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Itching all over body...... for dr akshymohl

My son is 6 year old. He had chicken pox exposure about 1.5 months back. Scabs were removed aftrr 3 weeks. But he still itch a lot(on whole body). Itching is more intense at night. He wakes up every night 2-3 times due to itch. His skin is always towards a dry side since he has born. He does not take long bath. Always apply moistureizing lotions and creams after shower. No redness of skin. No scabies.

He is extreamly skiny and underweight as well. His weight is 23kg that is very much appropriate with his age but not with his height. As he is much much taller than his age.active otherwise.
  navedsha on 2017-01-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Rhus Tox-30 6 pills twice a day for one week and then come back
homeo hlper
homeo_helper 8 years ago

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