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10 week old refuses to sleep

Hey experts,

My son, who is 10 weeks old, absolutely refuses to sleep. We are exhausted and looking for help.

He refuses to nap all day no matter how tired. If I try to rock or hold him facing towards me and he gets very worked up. He will get to the point where his eyes red and swollen but still refuses to sleep. He also acts this way when you try to put him to bed at night.

How he acts. He kicks and flails his legs and arms. We swaddle him and he screams even more. He can't sleep unswaddled because his arms flail and he won't stay asleep. He screams out in what I can only describe as a temper tantrum. This can go onfor hours. Finally he'll fall asleep then wake up 20 minutes later to start all over again.

His is very alert and is only happy when watching things happen.

He gets frustrated and upset very easily and seems to make a big deal out of very minor things (such as passing gas). When he gets like this there's no pleasing him

When we finally get him to sleep he wakes up every 2-3 hours at most.

I have been giving him chamomila 6c during these times, and it may help. These tantrums are happening daily now so I didn't just want to give him it everyday without consulting someone
[message edited by Tgaruccio321 on Sat, 28 Jan 2017 01:49:03 UTC]
  Tgaruccio321 on 2017-01-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi exhausted mommy,
Did cham work for you?
Or else give arsenic 200 three doses
Heal 8 years ago
Hi, thank you for the response!

Cham seems like it helps some. I was initially planning on moving to 30c and giving it 30 mins before bedtime but I wanted to weigh in here first.

What is he proper way to give the arsenicum and is it 3 doses over the period of 1 day?
Tgaruccio321 8 years ago
Is he sleeping after cham? Then wait for a while to let medicine work on him.
Heal 8 years ago

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