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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pain in left back side of eye

I have migraine. Half head pain sometimes right and sometimes left. I also have back pain of left eye and back side of head.
[message edited by kashifkbr on Sat, 07 Jan 2017 21:39:22 UTC]
  kashifkbr on 2017-01-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl get your bp examined and report may be low to advise the meds.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
In future, list all problems and when they began.

And list all meds, including homeopathic that you are taking,
Doses and potency.

One person needs to know the totality of everything to prescribe correctly and monitor results.

Click user name to see other thread.
simone717 8 years ago
Currently blood pressure is 130/100 but mostly pain even blood pressure normal
kashifkbr 8 years ago
pl give detail of pain ,all the time .start with day and stop in the evening ,how and when relief, any vomiting aversion from noise,light ,company,food habits etc.
akshaymohl 8 years ago
Sometimes left side and sometimes right, mostly left side pain.
There is no fixed time for pain, when puch eye, head and neck It reliefs sometimes. ( some doctors said that i have migrane)
Don't like noise and light when pain.
Eat Normal home desi food but have stomach digesting and gas problem as well. (Taking nux v 30. Sulphur 30)
Do computer work online 8-10 hours daily but less physical activity.
Less sleepy (disturbances)
Have Anxiety (GAD) as well taking arsencum album 30 and getting batter.
[message edited by kashifkbr on Fri, 24 Feb 2017 22:22:09 UTC]
[message edited by kashifkbr on Fri, 24 Feb 2017 22:23:25 UTC]
kashifkbr 8 years ago
carbo veg 30 three times for three days and come back after 7 days.pl stop sulphur and nux vom now and after three days pl have one dose of carbo veg for 7 days .
akshaymohl 8 years ago

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