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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Constipation in child

A child aged 5 years has chronic constipation since last three years. Does not feel urge. Passes gas, but not stool. some time he does not pass stool for two to three days. slow in learning. writes with left hand. His father died two years ago. Have given three doses of Alumina 200, but no benefit in constipation. Pl advise homeopathic medicine for constipation
  Satish Pasrija on 2017-01-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Satish

A few questions for you:

Was the child fed on breast milk or bottled food?

'Slow in learning' can you explain more?

Any peculiar or odd general things in child's temperament, personality, likes/dislikes?

Any other miscellaneous things about the child?
maheeru 8 years ago
Hellow Maheeru.

Thanks for your interest and help.

The child was breastfed for one year, after that he has been on bottled milk.Started taking other food only two years ago. His father died in a road accident two years ago. This constipation has statred after this unfortunate accident as the child and his mother were also travelling by the same car. Child was awake and unhurt but crying during accident. He is scared of lound sound and loud music. Scared of animals.

Do not mix with stranger easily. He is careless in learning. Unable to concentrate properly. He does not understand importance of examination. During exams, keeps on lokking here and there. Obestinate. Visual memory is excellent. Wants to go out in park etc. Likes nature. Wants freedom. Agreeable in front of non family members. Sometimes wakes up at night and looks for mother, sleeps again after getting reply. Selective in eating. Does not eat his own. Wants mother should feed him. Possesive about mother. If any person shouts at his mother, he shouts at him.
Satish Pasrija 8 years ago
sorry i posted by mistake
[message edited by 0antivirus0 on Thu, 12 Jan 2017 07:15:25 UTC]
0antivirus0 8 years ago
Hi Satish

Give the child a medicine called Causticum 30c one pill or drop as a dose thrice daily for three days only.

Please report changes after a week.
maheeru 8 years ago
Thanks, I will inform you after a week.

Satish Pasrija 8 years ago

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