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ABC Homeopathy Forum




Lycopodium Clavatum: $4.19Professional Constitutional Kit #1: $180.00


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

medorrhinum and lycopodium

Somebody knows where can I buy without prescription , in US, Medorrhinum 30LM and Lycopodium XM?

I would appreciate any advice.

Thank you
  gabituca on 2004-07-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
probably here


or here

second is a canadian and i like the service better. in both cases you will have to ask them - means send an email or call - hoopers health has a 1800 toll free number 1.800.201.2813 . one of them can probably get you, what you want.

owever: i would not go and get such a high potency to treat myself. the action of these can be very longlasting and some hom. think, the higher the potency the higher they act mentally, which makes it very difficult to judge the effect and resukts for a layman. I assume you are a layman as otherwise you would know, where to get your remedies from.
So please rethink first and then order.
itsme 2 decades ago
Thank you very much for the advice. I checked the site and they don't have this potencies. I will try to call and see if they can help me.

Thank you again.
gabituca 2 decades ago

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