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Professional Constitutional Kit #1:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Please help with Silicea 30c - Kadwa? Brisbane?

I have been under the care of four different homeopaths over the last year. Each one says they are "classical", but they all prescribe remedies too frequently for me and I have terrible aggravations. Or, they are just not the right remedy.

This last one prescribed Silicea 30c. My sense of well being skyrocketed (from a 35% to a 100%) and for the first time my symptoms cleared up (acne on back, vaginal discharge, apathy, withdrawn from people and society, low energy). I felt vibrant, and I got at least 20 compliments on my increased vitality and my looks that month. Not only was my wellbeing increased, and my physical symptoms finally started clearing up, but things I hadn't noticed were symptoms cleared up. I didn't like anything tight on my body, so I had stopped wearing jewelry and was wearing baggy clothing. In the last month, I am wearing clothing that actually fits (not baggy) and I am wearing jewelry again. I have been engaging with people and I just feel like I belong in the world again. It truly is a miracle.

The only side effect, is a terrible cervical/scapulae pain in the right neck/shoulder area. On a scale of 1-10 it was about a 9. It really, really hurt.

My doctor had prescribed 30c weekly for three weeks, and each time I took a dose, the pain was excruciating. I was seeing chiropractors and acupuncturists for it and using an Arnica cream daily.

All of the sudden the remedy just seemed to "stop." I woke up and could feel myself sliding back into lethargy and apathy again.

The homeopath wants to change remedies, but after a year of having homeopathic doctors experimenting on me and taking many remedies, I don't want to let this remedy go. It is the first remedy that has helped me feel like I can handle life again.

I am asking for a qualified homeopath to help me determine if this remedy is good for me?? Perhaps there is another way to dose, so the neck/shoulder pain isn't so bad? I do have a low-grade issue in that area and typically go to a chiropractor every other month or so to get an adjustment to that area...

Any suggestions...? Try a 30x? or a 200c? or another dose of 30c? Would a new remedy truly be the best course of action?

It has been a few weeks since I took my last dose.

I really feel hopeless that I am sliding back into my old place again - I really felt vibrant and hopeful for the first time in years.

Thank you kindly.
  emeraldbridges on 2017-01-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Constitutional remedy doesn't mean that one takes the remedy during life time. One should take the indicated remedy on the basis of prevailing symptoms.
There is no end point in life so also there is no freezing of symptoms in homeopathic treatment.
Silicea has 19000 symptoms as per Complete Repertory. If someone asks as to whether she is silicea, the answer is not that easy.
[message edited by kadwa on Thu, 12 Jan 2017 09:52:54 UTC]
kadwa 8 years ago
Have you had an MRI of your neck?

You might want that done to see facts and based on that have another remedy for your neck.
simone717 8 years ago
Thank you both Kadwa and Simone-

I did have an xray of my neck. One of my cervical vertebrae has a slight sublexation to the right. Can someone help me to find a remedy for that? I didn't realize homeopathy could help with that...thank you.

With regard to Silicea - I don't know if I am "a Silicea" - I only know that I felt like myself again (vibrant and resilient and energetic) for the first time in 12 years, and now that feeling is going away. I thought that meant to take the same remedy in the next higher dose, but I am a novice. I guess I am "attached" to the Silicea because it had such a profound, positive effect on me. I am hesitant to take some other remedy.

Do you have recommendations for a remedy for cervical issues, right side - best guess is that it is from an old whiplash injury...?

Thank you.
emeraldbridges 8 years ago
You should tell kadwa the history of your neck, when it began, what the symptoms were and are now. What makes it better and worse.
simone717 8 years ago
Thank you, Simone, for your helpful response.

I honestly don't really know when it began. I was in a car accident about 10 years ago and got lots of PT for my lumbar area that was damaged.

Over time, the cervical area has become a "chronic" thing. It is mildly stiff and every other month or so it "goes out" and I go to the chiropractor to get it put back in. The levator scapulae muscle gets very tight, and I feel the pain down my neck and into my upper shoulder on the right side. It is pretty localized to this spot (meaning, I don't feel anything down my arm or anything).

I got xrays recently, and there is a chronic "misalignment and some degeneration" at the cervical area, right side. The chiropractic adjustment makes it better. Heat or cold don't seem to help much. Rubbing Arnica cream all over it helps temporarily.

It has been one of those things I just sort of "live with" and it mostly bothers me when I try to sleep and I am putting pressure on my neck. It is just that it flared so bad on the Silicea that it seems my body is really talking to me about what I need to address.

Thank you kindly.
emeraldbridges 8 years ago
Please take Rhus Tox 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over a week.
kadwa 8 years ago

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