8 years ago
Please google sleepsense.net
And baby sleep training. You may find some good answers on this.
simone717 8 years ago
Ok I understand.Thank you for your help.I will search for that
[message edited by Argie1 on Sat, 24 Dec 2016 19:59:58 UTC]
Argie1 8 years ago
Thank you so much for your help I stop breastfeeding the night and my baby sleeps much better.
I would like to ask you something more.my baby 14 months now he says three words mum dad grandpa(in other language) but he doesnt call us.he just says these words generally(he doesnt repeat when we say these words to him)He used to repeat the word (two) when we said it to him but now he stops.he babbles a lot but he doesnt say words with meaning.
He waves and claps.he dances with music.he plays with us peekaboo.he is a very active boy.he moves his head when we say (no no).but he cant repeat words.
Is there any remedy that could help him?
Thank you
Argie1 8 years ago
Every child has his own pace of reaching developmental milestones. Kids can also go go back and forth with their speech development and can at times show what may appear as regression. It is common and I am not sure if you have any reason to worry about him right now.
sameervermani 8 years ago
Thank you so much for your response. :)
Argie1 8 years ago
Speech delay
Hey my toddler is 23 months and he doesnt talk he bubbles he says hello mum dad thank you grandpa grandma.but nothing else.
He has speech delay and solve problem delay.
He likes cucumber fish, chicken soup, milk a lot, yogurt sweet things , orange juice, blueberries.
He doesnt have preference in sleeping . When he is sleeping on his tummy he put his bottom up.
He is a very happy kid.when he see someone first time he put his head down like he is shy.
He loves dogs and animals.
He loves hugs.and playing outside in the park
When he wants attention or he is upset he knocks his head on the floor.
He is 11 kilos. I think in25% in the weight chart
He has curly light brown hair

When I ask him something he doesnt answer but he can follow easy directions ( go to daddy, where is your milk)
Can you help me please?
Thank you
[Edited by Argie1 on 2017-10-25 02:18:49]
Argie1 7 years ago
Any perspiration on his head during sleep?

Does he prefer cold milk or warm/hot milk?

Please also confirm if he has long eyelashes?
sameervermani 7 years ago

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